Lamers Crew – Assigned 754th Squadron – May 1944

Kneeling: Maurice Bessire – G/2E, Boyce Carrigan – G/2E, Stanislaus Awers – E, Fred Fahnestock – AG, Joe Napolitano – G, Al Cifelli – RO
Completed Tour
Rank | Name | Serial # | Crew Position | Date | Status | Comments |
Capt | Gordon W Lamers | 0724778 | Pilot | 07-Mar-45 | CT | DS to 355th Ftr Grp 30 days |
1Lt | James B Coode, Jr | 0701901 | Co-pilot | 14-Mar-45 | DS | From AAF 365 to AAF 1 46 |
1Lt | Gustav W Pfleger, Jr | 0712661 | Navigator | Apr-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
1Lt | Norbert E Bueter | 0697984 | Bombardier | 09-Feb-45 | CT | Aircrew Leave |
T/Sgt | Stanislaus J Awers | 16134260 | Flight Engineer | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
T/Sgt | Albert Cifelli | 32609083 | Radio Operator | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
S/Sgt | Frederick H Fahnestock | 19110632 | Armorer-Gunner | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
S/Sgt | Boyce C Carrigan | 14166367 | Aerial Gunner, 2/E | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
S/Sgt | Maurice R Bessire | 38432659 | Aerial Gunner, 2/E | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
S/Sgt | Joseph A Napolitano | 32911969 | Armorer-Gunner | Mar-45 | CT | Trnsf 70RD for return to ZI |
Gordon Lamers and crew arrived at Horsham in May 1944 and were assigned to the 754th Squadron. Gordon Lamers and James Coode each flew what is thought to be their first mission as co-pilot on the mission to the Zeitz Oil Refinery on May 28, 1944 – Lamers with Charles Stilson’s crew and Coode with Crew 51, James Simes as pilot. The crew’s first mission together the next day turned into an abortive attempt when they could not find the formation due to heavy cloud cover.
On D-Day, Lamers flew on the second mission, with 9 other aircraft. While all crews did receive sortie credit, no bombs were dropped due to heavy undercast. It was shortly after this that Lamers crew was chosen to be a lead crew. From this point on a Command Pilot would occupy the co-pilot’s position on the crew. Exactly where James Coode was assigned is unknown, but it is probable that he filled in on other crews when needed. He evidently did well, as he was moved to First Pilot in November and flew ten missions as such, presumably completing his tour at the end of December 1944. Available Load Lists indicate that he was the pilot of the Doyle Crew after their pilot was removed from combat flying. In October, the 755th Squadron became the Group’s Lead Squadron, and all lead crews were transferred into the 755th, while those non-lead, or “Wing” crews were moved to the other three squadrons.
As a lead crew, their missions were spread out a bit more, and after August they only flew two or three missions a month, making for a longer tour. Lamers flew his last on March 2, 1945 and as records indicate the crew being reassigned to the Zone of Interior (ZI) in March, they apparently finished up around this same time. Lamers was then sent on Detached Service (DS) to the 355th Fighter Group for one month, although the purpose for this assignment is unknown. Lamers and his navigator Gustav Pfleger were both awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses while with the Group.
