Jessee Crew – Assigned 754th Squadron – March 28, 1945
Crew Photo Needed
Flying at the End of Hostilities
Rank | Name | Serial # | Crew Position | Date | Status | Comments |
2Lt | Howard G Jessee | 0833755 | Pilot | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
2Lt | E J Cox, Jr | 02077209 | Co-pilot | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
2Lt | Earl T Sheets | 0837602 | Navigator | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
2Lt | Tommy Thompson | Bombardier | 1945 | UNK | Not Assigned w/Crew | |
Sgt | Israel Rubinstein | 32903098 | Radio Operator | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
Sgt | Frank L Muscatell | 11091155 | Flight Engineer | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
Sgt | Kenneth W Lehn | 32994826 | Armorer-Gunner | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
Sgt | Frank J Perry | 13195268 | Aerial Gunner | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
Sgt | Frederick D Krell | 31411487 | Aerial Gunner | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
Sgt | Phillip G Sunkel | 16032329 | Aerial Gunner | 25-Apr-45 | FEH | Mission Load List |
2Lt Harold Eddy was originally this crew’s pilot. Prior to leaving Mitchell Field in New York, he came down with appendicitis and was replaced by 2Lt Howard Jessee. 2Lt Tommy Thompson, bombardier, did not accompany them either. The crew arrived at Horsham St Faith about a month before the end of combat air operations in the ETO. They were able to get in two missions to Germany during the final few days of the air war, including the last operational mission flown by the Eighth Air Force on April 25, 1945.
They were assigned a Liberator to ferry back to the States in June.
Frank Perry recalls the trip home:
“I really do not recall extra people with us. I can’t say for sure it did not happen. We left England taking southern route. Flew to Lagos Field in the Azores. Overnighted then flew to St. Johns, Newfoundland, landing just to take on fuel, then continuing on to Bradley Field, Conn. where A/C was turned in and crews disbanded. After few days for paper work crew members were furloughed to their homes. After 30 day leave I reported to NJ then on troop train to Sioux Falls SD, then on troop train to Las Vegas, Nev. to go to B-29 school, however during this the war in Japan ended and training programs cancelled. I did various jobs until discharged out of Bolling Fd. Wash, DC in May 46. Never did see any of my crew again.
“One nice thing about this when I was sent to Las Vegas I met up again with our original Pilot Harry Eddy, who had an appendix operation the night before we left from Mitchell Fld. Long Island for Europe. That’s how we became the Jessee crew. We [also] had an excellent Co-pilot in Earl Sheets that we felt safe at all times.”
Date | Target | 458th Msn | Pilot Msn | Serial | RCL | Sqdn | A/C Msn | A/C Name | Comments |
18-Apr-45 | PASSAU | 228 | 1 | 42-50456 | D | Z5 | 58 | DOROTHY KAY SPECIAL | |
25-Apr-45 | BAD REICHENHALL | 230 | 2 | 42-100366 | H | Z5 | 81 | MIZPAH | "059" HAND-WRITTEN IN |
Charleston, SC – 1945
2Lt Harold Eddy, the crew’s first pilot, talking with some of the crew
Earl Sheets, EJ Cox, Tommy Thompson, Harold Eddy
April 18, 1945
First mission: The view from the co-pilot’s window
Sgt Frank Muscatell
Fred Krell and Frank Muscatell at Horsham
Frank Muscatell in the pilot’s seat
Sgt Israel Rubinstein
Israel Rubinstein at his radio opearator’s position
June 1945
Jessee Crew with B-24JSH-10-FO 42-51743 J3 F
Standing: Earl Sheets, EJ Cox, Howard Jessee, Unknown
Kneeling: Israel Rubinstein, Fred Krell (next three, unknown)
Sitting: Ken Lehn, Frank Perry, Unknown, Phil Sunkel, Frank Muscatell