458th Bombardment Group (H)

Personnel List – M

Alphabetical Listing of 458th Bomb Group Personnel

-A-   -B-   -C-   -D-   -E-   -F-   -G-   -H-   -I-   -J-   -K-   -L-   -M-   -N-   -O-   -P-   -Q-   -R-   -S-   -T-   -U-   -V-   -W-  -X-  -Y-   -Z-

(Scroll Table Horizontally to View the Complete Table)

MacDougall, Robert JS/SgtFlight Engineer752Loy
Macewan, Malcom B2Lt753McDonnell
MacGeorge, Robert D1LtNavigator755Hannaman
Maciasr, Francisco MCplAerial Gunner, 2/E753Eidelsberg
Mack, George S/SgtFlight Engineer752Claggett
MacQuarrie, John RS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Besten
Macy, Paul LSgtWaist Gunner752Szarko
Madden, William CT/SgtAdministrative NCO/Aerial Gunner755Glass
Mahaffy, Carroll CS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Doyle
Mahan, James AS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753DeCow
Maher, Robert FS/SgtFlight Engineer755Melton
Makar, Jr, George S/SgtFlight Engineer753Larned
Maki, Toivo J2LtNavigator755Lobo
Maleski, Bernard S/SgtAerial Gunner753Speer
Mallon, Donald F1LtCo-pilot753Lamb
Malmstrom, Alfred HS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Weber
Maloberti, Rudy T/SgtFlight Engineer755Walker, P
Maloney, Robert T1LtBombardier753Kovich
Maloney, Timothy FS/SgtFlight Engineer754Snyder, E
Maltby, Roy AS/SgtFlight Engineer754Sherwood
Mangerich, Walter E1LtPilot752Mangerich
Manker, David S1LtPilot753Manker
Manning, Clifford HPvtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752
Mansueto, Mike T/SgtFlight Engineer754Rupley
Manthey, Robert CS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Brevakis
Manuguerra, Charles JSgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Sherwood
Marburger, James O2LtNavigator755Hancock
Marchand, Acy A1LtNavigator754Watson
Marcos, John TT/SgtRadio Operator752Hiner
Marcussen, Carl FCaptBombardier, Asst Sta & Grp Bombardier753
Marino, Michael FSgtWaist Gunner755Peters
Markle, Harold WS/SgtAerial Gunner753Williams, DG
Marr, William ES/SgtWaist Gunner752Morris
Marr, Westford ESgtAerial Gunner752Gibson, R.
Marr, Jr, Glenn W2LtCo-pilot755Humke
Marsh, Henry JS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Warrell
Marshall, Benjamin D1LtCo-pilot753Dyer
Marshall, Melvin C2LtBombardier754Stilson
Marshall, Richard K2Lt752Powell
Marshall, James ST/SgtRadio Operator752Tebbs
Martin, Lester C1LtPilot755Martin, L
Martin, John S1LtPilot752Martin, JS
Martin, William R2LtPilot752Martin, W
Martin, Robert BS/SgtFlight Engineer752Martin, JS
Martin, Richard JS/SgtCryptographic Technician/Radar Observer, Sea Search752
Martin, Quentin ET/SgtRadio Operator753Eidelsberg
Martin, Bennett T/SgtFlight Engineer754Hodges
Martin, Jr, John B1LtCo-pilot754Minor
Martincic, Jr, Justin S/SgtAerial Gunner754Holtz
Martinkus, Peter JS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Kovich
Martino, Dominick AS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Thomas, C
Marty, George BT/SgtFlight Engineer755Gibson
Mascaro, Paul VF/O754Welch
Mason, Emmitt D1LtBombardier752Vermieren?
