458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2012
Name: Kevin McKenzie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Jan-12
What a fine website, honoring these men that made history… thanks to Mr. Scorza for keeping history alive and vibrant through the 458th exploits.
Name: Kate Brauer-Bell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Jan-12
So wonderful to find my grandfather, Capt. Alfred C. Brauer, represented here on your website. Thank you for your dedication to this project!
Name: Mark A. Sjolund
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Jan-12
Thank you! That’s my father Arthur Sjolund in the front row, far right! Many thanks for building this website!
Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Jan-12
To Kate Brauer-Bell
Capt Brauer was the pilot on our crew. I was the radio operator gunner. You should be very proud of your grandfather as his skill as a pilot was the main reason that our whole crew survived our missions and returned with no casualties. Don Atkinson
Name: Patricia Brooks
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Feb-12
Hi, I am trying to find some info on Sgt. Daniel A. Depasquale, he is my husband’s Uncle. I know he was a gunner. Any info on him or pictures would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
Name: Carrie M
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Feb-12
Thank you for the information, I have been searching online for info about my grandfather, Jake Tamburello and found the information here interesting, I especially liked the personal note from him regarding the events of March 8th 1944. If anyone has more information or photos of him, they would be greatly appreciated.
Name: Patrick Barrett
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Feb-12
My father-in-law flew during WWII with the 458th -754th Bomb Squadron. His name is Odus Ray Abernathy from Cramerton (near Gastonia), N.C. My wife – his oldest child – Cathy Abernathy would love to hear from anyone who knew or flew out of England in ETO over France or Germany with her dad. Any photos of him would also be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all of you great Americans for your service!
Name: Michael R. Coggins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Mar-12
Max Stone (SSG tail gunner for the 1LT Glenn Hess flight crew) passed away 3-23-12. His obituary is in the Northeast Daily Journal, 3-24-12 edition.
Name: Barry Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Mar-12
What a valuable source of information. It helped me research and verify many parts of my father’s missions and flights. My father was Harold Wm. Smith. He started out in the 757th on Mar 1, 1943; 758th on April 7, 1943; 755th on June 6, 1943; 753rd on Aug 9, 1944 at Norwich, England. I see he is not listed a crew member. He was flight engineer/top turret gunner. I have his flight log book. He passed away in 1989. Two crew members are still alive.
Name: Robert Frazier
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-12
My father was a radio man and waist gunner on Top O’ the Mark and Yankee Buzz Bomb. He usually flew with a pilot named Grice and a co-pilot named Cliff Peters. I believe the rear tail gunner was Harold Skeel. His name was Robert Frazier and he was Tech Sgt. He flew in late 1943 and 1944. Does anyone have any pictures of the crew? I think it was crew EJ1 of the 752 Squadron. I really appreciate this site. Thank you.
Name: Jim Moe
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Apr-12
Carrie M says…
Thank you for the information, I have been searching online for info about my grandfather, Jake Tamburello and found the information here interesting, I especially liked the personal note from him regarding the events of March 8th 1944. If anyone has more information or photos of him, they would be greatly appreciated
Carrie: My uncle Elmer Moe was on the same crew as your grandfather. I have collected some information on the crew and what happened after they were shot down. Would like you to me to see if we have information to exchange.
Name: Tom Docherty
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Apr-12
Hello All,
My first post here. I am working on an article about the 753rd BS and in particular the B-24s equipped to use the Azon bomb system. I wish to make contact with any surviving crew members from the following aircraft in order to gather first hand accounts of Azon missions:
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-95 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 42-100342 J4-A SATANS MATE
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-155 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 44-40264 J4-K KISS ME BABY
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-155 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 44-40277 J4-P MISS USED
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-155 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 44-40281 J4-Q A DOGS LIFE
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-155 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 44-40285 J4-H TABLE STUFF
CONSOLIDATED B-24JAZ-155 ? USAAF ? 458BG 753BS ? 44-40291 J4-O ROYAL FLUSH
Although I have some photos of these B-24 I would like to source more and to correspond with relatives of the crew members of these aircraft ho may have memories of them. I look forward to hearing from anyone who can help.
Tom Docherty
Historian and author
Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: email
Date: 20-Apr-12
For attention of Tom Docherty, I do not have any photos of Dogs Life but I do have a piece of Duralmin from the aircraft skin (approx one and a half foot by one and a half foot) . I can take a photo of this and furnish you with it if you would like . This wreckage was recovered from Dogs Life crash site about two years ago in Old Catton, Norwich . please contact me via my E mail [email protected].
