458th Bombardment Group (H)

Personnel List
Alphabetical Listing of 458th Bomb Group Personnel
The links above contain the names of 458th Bomb Group personnel, including its sub-units who served with the group between July 1943 and September 1945. While this is by no means a complete roster of all who served in the 458th and its sub-units, there are nearly 5500 unique names.
The 458th Bombardment group consisted of the following sub-units:
- 752nd Bombardment Squadron (H)
- 753rd Bombardment Squadron (H)
- 754th Bombardment Squadron (H)
- 755th Bombardment Squadron (H)
- Detachment “123” 18th Weather Squadron
- 60th Station Complement Squadron
- 1080th Signal Co Service Group
- 1119th Military Police Company (Aviation)
- 469th Sub Depot
- 2016th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
- 1105th Quartermaster Company
- 130th Army Postal Unit
- 211th Finance Section
- 258th Medical Dispensary Aviation
Horsham St Faith, while the home base of the 458th Bombardment Group, was also the headquarters of the 96th Combat Bombardment Wing, which consisted of the 458th, 466th, and 467th Bombardment Groups. There are several references to 96CBW personnel in the links above.
Names were taken from numerous sources, the bulk of which come from the Special Orders (SO) that were composed daily in the group microfilm records.
Other records include:
- Frames from squadron microfilm records (FR)
- Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR)
- Accident Reports (AR), movement orders
- 2nd Bombardment (Air) Division microfilm
- Combat load lists
- Operations reports
- Formation plans
- Escape & Evasion Reports (E&E)
- Individual Deceased Personnel Files (IDPF)
The names are sorted into two groups for each letter of the alphabet; the first of which is Aircrew. Where known, the name, rank, position, squadron and pilot are given for this group. The second group pertains to Ground men. Name, rank, MOS, Job name, Unit, Information source (of the comment), and Comment. The majority of all names appear more than once in the sources mentioned. I have attempted to use the more interesting comments and the latest rank of each individual.
We would be interested in your comments, additions, or corrections to this list.
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