Mason, John BS/SgtAerial Gunner752Warner
Mason, Randel T/SgtAerial Gunner/Radio Operator755Hadden
Massaro, Felix 1LtCo-pilot / Pilot754Nelson
Massaro, Fred AF/OBombardier753Hartswick
Mateer, Charles Q1LtPilot753Mateer
Matson, Glenn RS/SgtFlight Engineer755Melton
Matson, Lawrence RS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Evans, C
Matteo, Raphael L2Lt754Rupley
Matthews, William AS/SgtAerial Gunner755Mitchell
Matthews, Harold LS/SgtAerial Gunner753Lansing
Mattson, Robert RS/SgtRadio Operator754Mundowski
Matz, Doyle MT/SgtFlight Engineer755Brumby
Matze, Gerald WCaptPilot753Matze
Maudlin, Lloyd ZS/SgtRadio Operator752Smith, WB
Maultsby, William ASgtFlight Engineer754Holtz
Maurer, Paul JT/SgtRadio Operator753Bowers
Maxon, Hugh R2LtNavigator753Carter, J
May III, Charles ESgtRadio Operator754Totten
Mayer, Billy F2LtNavigator752Martin, W
Mayer, Vernon ES/Sgt755
Maze, Jacob E2LtNavigator754Combs
Mazur, John AS/SgtRadio Operator752Coyle
McAnulty, Robert MSgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Hiner
McArdle, Dudley JCaptPilot754McArdle
McArthur, George JS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Johnson, C
McBride, Herbert FS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Stilson
McCain, John KS/SgtWaist Gunner753Curland
McCarl, John MT/SgtRadio Operator752Swingle
McCarthy, William P1LtPilot753McCarthy
McCarthy, Richard OS/SgtTail Turret Gunner754Combs
McCarthy, Raymond AT/SgtRadio Operator755Frederick
McCartney, Robert W1LtPilot752McCartney
McCarty, William TS/SgtRadio Operator752Zimmerman
McCaskill, Daniel LS/SgtRadio Operator755Hadden
McClendon, Jr, Lennox P1Lt754Hesler
McClinton, William E1LtBombardier753DeNeffe
McCollough, Joseph CCaptPilot752McCollough
McConnell, Claude HT/SgtFlight Engineer755Mitchell
McCormick, Patrick 1LtPilot753McCormick
McCormick, Richard BS/SgtBall Turret Gunner753Schuman
McCoy, Jr, William R1LtPilot753McCoy
McCrary, Delbert E2LtCo-pilot755O'Hara
McCrary, Jr, John ALtColGroup Executive Officer (Ground)752Taylor
McCrea, Billy AT/SgtFlight Engineer752O'Regan
McCrory, Frank AS/SgtAerial Gunner753Hartswick
McDermott, John S/SgtBall Turret Gunner753Williams, DK
McDonald, Harold W1LtGroup Navigator755Brudos
McDonald, Joseph E2LtBombardier752Zimmerman
McDonnell, John C2LtPilot753McDonnell
McDuff, Edgar AS/SgtAerial Gunner753Williams, DG
McElhatten, Kenton ESgtAerial Gunner752Geiger
McEvoy, James JS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753
McGaugh, Eunice US/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Polliard
McGee, Melborn CS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Hiner
McGhan, John FS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Stoneburner
McGill, Aldis JCplAerial Gunner753Richards
McGlynn, Harold RS/SgtAerial Gunner, 2/E754Barton
McGough, Leroy E1LtCo-pilot / Pilot755Boyle
McGough, Richard L1LtNavigator754Bradley
McGowan, James GS/SgtRadio Operator754Snyder, E
McGowen, Andrew DS/SgtNose Turret Gunner752Martin
McGran, Clayton E1LtBombardier754Hess
McGuire, Ralph G2LtCo-pilot754Larson
McHargue, Magnus VSgtFlight Engineer753Manker
McHugh, Arthur PS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Pollard
McKanna, James BS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Roubal
McKenna, Francis XS/SgtFlight Engineer754Harris
McKenzie, James SgtTail Turret Gunner753Andrew
McKeon, Anthony BS/SgtTop Turret Gunner754Combs
McKiernan, Thomas H2LtCo-pilot754Pierce
McKinney, Raymond DS/SgtAerial Gunner754Holtz
McKinnon, Robert HT/SgtFlight Engineer755Ruark
McLain, Charles AS/SgtFlight Engineer754Hendrix
McLaughlin, Norman JSgtAerial Gunner755O'Hara
McLean, Edward D1LtCo-pilot755Hemrich
McLeod, Robert DPvtAerial Gunner754Minor
McMains, Jesse L2LtPilot753McMains
McMillen, Paul LS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Martin
McMorris, Howard W1LtBombardier754Dane
McMullen, William DS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Jackson, WE
McNabb, Harold V2LtNavigator752Nyman
McNamara, Myron C1LtPilot755McNamara
McNaney, John A1LtBombardier752Taylor
McNaughton, John WSgtAerial Gunner753Gilbert
McNeely, Donald J1LtNavigator752Giesen
McNeely, John D.SgtWaist Gunner753Diehl
McNeill, Jr, John JSgtAerial Gunner754Helfrecht
McOwen, Sherwood A2LtBombardier754Herdti
McQuaid, James R1LtNavigator753Manker
McQueen, Thomas JT/SgtWaist Gunner755Quirk
McSwain, Rufus G2LtCo-pilot752Gibson, R.