Name: Willard Rodermel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Apr-12
Kathleen Hartman says…
My great Uncle was Sgt. Enrico R. Ciotti, the waist gunner for the 752nd Squadron. He was killed in action on April 9, 1945 over Lechfeld, Germany. I was just wondering if anyone has information about him; it would be greatly appreciated.
Name: Lawrence Van Kuran
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Apr-12
Son of Karl E. Van Kuran, Jr., tail-gun, Jerry Matze crew (AZON)
Name: Tom Docherty
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Apr-12
Ben Marshall says…
Ben Marshall, co-pilot on Dale Dyer crew in 753rd Squadron. Living in San Diego, CA for many years. Love the website — thanks!
Hello Ben,
I am currently working on an article about the Azon bombing missions of the 753rd. Was your crew involved in these and if so would you be prepared to tell me about it?
Tom Docherty
Name: Tom Docherty
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Apr-12
Barry Smith says…
What a valuable source of information. It helped me research and verify many parts of my father’s missions and flights. My father was Harold Wm. Smith. He started out in the 757th on Mar 1, 1943; 758th on April 7, 1943; 755th on June 6, 1943; 753rd on Aug 9, 1944 at Norwich, England. I see he is not listed a crew member. He was flight engineer/top turret gunner. I have his flight log book. he passed away in 1989. Two crew members are still alive.
Hello Barry,
I am currently working on an article about the Azon bombing missions of the 753rd. Was your father’s crew involved in these and if so do you still have contact with the crew survivors? I would like to correspond with them about it.
Tom Docherty
Name: Tom Docherty
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Apr-12
Lawrence Van Kuran says…
Son of Karl E. Van Kuran, Jr., tail-gun, Jerry Matze crew (AZON)
Hello Laurence,
I am currently working on an article about the Azon bombing missions of the 753rd. I noted that your father’s crew was involved in these. Would you be prepared to tell me about his experiences?
Tom Docherty
Name: Mike Simpson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Apr-12
Excellent website! Just skimmed through it for a quick look and was extremely impressed. I will let you know when the CD’s from Maxwell come in. Good Job!
Name: Gene Miller
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-May-12
Harold P Lambousy was my drafting teacher in 72/73 at the SW Louisiana Vo-Tech School in Crowley LA. Mr. “Lamb” was the nose gunner on the aircraft “Roll Call” which was crippled by anti-aircraft fire over Berlin March 6, 1944. They were able to ride it to Holland where the crew was finally forced to bail out. Their target was the Daimler-Benz Motor works in Erkner Germany. One day in class he told us of his capture and internment first in Stalag Luft VI and then his forced march transfer to Stalag Luft IV. Thank you for this site and the treasure of information, documents, photographs and first-hand accounts of the brave men that served in the 468th Bombardment Group.
Name: George
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-May-12
Hi – Have been looking for information on my Dad. Was interested in his history and was lucky enough to run across this site. Thanks!
Name: Cindy Buhagiar( McConnell)
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-May-12
Awesome, Just came across this site when I typed in my Uncles name Claude H McConnell just read his story of his mission to Berlin March 18, 1945 on the A&G Fish Shoppe aircraft I have heard this story right from his own mouth and seen his pics. He is still alive and well I’ll be seeing him this coming up Memorial weekend and he’ll be celebrating his 87th B-Day. still going strong!
Name: Wayne Schwegel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Jul-12
Great photos and stories — great website.
Hoped that someone might have gone through gunnery school with my uncle, Sgt. Howard Schwegel of the 492nd BG (H), North Pickenham, KIA 4 June 1944 near Shipdham, 44th BG.
Thanks for your service and best wishes,
Sgt. Wayne Schwegel, USAF 1966-70
Name: Connie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Jul-12
My father in law was Percy Goewey. His crew was 1Lt Charles W. Quirk, 2Lt George A. Campbell, Capt Charles F. Gaine,1Lt David C. Jelinek,T/Sgt Thomas J. McQueen,T/Sgt Gerald K. Miller,S/Sgt Charles C. Hillis III,S/Sgt Donald H. Swanson,S/Sgt Percival M. Goewey,S/Sgt Donald W. Pierce – [A/C#] 100365 (458th BG, 755th BS) shot down near Harveng, Belgium Jul 12, 1944. MACR 6930. Thank you so much for this site! I would love any and all information that family members would have.
Name: Bill Stackhouse
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Aug-12
First Lieutenant Walter C. Stackhouse, Navigator on the Skidmore Crew (BJ140) passed away on August 6, 2012 at the age of 92 from the effects of radiation proctitis resulting from radiation treatments at age 87 for early stage prostate cancer. Is there anyone alive from his crew or who otherwise knew my Dad? If so please email me or post a Guest Book entry at this site.
