458th Bombardment Group (H)
Honoring those who served with the 458th BG during World War II

The Mission Archives
Dive into the extensive mission archives of the 458th Bombardment Group. Explore firsthand accounts, photographs, and mission reports, shedding light on the group’s strategic contributions and the challenges they faced during World War II.

Honoring those who served

Educational Resources
This site contains years of intensive research and archival. Here you gain access to premium educational resources about the 458th Bombardment Group, perfect for students, researchers, and history enthusiasts. Discover materials that provide in-depth knowledge about World War II.
This site is a tribute to those who served with the 458th Bomb Group during World War II. It is also a tribute to Crew 74, of which my father, Samuel D. Scorza, was the navigator. My father was assigned to the 458th Bombardment Group (H) in October 1943. He had just completed navigation training at San Marcos, Texas, and the group was nearing its final stages in assigning crews to the newly formed squadrons in Tonopah, Nevada. After training, the crews flew the ‘Southern Route’ to England in January 1944, arriving at Horsham St. Faith near Norwich in February. The group flew its first combat mission on March 2, 1944. Crew 74 completed their tour of 30 missions in June 1944…

Liberators Over Norwich

A captivating Account of the 458th Bomb Group. Experience the riveting narrative of “Liberators Over Norwich: The 458th Bomb Group (H), 8th USAAF at Horsham St. Faith – 1944-1945” by Ron Mackay, Mike Bailey and Darin E Scorza. This meticulously researched and highly acclaimed book provides a captivating insight into the heroic missions and untold stories of the 458th Bombardment Group during their crucial role in World War II.