McSweeny, John D2LtNavigator752Bush
McWeeney, Peter BS/SgtAerial Gunner752Hoffman
Meadows, Garland OT/SgtRadio Operator755Mattson/Olney
Means, Homer LT/SgtFlight Engineer755Albrecht
Medley, Dennie ES/SgtAerial Gunner, 2/E752Monahan
Mee, Joseph J1LtNavigator752Sullivan
Meissner, Joseph HSgtAerial Gunner, 2/E754Ruark
Melton, Charles A1LtPilot755Melton
Mercer, William J1LtBombardier753McCarthy
Merkwan, Edward JSgtRadio Operator752Taylor, O
Merriott, Clifford D2Lt754Pollard
Messner, Ross CaptSquadron Bombardier755
Metcalf, Charles WS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner754Schultze
Metosh, Joseph RS/SgtFlight Engineer752Holmgren
Metz, Raymond JS/SgtRadio Operator754Cook
Meyer, Merville P2LtNavigator755Kenyon
Meyer, Joseph DT/SgtFlight Engineer752Schaaf
Meyer, Andrew HT/Sgt752
Meyer, Matthew HT/SgtFlight Engineer752Coyle
Meyers, Jr, William C1LtCo-pilot753Bowers
Michaels, Bernard PT/SgtRadio Operator752Sullivan
Michaelson, James AS/SgtAerial Gunner753Evans, C
Michel, Jr, George LS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Walker, P
Mickey, Edward JS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Hannaman
Middlekauff, Willard AT/SgtRadio Operator752Thompson
Middleton, Albert H2LtCo-pilot / Pilot752Schaaf
Mihalik, Frank SS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Gardner
Miklaucic, Edward AS/SgtFlight Engineer755Wagner
Miller, Calvin W1LtCo-pilot752Weber
Miller, Dean E2LtCo-pilot754Nutter
Miller, Charles L2Lt754Hendrix
Miller, Albert EF/OBombardier754Duke
Miller, Jackson AS/SgtAerial Gunner754
Miller, Arden ES/SgtRadio Operator755McNamara
Miller, Clayton LS/SgtBall Turret Gunner754Combs
Miller, John CSgtTail Turret Gunner755Dunlevie
Miller, John RSgtAerial Gunner753McDonnell
Miller, Carl ET/SgtRCM Operator753Lamb
Miller, Russell ET/SgtFlight Engineer753DeCow
Miller, Gerald KT/SgtRadio Operator755Quirk
Miller, Jr, Millard C2LtNavigator755Sievertson
Milligan, Samuel BT/SgtRadio Operator754Newell
Milton, Lloyd KSgtAerial Gunner753Robinson
Minarick, Robert JSgtFlight Engineer752McCollough
Minor, Burton T1LtPilot754Minor
Minor, Robert HS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752McCartney
Minsker, David H1LtCo-pilot / Pilot752Anderson
Mire, Edward JSgtGunner752Grice
Mitchell, Edward SgtAerial Gunner752Hendrickson
Mitchell, James SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Stewart
Mitchell, Jr, Charles E1LtPilot755Mitchell
Moe, Elmer PS/SgtTop Turret Gunner755Adamson
Moleck, Stephen TSgtWaist Gunner752Giesen
Monaghan, Thomas HF/ONavigator754Rhoades
Monahan, James L1LtPilot752Monahan
Monroe, Jr, Archibald B2LtCo-pilot754Duke
Montano, Eusebio S/SgtAerial Gunner755Hemrich
Montgomery, Donald A1LtCo-pilot / Pilot753Hartswick
Montgomery, Donald E2LtCo-Pilot753Gardner
Moodie, David WSgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Humke
Moody, William JS/SgtAerial Gunner754Judge
Mooney, Mabry S/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Gulick
Moore, Sydney A2LtCo-pilot753Clark
Moore, Meredith 2LtNavigator755Perkinson
Moore, Paul DS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Hiner
Moore, William RSgtAerial Gunner753Daniel
Moore, Henry SSgtWaist Gunner753Thompson
Moran, John WCaptPilot752Moran
Moran, William ET/SgtRadio Operator755Floyd
Moran, Jr, Peter J2LtCo-pilot753Sloan
Morehead, Gordon W1LtCo-pilot752Monahan
Morehead, Marion MT/SgtRadio Operator752Martin
Morelli, Amulio DS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner752Haynes
Morello, Francis JS/SgtWaist Gunner753Lamb
Morford, Robert WCaptPilot753Morford
Morgan, Paul BS/SgtFlight Engineer755Boyle
Morgan, Richard LS/SgtFlight Engineer754Newell
Morgan, John WT/SgtRadio Operator753Kovich
Morin, Robert N JS/SgtBall Turret Gunner754Goldsmith
Morin, Fernand GSgtBall Turret Gunner754Harris
Morin, Herbert ET/SgtRadio Operator754Patak
Morin, Rene RT/SgtAerial Gunner, 2/E754McArdle
Morley, Francis R2LtPilot754Morley
Morr, Ralph VSgtAerial Gunner754Wallis
Morreale, Vincent CS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Morford
Morris, Francis H1LtPilot755Morris
Morris, Dale R2LtPilot752Morris
Morris, Ivan KF/ONavigator754Hunt
Morris, Jr, William VSgtAerial Gunner753Dantler
Morrison, Richard I1LtBombardier754Skidmore
Morrison, Joseph R2Lt754Rosen
Morrison, John PS/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Sanborn
Morrison, Julian LSgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753McDonnell
Morrison, William RSgtAerial Gunner753Mateer
Morrone, Peter FSgtTail Turret Gunner755Peters
Morrow, Marvin MS/SgtFlight Engineer753Robeson
Morrow, Virgil OSgtWaist Gunner754Rogers
Morsey, Robert JCplAerial Gunner754Pollard
Mortinson, James F2LtBombardier753Spaven
Moses, Richard L2LtNavigator754Harris
Mosher, Ralph S1LtNavigator753Beckstrom
Moss, Charles ES/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner753Larned
Mott, Robert DS/SgtTail Turret Gunner755Gibson
Mottern, Elmer MMajSquadron Navigator754
Mowery, Paul RSgtAerial Gunner753Fleming
Mucksavage, John J1LtNavigator753Gaines
Mudget, Robert LT/SgtFlight Engineer753Kovich
Mulhall, Frank JT/SgtFlight Engineer754Helfrecht
Mulkerrin, Michael S/SgtAirplane Armorer-Gunner755Brudos
Mulsow, Loyd FS/SgtAerial Gunner753Boucek
Mundowski, Robert L2LtPilot754Mundowski
Murphy, Vincent R2Lt754Hendrix
Murphy, Thomas RS/SgtRadio Operator755Logie
Murphy, Edward JT/SgtFlight Engineer752Claggett
Murphy, Jr, Edward AS/SgtFlight Engineer752Nyman
Murray, Richard E2Lt755Loose
Murray, Louie WS/SgtAerial Gunner/Radar Crewman (Designated Set)755
Murray, William PSgtTail Turret Gunner752Mangerich
Murray, James RSgtNose Turret Gunner752Gorrell
Murray, Jr, Shelby SS/SgtAerial Gunner754Dwyer
Musa, James HS/SgtRadio Operator753Andrew
Muscatell, Frank LSgtFlight Engineer754Jessee
Musulas, Gus AS/SgtFlight Engineer753Kovich
Myers, Charles HT/SgtRadio Operator754McArdle
Ground Men:
NameRankMOSJobUnitInfo SourceComments
MacDonald, William DSgt631Intelligence NCO752FR0920: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorius Achievement - May 1945
Macey, William HCapt60SCSO298: 25-Nov-44TD from where??