Missions – Gordon Lamers as 1st Pilot
Date | Target | 458th Msn | Pilot Msn | Cmd/Inst Pilot | Ld | Serial | RCL | Sqdn | A/C Msn | A/C Name | Comments |
28-May-44 | ZEITZ | 49 | 1 | STILSON | 42-95165 | S | Z5 | 9 | COOKIE | LAMERS CO-PILOT | |
29-May-44 | TUTOW A/F | 50 | ABT | 42-95018 | J | Z5 | -- | OLD DOC'S YACHT | CNF FORMATION | ||
31-May-44 | BERTRIX | 52 | 2 | 41-28705 | W | Z5 | 31 | YE OLDE HELLGATE | |||
06-Jun-44 | VILLERS BOCAGE | 57 | 3 | 42-110163 | M | J4 | 1 | TIME'S A WASTIN | MSN #2 | ||
07-Jun-44 | LISIEUX | 59 | 4 | 42-51095 | Q | Z5 | 9 | SHOO SHOO BABY | |||
11-Jun-44 | BLOIS | 62 | 5 | 42-95018 | J | Z5 | 14 | OLD DOC'S YACHT | |||
14-Jun-44 | DOMLEGER | 65 | 6 | CHAMBERLAIN | D1 | 42-110070 | E | Z5 | 9 | ELMER / LADY LUCK | |
17-Jun-44 | TOURS | 68 | 7 | WILLIAMSON | D1 | 42-100362 | A | Z5 | 9 | SWEET LORRAINE/BOOMERANG | |
21-Jun-44 | BERLIN | 75 | 8 | 44-40126 | D | Z5 | 7 | SPITTEN KITTEN / SKY TRAMP | |||
24-Jun-44 | CONCHES A/F | 77 | 9 | FREEMAN | D1 | 42-110070 | E | Z5 | 13 | ELMER / LADY LUCK | MSN #1 |
29-Jun-44 | ASCHERSLEBEN | 82 | 10 | WEBER | L | 44-40126 | D | Z5 | 10 | SPITTEN KITTEN / SKY TRAMP | |
16-Jul-44 | SAARBRUCKEN | 91 | 11 | GLENN | L2 | 44-40126 | D | Z5 | 12 | SPITTEN KITTEN / SKY TRAMP | |
18-Jul-44 | TROARN | 93 | 12 | FREEMAN | L2 | 42-50768 | A | Z5 | 1 | ARISE MY LOVE AND COME WITH ME | |
20-Jul-44 | EISENACH | 95 | 13 | HENSON | L | 42-50578 | F | Z5 | 5 | SKY ROOM | |
25-Jul-44 | ST. LO AREA "B" | 98 | 14 | BROOKS | L2 | 44-40126 | D | Z5 | 15 | SPITTEN KITTEN / SKY TRAMP | |
01-Aug-44 | T.O.s FRANCE | 100 | 15 | BOOTH | L3 | 42-50516 | B | Z5 | 1 | STARDUST | |
08-Aug-44 | CLASTRES | 108 | 16 | JAMISON | L1 | 42-50516 | B | Z5 | 2 | STARDUST | |
13-Aug-44 | LIEUREY | 112 | 17 | HINCKLEY | L3 | 44-10602 | A | J3 | 1 | TEN GUN DOTTIE | |
14-Aug-44 | DOLE/TAVAUX | 113 | 18 | 42-50578 | F | Z5 | 10 | SKY ROOM | |||
25-Aug-44 | LUBECK | 118 | 19 | CLAGGETT | D1 | 42-50516 | B | Z5 | 4 | STARDUST | |
08-Sep-44 | KARLSRUHE | 123 | 20 | BOOTH | L1 | 42-50516 | B | Z5 | 6 | STARDUST | |
26-Oct-44 | MINDEN | 138 | 21 | QUINN | L2 | 42-51939 | G+ | J3 | 4 | UNKNOWN 028 | |
06-Nov-44 | MINDEN | 143 | 22 | DARELIUS | D1 | 42-50684 | B | J3 | 5 | A&G FISH SHOPPE | |
21-Nov-44 | HARBURG | 148 | 23 | JAMISON | L1 | 42-95557 | H+ | J3 | 12 | LADY PEACE | |
11-Dec-44 | HANAU | 155 | 24 | HINCKLEY | L1 | 42-95610 | D | J3 | 6 | UNKNOWN 037 | |
25-Dec-44 | PRONSFELD | 158 | 25 | HERZBERG | L1 | 42-95610 | D | J3 | 8 | UNKNOWN 037 | |
03-Jan-45 | NEUNKIRCHEN | 165 | 26 | not listed | L1 | 42-95557 | H | J3 | 18 | LADY PEACE | |
10-Jan-45 | SCHONBERG | 168 | 27 | LaROCHE | L1 | 42-51669 | J | J3 | 2 | UNKNOWN 026 | |
16-Jan-45 | MAGDEBURG | 171 | 28 | WILLIAMSON | L | 42-51669 | J | J3 | 5 | UNKNOWN 026 | OFF LOCATION |
06-Feb-45 | MAGDEBURG | 178 | 29 | WILLIAMSON | L1 | 42-51669 | J | J3 | 7 | UNKNOWN 026 | |
25-Feb-45 | SCHWABISCH-HALL | 189 | MSHL | -- | -- | -- | -- | MARSHALLING CHIEF | |||
28-Feb-45 | BIELEFELD | 192 | ASSY | 41-28697 | Z | Z5 | A65 | SPOTTED APE | ASSY CREW | ||
02-Mar-45 | MAGDEBURG | 194 | 30 | O'NEILL | L1 | 42-51936 | I | J3 | 16 | UNKNOWN 027 |
