458th Bombardment Group (H)

Briney Marlin
B-24H-25-FO 42-95183

Returned to Zone of Interior – June 1945
An early replacement ship, Briney Marlin came to the 458th in late April 1944. During its time at Horsham St. Faith, it saw service with the 753rd, 754th and 755th Squadrons. It was involved in a mid-air collision in May 1944 and one Truckin’ Mission in September. By war’s end, 43 crews had flown had flown this aircraft on 102 combat missions.
Date | Target | Pilot | 458th Msn | Pilot Msn | RCL | Sqdn | A/C Msn | Comments |
08-May-44 | BRUNSWICK | DeNEFFE | 37 | 20 | O | J4 | 1 | |
12-May-44 | BOHLEN | UMPHREY | 40 | 22 | O | J4 | 2 | |
13-May-44 | TUTOW A/F | MANKER | 41 | 18 | O | J4 | 3 | |
19-May-44 | BRUNSWICK | DeNEFFE | 42 | 21 | O | J4 | 4 | |
20-May-44 | RHEIMS A/D | DeNEFFE | 43 | 22 | U | J3 | 5 | |
25-May-44 | MULHOUSE M/Y | McNAMARA | 47 | 15 | U | J3 | 6 | |
11-Jun-44 | BEAUVAIS | BURTIS | 63 | ABT | U | J3 | -- | ABORT - #4 TURBO-FIRE IN ELEC SYST |
15-Jun-44 | GUYANCOURT | QUIRK | 66 | 2 | U | J3 | 7 | |
18-Jun-44 | FASSBERG A/D | MARTIN, L | 69 | 2 | U | J3 | 8 | MSN #1 |
19-Jun-44 | REGNAUVILLE | RUARK | 72 | 5 | U | J3 | 9 | MSN #2 |
20-Jun-44 | OSTERMOOR | WAGNER | 73 | 4 | J | 10 | RCL COULD BE "U" | |
23-Jun-44 | 3 NO BALLS | RIGLEY | 76 | 2 | U | J3 | 11 | TGT # 6 COUBRONNE |
24-Jun-44 | CONCHES A/F | MARTIN, L | 77 | 3 | U | J3 | 12 | MSN #1 |
24-Jun-44 | ST OMER | GIBSON, S | 79 | 14 | U | J3 | 13 | MSN #3 |
25-Jun-44 | ST. OMER | MARTIN, L | 80 | 4 | U | J3 | 14 | |
28-Jun-44 | SAARBRUCKEN | HAUSER | 81 | 9 | U | J3 | 15 | |
29-Jun-44 | ASCHERSLEBEN | MANKER | 82 | 22 | U | J3 | 16 | |
02-Jul-44 | COUBRONNE | MARTIN, L | 83 | 6 | U | J3 | 17 | |
06-Jul-44 | KIEL | MARTIN, L | 85 | ABT | U | J3 | -- | ABORT - #2, 3 SUPER CHG GAVE NO BOOST AT ALT |
12-Jul-44 | MUNICH | MARTIN, L | 89 | 7 | U | J3 | 18 | LONG DELAY |
17-Jul-44 | 3 NO BALLS | MARTIN, L | 92 | 10 | U | J3 | 20 | |
18-Jul-44 | TROARN | MARTIN, L | 93 | 11 | U | J3 | 21 | |
19-Jul-44 | KEMPTEN | MARTIN, L | 94 | 12 | U | J3 | 22 | |
20-Jul-44 | EISENACH | MARTIN, L | 95 | 13 | U | J3 | 23 | |
21-Jul-44 | MUNICH | WAGNER | 96 | 11 | U | J3 | 24 | |
31-Jul-44 | LUDWIGSHAFEN | MARTIN, L | 99 | 15 | U | J3 | 25 | |
01-Aug-44 | T.O.s FRANCE | MARTIN, L | 100 | 16 | U | J3 | 26 | |
02-Aug-44 | 3 NO BALLS | MARTIN, L | 101 | 17 | U | J3 | 27 | |
03-Aug-44 | 2 NO BALLS | MARTIN, L | 102 | 18 | U | J3 | 28 | |
04-Aug-44 | ROSTOCK | MARTIN, L | 103 | 19 | M | 29 | RCL M?? | |
05-Aug-44 | BRUNSWICK/WAGGUM | GLASS | 105 | 5 | U | J3 | 30 | |
06-Aug-44 | HAMBURG | McARDLE | 106 | 21 | U | J3 | 31 | |
15-Aug-44 | VECHTA | FREDERICK | 114 | 3 | U | J3 | 32 | |