Mackel, Robert DCpl754SO144: 01-Jun-44Promoted Sgt
MacKenthun, George RPfc747Airplane & Engine Mech753SO12: 13-Jan-45Promoted to Pfc
Magee, Joe NCaptEngineering Officer814FR0346: 04-May-45OIC Engineering Section
Mahac, John Pfc858ChmSO192: 24-Jul-44DS to Det A 806Chm AAF 113
Mahan, Joseph M2Lt1024Pilot753SO102: 29-Dec-43Reld fr 458BG asgd to 470BG Mt Home, Id
Mahoney, Joseph HSgtHQSO59: 10-Mar-45TD to UK Base Comm Zone ETO Natztn
Maile, Louis FPfc590Duty Soldier III752SO56: 07-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
Maire, Keneth RSgt754FR1273: 01-Mar-45S2 PW Training
Majewski, John A1Lt2161Operations Officer752FR0755: 14-Apr-44Ast Adj Trsf to 2Cent Hosp-pneumonia
Majewski, Edward CCpl60SCSO2: 02-Jan-45Rptd to sta on TD
Major, Jr, Stanley Pfc097Installer/Repairman, Tele, Telgr469SDSO11: 12-Jan-45Additional classification 055
Malinonico, Lawrence LCpl854Radar Mechanic, Sea Search60SCSO81: 02-Apr-45TD from AAF 120 784th BS
Malitz, Lewis Sgt755SO228: 01-Sep-44TD No1 RAF Rad Sch Cranwell 15days
Manley, Pierce EMajStation & Group AdjutantHQSO241: 17-Sep-44Leave
Mansfield, William TCpl753SO82: 03-Apr-45Attached to 469SD
Maple, Ollie CPfc901Munitions Worker754SO113: 04-May-45TD to AAF572 Vehicle Wthrprf course
Marek, George FS/Sgt60SCSO72: 24-Mar-45TD from 2 SAD
Maricich, Robert Pfc256Welder, Combination753SO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Marinch, Stephen AS/Sgt60SCSO312: 12-Dec-44TD from 1 SAD AAF 595
Markovich, Jr, Frank 1Lt377SO118: 10-May-45Apptd Station Safety Council
Markowitz, Dan CaptHQSO153: 10-Jun-44TD with 458th - Admin Duty
Markowitz, Albert ASgt677Military Policeman377FR0333: 25-May-45Assigned from 987 MP Co (Avn) on dy w/MPs
Marks, Richard DSgt867Radar Mechanic, BombardmentHQSO243: 19-Sep-44Assigned
Marks, Robert RSgt753SO254: 03-Oct-44Relvd from SD from 96CBW
Marks, Franklin LT/Sgt815Ordnance Supply NCO638AMSO136: 30-May-45TD to Depot G-25 Ordnance Supplies
Marquez, Estevan SPfc590Duty Soldier III754SO47: 24-Feb-45Trsfr for Inf Reinf Trng 12th RD
Marrs, Sammy JSgt754SO223: 26-Aug-44TD to RAF Rad Sch Cranwell
Marsh, Luther EPfc677Military Policeman1119MPSO18: 20-Jan-45Reduced to gr Pvt
Marshall, Denjamin D2Lt753FR1056: 01-Jan-45Transferrd from 755th Sqdn
Marston, Edward SS/Sgt502Administrative NCO752SO228: 01-Sep-44Rel from 1119MP
Martin, John FCaptQuartermaster Officer1105QMSO275: 30-Oct-44Sta Aid & Recip Lend-Lease O
Martin, Charles AMaj1024Operations Officer - Cmd P753FR1036: 19-Oct-44Transferred to HQ 3rd BD
Martin, Buster RPfc755FR1476: 01-Apr-45Attached to 469SD - Sqdn Refuelling Section
Martincic, John B2Lt754SO124: 16-May-45Rest Home Leave AAF 495
Martinez, Celestino OSgt747Airplane & Engine Mech469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Maschke, Louis FCaptHQSO125: 17-May-45Apptd Group Gunnery Officer
Masloff, Phillip Sgt055Clerk, GeneralHQSO63: 15-Mar-45Assigned
Mason, Bennett E1Lt755SO95: 16-Apr-45TD to London - PW conference
Mason, Lacy Cpl60SCSO241: 17-Sep-44On DS from AAF 104
Mason, Chester JPfc601AAA Weapons Crewman60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Materazzo, Geraldo LS/Sgt754Radio Mechanic, AAF752FR0920: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorius Achievement - May 1945
