458th Bombardment Group (H)

Personnel List – Q

Alphabetical Listing of 458th Bomb Group Personnel

-A-   -B-   -C-   -D-   -E-   -F-   -G-   -H-   -I-   -J-   -K-   -L-   -M-   -N-   -O-   -P-   -Q-   -R-   -S-   -T-   -U-   -V-   -W-  -X-  -Y-   -Z-

(Scroll Table Horizontally to View the Complete Table)

Quakenbush, Jr, Earl SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Dye
Qualls, Charles HT/SgtRadio Operator754Rhoades
Quarford, Edward LSgtFlight Engineer752Hicks
Quillen, James CS/SgtFlight Engineer755Prevost
Quinzani, Augustine A1LtBombardier755Wagner
Quirk, Charles W1LtPilot755Quirk
Quirk, Don PS/SgtTail Turret Gunner753Dooley
Ground Men:
NameRankMOSJobUnitInfo SourceComments
Quaid, Joseph JCpl755SO82: 03-Apr-45Attached to 469SD
Quimby, William DPfc861EASO130: 23-May-45Attached to 814 Air Eng Sqdn
Quinlivan, Robert A1Lt60SCSO161: 19-Jun-44Assigned - Apdt Asst Flying Ctrl O
Quinn, David SCaptSqdn Operations Officer - Cmd Pilot753FR1087: 19-Apr-45Awards - Distinguished Flying Cross - APRIL
Quinn, Frank JPfc409Medical Technician753SO90: 11-Apr-45Trsfr to 258 Med Dsip