16-Aug-44 | MAGDEBURG | FREDERICK | 115 | 4 | U | J3 | 33 | |
18-Aug-44 | WOIPPY | RUARK | 116 | 24 | U | J3 | 34 | |
24-Aug-44 | HANNOVER | FLOYD | 117 | 8 | U | J3 | 35 | |
26-Aug-44 | DULMEN | FLOYD | 120 | 9 | U | J3 | 36 | |
27-Aug-44 | FINOW | BOYLE | 121 | 20 | U | J3 | 37 | MISSION CREDIT IN NOV |
01-Sep-44 | PFAFFENHOFFEN | HOOD | ABN | -- | U | J3 | -- | ABANDONED |
05-Sep-44 | KARLSRUHE | FLOYD | 122 | 10 | U | J3 | 38 | |
08-Sep-44 | KARLSRUHE | FLOYD | 123 | 11 | U | J3 | 39 | |
09-Sep-44 | MAINZ | McGOUGH | 124 | 6 | U | J3 | 40 | |
10-Sep-44 | ULM M/Y | BOYLE | 125 | 21 | U | J3 | 41 | |
11-Sep-44 | MAGDEBURG | HAUSER | 126 | 31 | U | J3 | 42 | |
12-Sep-44 | WELFORD to CLASTRES | GLAGOLA | TR01 | -- | U | J3 | T1 | TRUCKIN' MISSION |
05-Oct-44 | PADERBORN | FLOYD | 128 | 13 | U | J3 | 43 | |
06-Oct-44 | WENZENDORF | PERRY | 129 | 1 | U | J3 | 44 | |
07-Oct-44 | MAGDEBURG | FLOYD | 130 | 14 | U | J3 | 45 | |
09-Oct-44 | KOBLENZ | EIDELSBERG | 131 | 1 | U | J3 | 46 | |
14-Oct-44 | COLOGNE | PERRY | 133 | 3 | U | J3 | 47 | |
17-Oct-44 | COLOGNE | BOYLE | 135 | 25 | U | J3 | 48 | |
19-Oct-44 | MAINZ | MITCHELL | 136 | 8 | U | J3 | 49 | |
26-Oct-44 | MINDEN | DWYRE | 138 | 17 | U | Z5 | 50 | |
02-Nov-44 | BIELEFELD | GABRIEL | 140 | 14 | U | Z5 | 51 | |
04-Nov-44 | MISBURG | GABRIEL | 141 | 15 | U | Z5 | 52 | |
05-Nov-44 | KARLSRUHE | FRENCH | 142 | 26 | U | Z5 | 53 | |
06-Nov-44 | MINDEN | KLEIN | 143 | 13 | U | Z5 | 54 | |
08-Nov-44 | RHEINE | MASSARO | 144 | 6 | U | Z5 | 55 | |
09-Nov-44 | METZ AREA | FRENCH | 145 | 29 | U | Z5 | 56 | SEE OPS REC - POSSIBLE ANA |
10-Nov-44 | HANAU A/F | WILLIAMS, E | 146 | 17 | U | Z5 | 57 | |
25-Nov-44 | BINGEN | SWARTZ | 149 | 11 | U | Z5 | 58 | |
26-Nov-44 | BIELEFELD | SKIDMORE | 150 | 12 | U | Z5 | 59 | 2BD |
10-Dec-44 | BINGEN | GABRIEL | 154 | 21 | U | Z5 | 60 | |
11-Dec-44 | HANAU | DAHM | 155 | 11 | U | Z5 | 61 | |
12-Dec-44 | HANAU | MINOR | 156 | 2 | U | Z5 | 62 | |
24-Dec-44 | SCHONECKEN | GABRIEL | 157 | 24 | U | Z5 | 63 | |
25-Dec-44 | PRONSFELD | KLEIN | 158 | 21 | ? | 64 | PARTLY ILLEGIBLE | |
27-Dec-44 | NEUNKIRCHEN | BESTEN | 159 | 20 | U | Z5 | 65 | |
28-Dec-44 | ST. WENDEL | SKIDMORE | 160 | 17 | U | Z5 | 66 | |
30-Dec-44 | NEUWIED | KLEIN | 161 | 23 | U | Z5 | 67 | |
31-Dec-44 | KOBLENZ | KLEIN | 162 | 24 | U | Z5 | 68 | |
02-Jan-45 | REMAGEN | DWYRE | 164 | 28 | U | Z5 | 69 | |
03-Jan-45 | NEUNKIRCHEN | HODGES | 165 | 21 | U | Z5 | 70 | |
14-Jan-45 | HALLENDORF | GABRIEL | 170 | ABT | U | Z5 | 71 | ABORT - NO DETAILS - SEE OPS RPT |
16-Jan-45 | MAGDEBURG | EVERETT | 171 | 7 | U | Z5 | 72 | |
21-Jan-45 | HEILBRONN | GABRIEL | 173 | 29 | U | Z5 | 73 | |
28-Jan-45 | DORTMUND | GABRIEL | 174 | 30 | U | Z5 | 74 | |