Mathers, William ACpl835Supply Clerk469SDSO44: 20-Feb-45Trsfr for Inf Reinf Trng 12th RD
Mathers, Joseph CPfc590Duty Soldier III754SO56: 07-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
Mathers, Ernest CSgt201Sheet Metal Worker1686OrdSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Matson, Howard WSgt747Airplane & Engine Mech752SO134: 28-May-45Assigned (Attch from 389th BG)
Matthews, Irving TCpl853Radar Mechanic, Navigation752SO105: 26-Apr-45Trsf to 458th from 70th RD
Mattox, Edward LSgt687Airplane Propeller Mech755SO134: 28-May-45Assigned (Attch from 389th BG)
Mattson, John P1Lt1024Pilot (Crew 75 on 6-Mar-44 Berlin)755FR1446: 01-Jan-45Designated Sqdn Info & Educational Officer (Former Pilot)
Matusak, Arthur Cpl014Automotive Mech (2nd Echelon)469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Matzen, Allyn WS/Sgt60SCSO281: 06-Nov-44DS from AAF 145
Matzner, Karl ST/Sgt821Quartermaster Supply Technician814FR0344: 02-May-45Supply NCO
May, John IPfc1080SigSO267: 18-Oct-44TD to AAF 147
Mayer, Walter Cpl755FR1357: 01-Jun-44Softball regular players
Mayer, Carl FTec5383Fire Fighter2016FFSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Mayerle, Peter MSgt055Clerk, GeneralHQSO179: 10-Jul-44Promoted to S/Sgt
Maynard, Benny AS/Sgt13SPSSO228: 01-Sep-441BD Stage Show
McAllister, Earl JSgt901Munitions Worker752SO87: 08-Apr-45USSAF MF6158 trsf EM Inf Reinf Trng
McCabe, Harry FPfc813/405Transportaion NCO/Clerk-Typist753SO169: 30-Jun-44Reclassified
McCall, Samuel SPfc590Duty Soldier III755SO56: 07-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
McCallion, Ernest JPvt13SSPSO196: 28-Jul-44TD Bury St Edmonds - 3BD Stage Show
McCallister, Earl Sgt752FR0890: 01-Mar-45Left for infantry with Leahy (also in April 45?)
McCarthy, Edward FS/Sgt750Crew Chief753FR10296: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorious Achievement
McCartin, John PSgt747Airplane & Engine Mech469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
McCartney, George TPfc901Munitions Worker1686OrdSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
McCarty, J WPfc060Cook258MedSO69: 21-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
McClay, Robert HS/Sgt835Supply Clerk469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
McCleary, Gerald Pfc345Truck Driver, Light754FR1286: 01-Apr-45Assigned to Sqdn replacing infantry trsfrs
McConnell, Benton SCpl911Airplane Armorer1686OrdFR0351: 06-May-45Station Pistol Team (won 1944 8AF Championship)
McCormack, Jerome APvt911Airplane Armorer752SO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
McCormack, E FPvt752GrpRec 04/44: 27-Apr-44Attached to HQ Par14 SO109??
McCoy, James WT/Sgt513Airplane Inspector755SO02: 03-Jan-44Movement (SO from HQ IV BC San Fran)
McCray, Harold FTec51080SigSO274: 28-Oct-44TD to RAF Cranwell
McCrea, Holbrook LS/Sgt631Intelligence NCO - (S2 Crew Room)754SO128: 20-May-45TD to AAF 104
McCrink, James MPvt747/521Airplane and Engine Mech/Airman Basic753SO169: 30-Jun-44Reclassified
McDevitt, Edward Pvt345Truck Driver, Light752SO184: 15-Jul-44Assigned
McDonald, Louis C1Lt13SPSSO228: 01-Sep-441BD Stage Show
McDonald, Merle ET/Sgt60SCSO298: 25-Nov-44TD from where??