Missions James Coode as 1st Pilot
Date | Target | 458th Msn | Pilot Msn | Serial | RCL | Sqdn | A/C Msn | A/C Name | Comments |
04-Nov-44 | MISBURG | 141 | 1 | 41-29596 | R | Z5 | 66 | HELL'S ANGEL'S | |
05-Nov-44 | KARLSRUHE | 142 | 2 | 42-110059 | T | Z5 | 44 | UNKNOWN 056 | |
06-Nov-44 | MINDEN | 143 | 3 | 42-110070 | K | Z5 | 44 | ELMER | |
09-Nov-44 | METZ AREA | 145 | 4 | 42-95120 | M | Z5 | 53 | HOOKEM COW / BETTY | POSSIBLE ANA |
26-Nov-44 | BIELEFELD | 150 | 5 | 42-50640 | O | 15 | BUGS BUNNY | RCM / K-21 | |
30-Nov-44 | HOMBURG | 151 | 6 | -- | -- | -- | -- | No FC - Sqdn Rec's | |
04-Dec-44 | BEBRA | 152 | 7 | 42-110059 | T | Z5 | 49 | UNKNOWN 056 | |
11-Dec-44 | HANAU | 155 | 8 | 41-29305 | N | Z5 | 40 | I'LL BE BACK/HYPOCHONDRIAC | |
18-Dec-44 | KOBLENZ | REC | -- | 44-40298 | E | Z5 | -- | THE SHACK | RECALL DUTCH ISLE |
24-Dec-44 | SCHONECKEN | 157 | 9 | 41-29596 | R | Z5 | 74 | HELL'S ANGEL'S | |
27-Dec-44 | NEUNKIRCHEN | 159 | MSHL | -- | -- | -- | -- | MARSHALING CHIEF- 754TH | |
28-Dec-44 | ST. WENDEL | 160 | 10 | 42-50456 | D | Z5 | 22 | DOROTHY KAY SPECIAL | |
31-Dec-44 | KOBLENZ | 162 | MSHL | -- | -- | -- | -- | MARSHALING CHIEF- 754TH |
S/Sgt Boyce C. Carrigan

(Photos Courtesy: Cina Carrigan)
May 28, 1944
2Lt Gordon Lamers
28) Was gotten up and reported for briefing. This is it all right. I was to fly co-pilot for Lt. Stilson. Took off at 1030 and got underway for my first mission. Was excited as a kid with a new toy. Hit our target, oil refinery at Zeitz, Germany. Saw plenty of flak but no fighters. Darn near out of gas on way home but made it OK. Flying time 7 hrs. 30 min. Ate and showered. During my absence my officers had been moved into the club. Hot dog! Looks like a good setup. Retired at 2300 after a couple vain attempts to write letters.
Click image for full load list
May 28, 1944. On this one I went out as a co-pilot for Lt. Stilson and his crew and Jim as the co-pilot for another experienced crew. Every new pilot and co-pilot were required to do this for the sake of experience. We took off at 1030 and as we arrived in the assembly area I was taken back at the number of ships up in the blue. Watched closely to see how this was all done so I could do it the next time with my own crew. Got under way OK and began on course. Entered the enemy coast about 25 miles north of Amsterdam, Holland and about 18,000 feet. Kept climbing on course and was alerted for enemy fighters over Dummer Lake. None hit us or any ships around that I could see. Got up to 24,0000 feet our bombing altitude and was the target for a couple flak batteries on the way into the target, the oil refinery at Zeitz, Germany. On the bomb run a squadron flew directly over us with bomb doors open and we had to sweat them out. They finally pulled out and made a 360 turn. Bombs went away OK and no opposition by flak. Sure clobbered the target. On the way back nothing of importance happened except a few flak bursts here and there. Over the North Sea our gas wouldn’t transfer so Stilson broke formation and hurried for home alone. We made it OK and chalked up number one.
(Courtesy: Joseph Lamers)