29-Jan-45 | MUNSTER | GABRIEL | 175 | 31 | U | Z5 | 75 | |
31-Jan-45 | BRUNSWICK | KROGH | 176 | 3 | U | Z5 | 76 | RECALL - SORTIE CREDIT |
03-Feb-45 | MAGDEBURG | EVERETT | 177 | 8 | U | Z5 | 77 | |
06-Feb-45 | MAGDEBURG | EVERETT | 178 | 9 | U | Z5 | 78 | |
09-Feb-45 | MAGDEBURG | GABRIEL | 179 | 33 | U | Z5 | 79 | |
20-Feb-45 | NUREMBURG TANK FACT | EVERETT | REC | -- | U | Z5 | -- | RECALL - 5042N 0341E WEATHER |
21-Feb-45 | NUREMBERG | ROSEN | 185 | 3 | U | Z5 | 80 | |
22-Feb-45 | PEINE-HILDESHEIM | EVERETT | 186 | 11 | U | Z5 | 81 | |
02-Mar-45 | MAGDEBURG | EVERETT | 194 | 16 | U | Z5 | 82 | |
03-Mar-45 | NIENBURG | BOUCEK | 195 | 30 | U | Z5 | 83 | REPLACED 273 |
04-Mar-45 | STUTTGART | EVERETT | 196 | NTO | U | Z5 | -- | NO TAKE OFF - NO REASON GIVEN |
08-Mar-45 | DILLENBURG | HODGES | 199 | 35 | U | Z5 | 84 | |
09-Mar-45 | OSNABRUCK | HOLTZ | 200 | 1 | U | Z5 | 85 | |
10-Mar-45 | ARNSBURG | EVERETT | 201 | 18 | U | Z5 | 86 | |
12-Mar-45 | FRIEDBURG | EVERETT | 202 | 19 | U | Z5 | 87 | |
15-Mar-45 | ZOSSEN | EVERETT | 204 | 20 | U | Z5 | 88 | |
17-Mar-45 | HANNOVER | EVERETT | 205 | 21 | U | Z5 | 89 | |
18-Mar-45 | BERLIN | WELCH | 206 | 2 | U | Z5 | 90 | |
19-Mar-45 | LEIPHEIM | EVERETT | 207 | 22 | U | Z5 | 91 | |
21-Mar-45 | HESEPE | EVERETT | 209 | 23 | U | Z5 | 92 | |
24-Mar-45 | KIRKOFF | EVERETT | 213 | 25 | U | Z5 | 93 | |
25-Mar-45 | HITZACKER | SANDERS | 214 | WTHR | U | Z5 | -- | WEATHER SHIP - 754 |
30-Mar-45 | WILHELMSHAVEN | SNYDER | 215 | 5 | U | Z5 | 94 | |
31-Mar-45 | BRUNSWICK | DANIEL | 216 | 7 | U | Z5 | 95 | |
02-Apr-45 | TIRSTROP | EVERETT | ABN | -- | U | Z5 | -- | ABANDONED |
04-Apr-45 | PERLEBERG | EVERETT | 217 | 26 | U | Z5 | 96 | |
05-Apr-45 | PLAUEN | EVERETT | 218 | 27 | U | Z5 | 97 | |
06-Apr-45 | HALLE | SNYDER | 219 | 6 | U | Z5 | 98 | |
11-Apr-45 | REGENSBURG | SANDERS | 224 | 13 | U | Z5 | 99 | |
14-Apr-45 | POINTE DE GRAVE | WELCH | 225 | 12 | U | Z5 | 100 | |
15-Apr-45 | ROYAN AREA | MINOR | 226 | 31 | U | Z5 | 101 | |
16-Apr-45 | LANDSHUT | WALLIS | 227 | 20 | U | Z5 | 102 |

Crew 74 (pilot Curt Vogel) was assigned B-24H 42-95159 and named it Rough Riders II. They were able to complete four missions in this aircraft, but before they could apply the name and nose art, the ship was lost when another crew took it for a mission to Neunkirchen. On this day, May 27, 1944, the group was assembling over Cromer and had just completed a left turn and were making a right turn when the pilot of #159, 2Lt Howard Lobo, either did not or could not complete the turn rapidly enough and collided with another B-24 42-95183 of the 755th squadron, Briney Marlin piloted by 2Lt Lester C. Martin of Crew 71R. The impact tore the entire tail assembly from #159 and that aircraft was last seen spinning down into the under cast about five miles offshore into the North Sea. All ten men aboard were listed as MIA and later declared dead. Two bodies were recovered after washing ashore – those of the navigator and bombardier. This was their first mission.