McDonald, Daniel JT/Sgt683/612Bombsight Mechanic/Airplane Armorer-Gunner754SO99: 20-Apr-45Assigned
McDonnell, Louis JCpl1686OrdSO284: 10-Nov-44TD to AAF 520
McDonnell, Thomas JSgt835Supply Clerk638AMSO137: 31-May-45Assigned from 2AD
McFarland, Donald GSgt747Airplane & Engine Mech755SO277: 01-Nov-44Promoted to S/Sgt
McGill, Gerald TPvt677Military Policeman1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
McGill, John Pvt901Munitions Worker755SO3: 03-Jan-45Promoted to Pfc
McGinn, James RT/Sgt750Airplane Crew Chief755SO200: 01-Aug-44Promoted to M/Sgt
McGinnis, Fred WT/Sgt750Airplane Crew Chief752FR0920: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorius Achievement - May 1945
McGrath, Robert DS/Sgt611Aerial Gunner753SO175: 06-Jul-44Reld from aerial flights
McGrew, Jack CCpl911Airplane Armorer754SO15: 17-Jan-45Promoted to Sgt
McGuire, Clifford JCpl96CBWSO119: 11-May-45TD to HQ 8AF (driver) replacing Cyko
McIntyre, Ray A1Lt755SO111: 02-May-45Assigned from 70th RD
McIvers, William EM/Sgt60SCSO314: 15-Dec-4422 Nov VOCO TD from where???
McKee, Neville DPvt931Truck Driver, Heavy377SO119: 11-May-45Assigned from 128rth RD
McKee, Jack ASgt683Bombsight Mechanic754SO81: 02-Apr-45Assigned
McKennon, Jr, William HCpl555Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
McLain, John DSgt826Supply Technician, AAF1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
McLaughlin, James RPvt2912DisSO227: 31-Aug-44Prisoner 856SQ 492BG trsf to 2912 Disp Trng
McLaughlin, Morris Pvt677Military Policeman1119MPSO27: 01-Feb-45Promoted to Pfc
McLaughlin, Donald HSgt405Clerk-Typist70SvGpSO211: 14-Aug-44Attch to 60SC
McLaughlin, Hubert JSgt835Supply Clerk469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
McLean, Daily FCpl911Airplane Armorer469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
McMahanon, Leonard JCaptAsst Group Chaplain60SCSO250: 27-Sep-44Assigned
McMahen, Willard H1LtRadar Officer753SO193: 25-Jul-44TD RAF Oulton - RCM Course
McMahon, John WS/Sgt755FR1476: 01-Apr-45Attached to 469SD - Sqdn Refuelling Section
McNutt, Donald MSgt931Truck Driver, Heavy1686OrdSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
McNutt, Carl BT/Sgt959Airplane Mech Instrument Repairman469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
McQueen, Coy WCpl050Carpenter, General469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
McReynolds, John WSgt275Classification Specialist753SO69: 21-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
McSween, John ACaptOperations Officer753FR0996: 01-May-44Casual Pool 12th RCD
Meador, Clessie LCpl055Clerk, General754SO69: 21-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
Meaney, Francis PSgt959Airplane Mech Instrument Repairman469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Meat, Bob S/Sgt750Airplane Crew Chief754SO228: 01-Sep-44Promoted to T/Sgt
Mehle, Arthur FTec5830SigSO181: 12-Jul-44TD with 485th - attch to 60SC
Meindl, John AS/Sgt678Power Turret & Gunsight Mech60SCSO298: 25-Nov-44TD from 389th Bomb Grp
Melton, Leroy Pfc566Duty NCO1119MPSO19: 21-Jan-45Promoted to Tec5
Melton, Jr, Ira Pvt748/405Flight Engineer/Clerk-Typist753SO169: 30-Jun-44Reclassified - Former air crew (Lt Robeson Crew 28)
Menditto, Eugene MCpl754SO304: 02-Dec-44TD to AAF 158
Mendoza, Jr, Albert Cpl409Medical Technician258MedSO87: 08-Apr-45USSAF MF6158 trsf EM Inf Reinf Trng
Mentzer, Rune VCpl853Radar Mechanic, Navigation753SO311: 11-Dec-44Assigned from 70th Repl Dep
Menz, Lawrence F2Lt1024Pilot752SO102: 29-Dec-43Reld fr 458BG asgd to 470BG Mt Home, Id
Mercer, Albert ESgt747Airplane & Engine Mech469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Mercure, Alphonse J1/Sgt502Administrative NCO60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Messinger, Clair FPfc590Duty Soldier III752SO54: 04-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
Mettge, Paul WPfc754FR1273: 01-Mar-45S2 PW Training
Metts, James DT/Sgt750Crew Chief752FR0783: 01-Jul-44Crew Chief - 1st a/c abort after 46 consec mission
Metz, George CPfc590Duty Soldier III755SO86: 07-Apr-45Assigned
Meyer, Peter R2LtHQSO126: 18-May-45Apptd Asst Sta Special Svcs Officer
Meyer, Robert Cpl747Airplane & Engine Mech754SO170: 01-Jul-44Promoted to Sgt
Meyer, David ES/Sgt502/631Administrative NCO/Intelligence NCO752SO284: 10-Nov-44Reclassified
Meyer, William JSgt055Clerk, General377FR0333: 30-May-45Reclassified as MOS 870 - Chemical NCO
Meyers, David MCpl678Power Turret & Gunsight Mech755SO11: 12-Jan-44Movement (SO frm HQ IV BC)
Meyers, Lloyd AT/Sgt950/097Wire Repairman, VHF/Installer-Repairman, Tele.Teleg1080SigSO179: 10-Jul-44Reclassified
Michael, Russell NPvt677Military Policeman1119MPSO27: 01-Feb-45Promoted to Pfc
Michaels, Martin ECpl348Parts Clerk, Automotive1686OrdSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
Michaels, Paul WCpl685/958Airplane Elec Mec, Specialist/?469SDSO274: 28-Oct-44Reclassified
Michelsen, Gerald Sgt60SCSO291: 17-Nov-44TD from where??