Name: Robert Lebeuf
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Aug-12
My father is Leo Lebeuf. Am going to send him Liberators over Norwich for his 90th birthday. He served in the 8th AF in Lecce, Italy, then the 15th in England. Great website. Thanks.
Name: Don Atkinson
Email: email
Date: 17-Aug-12
Your father was in the 8th Air force in england and the 15th in Italy. I’m sure he will enjoy the Liberators Over Norich. My wife gave it to me for my 88th birthday and I sure enjoyed reading it.
Name: Carrie M
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Aug-12
Jim Moe says…
[Carrie M]
Thank you for the information, I have been searching online for info about my grandfather, Jake Tamburello and found the information here interesting, I especially liked the personal note from him regarding the events of March 8th 1944. If anyone has more information or photos of him, they would be greatly appreciated
Carrie: My uncle Elmer Moe was on the same crew as your grandfather. I have collected some information on the crew and what happened after they were shot down. Would like you to me
to see if we have information to exchange.
Jim: sorry I did not see this for so long, it lost the link. I am thrilled to know someone who’s family served with my grandfather. I would love to see the info you have gathered. Please Let me know how I can contact you
Name: Jan de Kock
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Sep-12
With deep respect i adopted the grave of SGT Lademan Marvin 458 bomb group. Crew 46 – Assigned 754th Squadron – October 1943. Shot down March 6, 1944 (MACR #3351) If anyone has some information for me it would be great. please send it to : diveratlivedotnl or jdekockatplanet.nl
Name: Dick Hrebik
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Sep-12
I talk a lot about my cousin, Capt Joe Roubal, pilot of Liberty Lib, first to bomb Berlin, in my book CORPS VET. He was one terrific guy. I also intend to write about him in my next book WALTER GOES TO WAR.
Semper Fi, Dick Hrebik, mustang Major USMC Ret, award winning author of THE WARRIOR AMONG US and CORPS VET
Name: Phillip Arnn
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Oct-12
My uncle was Harvey Poff Jr. 458 BG, 752nd squadron, Kendrick Ferriell crew. He was awarded the DFC for bringing his plane home after the pilot and copilot were killed on a mission. He was the radio operator. He must have been on loan to another crew when this happened because Ferriell and his copilot survived the war. I would like to know if there is any way I can find out the details of the mission that led to his DFC award.
Name: Robert Meade
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Oct-12
thank you for this website and information, my Uncle was Robert T. Finn on board the O’Hara. if there is any information about his mission or crew. I would love to know! my prayers are with all of the families that have loved ones serving this great country.
Name: Heather C
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Oct-12
Carrie M says…
Jim: sorry I did not see this for so long, it lost the link. I am thrilled to know someone who’s family served with my grandfather. I would love to see the info you have gathered. Please Let me know how I can contact you
Jim hello I have not seen where carrie m has responded to you she may not know you have replied this has been our familys lifes research. our grand father passed when we were kids (carrie is my sister) and we would love nothing more than to see what you have. give us the chance to get colser to such a great man. please e-mail me at [email protected]
Heather C
Name: Charley Royal
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Nov-12
Bill I’m sorry to hear of your loss. My Grandfather is LT COL Lester J. Skidmore. He passed away on March 3,2001. I can remember him talking about your dad a lot!
Bill Stackhouse says…
First Lieutenant Walter C. Stackhouse, Navigator with the Skidmore Crew (BJ140), passed away on August 6, 2012 at age of 92 from the effects of radiation protists resulting from radiation treatments at age 87 for early stage prostate cancer. Is anyone still alive from the Skidmore Crew or who otherwise served with my Dad? Please email me at [email protected] or post a Guest Book entry at this site.
Name: Terry Grant
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Nov-12
On November 3rd 2012, Richard (Dick) Grant passed away at the age of 88. He was a tail gunner on the Briney Marlin. He left behind his wife of 64 years, and his 3 sons, all still living in Dicks lifelong home town of South Bend, Indiana
Name: David Snyder
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Nov-12
This is a great website. My late father Harry Snyder arrived in england at the young age of 20. He was assigned to the 458th bomb group. He came home in one piece but never really spoke about his experience except to tell me how one day he watched a bunch of british spitfires chasing a V1 buzz bomb trying to tip it’s wing and make it crash. May God bless the hero warriors of the mighty 8th airforce.
Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Nov-12
I would like to wish a verry Merry Christmas to all the 458 th members and their families.