Aboard Briney Marlin (#183) that day, as a fill in top turret gunner/flight engineer, was S/Sgt Chester R. Carlstrum, the tail gunner on Crew 74 (he was also qualified as a flight engineer). When the collision occurred, Martin rang the bail out bell. Carlstrum dropped down and opened the bomb bay and salvoed the bomb load. He then bailed out through the bomb bay. The tail gunner S/Sgt Wilbert Abshire, also a fill in crewman that day from Crew 75, bailed out from the tail section. In the few seconds between collision and the two men bailing out, the ship had lost several thousand feet of altitude. Martin was able to regain control and he rescinded his bail out order. The impact had bent about 6-8 feet of the right wing of Briney Marlin down at a 90° angle (photo). They radioed the control tower at Horsham and asked for instructions.
Colonel Isbell took off in Ginny, the group’s P-47, in order to look over the B-24 from the air. He ordered Martin to point the aircraft out to sea and bail the crew out. Martin decided he had enough control and decided instead, to attempt a landing at base. Keeping the airspeed high, they were able to land without further incident. As they were over the North Sea when the accident happened, Carlstrum and Abshire were never found, and presumably drowned in the English Channel.
Both men are listed at Cambridge on the Tablets of the Missing. The rest of Crew 74 did not fly that day. Carlstrum was on his 25th mission, and Abshire had about 27 missions in. Les Martin gives a lot of credit to Carlstrum for saving the plane that day. His quick action in releasing the bomb load is believed to have been one of the factors that helped Martin regain control of the aircraft.
See more under the Stories page – Collision Over Cromer
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B-24H-25 FO 42-95183 BRINEY MARLIN
RCL: O J4 (753)
RCL: U J3 (755)
RCL: U Z5 (754)
Flown into Valley, Anglesey, Wales, by a replacement crew under Movement Order dated 15 Apr 44 – crew and aircraft separated on arrival, the crew going to 445th BG.
Lead aircraft.
Transferred from 753rd BS to 755th BS between 19 & 24 May 44 and from 755th BS to 754th BS between 19 & 30 Oct 44.
Collided in mid-air with 42-95159 on 27 May 44 five miles off Cromer during assembly but was able to return to base. (Neunkirchen)
It had completed 100 missions on VE-Day.
(Info Courtesy: Tom Brittan)