Middleton, George E1Lt858CmlSO96: 17-Apr-45TD from ? Asgn to Det A
MidhasselCplGrpRec 04/44: 07-Apr-44From DS to London to duty
Miesel, Calvin ASgt078Electrician469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Mikulecky, Vernon L1Lt987MPSO135: 29-May-45Appt Class A Fin O - 987th MP
Milcarek, Chester ZPfc750/747Crew Chief/Airplane and Engine Mech755SO113: 04-May-45Reclassified
Miller, William G1LtGunnery Officer752FR0877: 15-Feb-45Relvd as Sqdn Gunnery Officer
Miller, Lawrence M1LtArmament Officer753SO111: 02-May-45Apptd acting Grp Armament O
Miller, Foreman FCpl502Administrative NCO1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Miller, William RCpl752FR0890: 01-Mar-45Out of Hosp - bomb trailer/foot
Miller, William HPfc237Teletype Operator755SO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Miller, David JPfc60SCSO46: 22-Feb-45TD from where??
Miller, William LPvt590Duty Soldier III1119MPSO15: 17-Jan-45Promoted to Pfc
MIller, John ES/Sgt60SCSO306: 05-Dec-44On TD from where???
Miller, William FS/Sgt860/853Radar Mechanic (GEE)/Radar Mechanic, Navigation755SO7: 08-Jan-45Reclassified
Miller, Donald LS/Sgt502Administrative NCO469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Miller, Elton ASgt650Telephone Switchboard Operator752SO214: 17-Aug-44Assigned
Miller, George ASgt014Automotive Mech (2nd Echelon)60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Miller, Clyde Sgt555Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Miller, John CT/SgtNot from Dunlevie Crew755FR1387: 01-Aug-44Left for 8th AFRD at AAF 594 & CPRD at AAF 591
Miller, Jr, Clyde WCpl835Supply Clerk1105QMSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
Milligan, David ACpl60SCSO312: 12-Dec-44TD from 1 SAD AAF 595
Milligan, John EM/Sgt750Airplane Crew Chief754SO6: 06-Jan-45TD to Bovingdon
Millward, Samuel CPfc835Supply Clerk377FR0333: 25-May-45Assigned from 987 MP Co (Avn) on dy w/MPs
Minahan, Charles JPvt650Telephone Switchboard Operator754SO137: 31-May-45Assigned from 2AD
Mitchell, Harvey GPfc677Military Policeman377FR0333: 25-May-45Assigned from 987 MP Co (Avn) on dy w/MPs
Mitchell, James EPvt590Duty Soldier III754SO86: 07-Apr-45Assigned
Mitchell, Mike Sgt574Bombsight & Autopilot Repairman469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Mize, Wallace WCpl752FR0920: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorius Achievement - May 1945
Moccardine, Jasper FCpl747Airplane & Engine Mech469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Moeka, Joseph T/Sgt511Armorer754SO148: 05-Jun-44Attached to 60SC
Moeller, Roy VPfc590Duty Soldier III753SO56: 07-Mar-45Assigned from 70th RD
Moffett, Bobbie Pfc590Duty Soldier III755SO47: 24-Feb-45Trsfr for Inf Reinf Trng 12th RD
Moffitt, Robert DT/Sgt747Airplane & Engine Mech469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Mohl, Clarence BS/Sgt014Automotive Mech (2nd Echelon)814FR0345: 03-May-45Transportation Section NCO
Mohling, __ DPfc835Supply Clerk469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn (First name illegible)
Mohn, John WTec4830SigSO181: 12-Jul-44TD with 485th - attch to 60SC
Monaghan, Francis JS/Sgt753SO314: 15-Dec-44TD to AAF 120
Monefeldt, Leonard HCapt96CBWSO317: 19-Dec-44TD to London
Monreal, Nasario EPfc677Military Policeman1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Monroe, Harry LTec31080SigSO288: 14-Nov-44DS to 489th Bomb Group
Montalvan, William Pfc345Truck Driver, Light755SO87: 08-Apr-45Reduced to Pvt - misconduct
Montgomery, George RS/Sgt505Ammunition NCO1686OrdSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
Montgomery, Harold FSgt114Machinist814FR0351: 06-May-45Station Pistol Team (won 1944 8AF Championship)
Moore, Robert FCapt753SO325: 28-Dec-44Assigned from AAF 147 (DS to F0122)
Moore, Charles HCaptOperations Officer753FR0996: 23-May-44Casual Pool 12th RCD _Ops Officer
Moore, Lester HCpl747Airplane & Engine Mech754SO170: 01-Jul-44Promoted to Sgt
Moore, Norman JCpl237Teletype Operator60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Moore, William OCpl521/747Airman Basic/Airplane and Engine Mech752SO169: 30-Jun-44Reclassified
Moore, Oscar VCpl511Armorer752SO156: 14-Jun-44Assigned - placed on DS to HQ 2BD
Moore, William WCpl405Clerk-Typist754SO15: 17-Jan-45Promoted to Sgt
Moore, William DPfc345Truck Driver, Light752SO86: 07-Apr-45Assigned
Moore, Robert RPfc677Military Policeman1119MPSO172: 03-Jul-44Armed Guard for Pvt Picoulas
Moore, Jr, Frederick ASgt932Special Vehicle Operator60SCSO246: 22-Sep-44DS at AAF 123 - 21 days
Moots, Morris CPvt590Duty Soldier III755SO88: 09-Apr-45Promoted to Pfc
Morales, Victor EPfc060Cook469SDSO8: 09-Jan-45Trsf to 1686 Ord S & M Co (Avn)
Moran, John ECpl055Clerk, General754SO137: 31-May-45Assigned from 2AD
Moran, William JPfc055Clerk, General753SO176: 07-Jul-44Assigned
Morbit, Paul RM/Sgt542Communications Chief752FR0920: 01-May-45Awards - Certificate of Meritorius Achievement - May 1945
Moreno, Frank JTec51080SigSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Morettini, Anthony HSgt747Airplane & Engine Mech814FR0332: 02-May-45Assigned to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Morgan, Alton EPvt060Cook755SO47: 24-Feb-45Trsfr for Inf Reinf Trng 12th RD
Morgan, Jr, Michael JTec3909SigSO180: 11-Jul-44Reld from 753 - Return to 909Sig
Morretti, Emerson DM/SgtHQSO93: 14-Apr-45TD to AAF 144 Repl a/c Rptg
Morris, Lynn LCpl678Power Turret & Gunsight Mech752SO102: 29-Dec-43Phys disqualified for flying
Morrison, Robert ECpl566Duty NCO377FR0332: 02-May-45Assigned from 638th AMS dy w/Gp Post Office
Morrison, John TCpl867Radar Mechanic, BombardmentHQSO273: 27-Oct-44Assigned
Morrissey, Leonard PCpl835Supply Clerk638AMSO137: 31-May-45Assigned from 2AD
Morton, Burdette RPvt862Radar Mechanic, IFF (LORAN)752SO4: 04-Jan-45Promoted to Pfc
Moscato, Joseph AT/SgtAsst Squadron Inspector752FR0830: 01-Nov-44Fine check of all aircraft
Moschella, Hubert APfc612/747Airplane Armorer-Gunner/Airplane and Engine Mech752SO175: 06-Jul-44Assigned - Reclassified Nov
Moser, Clarence AS/Sgt958469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Moses, Joseph APfc677Military Policeman1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
MoskowitzPfcHQGrpRec 04/44: 23-Apr-44Trsf to Detachment B 458th
Mott, Elvert MS/Sgt938Gunnery Instructor754SO291: 17-Nov-44Assigned
Mount, Peter FCpl853Radar Mechanic, Navigation752SO105: 26-Apr-45Trsf to 458th from 70th RD
Mucinski, Stanley JPvt747/590Airplane and Engine Mech/Duty Soldier III752SO228: 01-Sep-44Reclassified 747 to 590
Mueller, Heinz CS/Sgt60SCSO323: 26-Dec-44TD from where??
Mulder, Steven ACpl754SO82: 03-Apr-45Attached to 469SD
Mulholland, Morris MSgt573Welder, Aircraft469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Mullen, William ES/Sgt114Machinist469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Mundt, Donald PSgt901Munitions Worker755SO134: 28-May-45Assigned (Attch from 389th BG)
Murawski, Ambrose MPvt677Military Policeman1261MPSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Murchie, William R1Lt754SO134: 28-May-45Assigned (Attch from 389th BG)
Murphy, Donald PPvt747Airplane & Engine Mech60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn - (Former Air crew Lt Vogel Crew 74)
Murphy, James ESgt620Parachute Rigger & Repairman469SDSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 814th Air Engineering Sqdn
Murray, Elliott ACpl055Clerk, General60SCSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 377th HQ/Base Air Svc Grp
Murray, William PS/Sgt835Supply Clerk1105QMSO94: 15-Apr-45Trsf to 638th Air Material Sqdn
Murray, William PSgt683Bombsight Mechanic60SCSO298: 25-Nov-44TD from 389th Bomb Grp
Musseman, William HS/Sgt888Radio Mechanic755AR44-1-27-502: 27-Jan-44Crsh on T/O-Marrakech - ATC ferry pilot
Myers, John LPfc650/759Telephone Switchboard Operator/Radio Operator, CNS1080SigSO287: 13-Nov-44Reclassified
Myers, Paul HPvt756Radio Operator, AAF752SO4: 04-Jan-45Promoted to Pfc
Myers, Ivan LPvt901/511Munitions Worker/Armorer754SO16: 18-Jan-45Reclassified