458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book


Archived Guest Book 2011

Name: Dan Bean
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Feb-11
Greetings to all,
I recently found the box of photographs and some limited items that were my Grandfather’s from his service in the 458th. He passed back in 1997 while i was stationed overseas during my own days in the service. Sgt. Loomis N. Bean was his name and rank when he ended his term. He was a Ground Crewman (Mechanic) and I was unable to get information about the photos before he passed. I am scanning in the photos as I have time and would like to share them here and keep the memories of the members of the 458th from disappearing. Thank you.


Name: Jeremy Wikstrom
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Feb-11
I am the grandson of Robert W. Groh, from the Burman crew. Thanks for putting together this site – I’ve learned a few things about my grandfather’s history.


Name: Derek Waters
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Feb-11
I am Hon. Chairman of City of Norwich Aviation Museum At Horsham St Faith, England. Good to see such a wonderful website dedicated to the 458th. Congratulations on a job very well done.
Derek Waters
Norwich UK


Name: Eric Cameron
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Mar-11
Jim, I am Byron Logies Grandson please send me a email if you get this.

Jim Murphy says…
Thanks for the WEB site. My dad, Thomas R. Murphy, was 2Lt Logie’s RO. He never spoke much about the war or his participation. After he died in July 1999 we uncovered a letter the War Department sent to his mother listing him as MIA, followed with a letter that he had escaped to Sweden, his silk worm membership card, and history of his E&E trip through Denmark. The Danish rescue heroes of crew 68 have established a museum and memorial to Lt Logie’s crew. My dad’s flight boots are on display along with relics from the crash site. Lt Logie’s account of the evasion follow closely with the story that the Danish published a few years ago. My dad mentioned that until the crew returned to England there was little known about the Danish underground. He completed 22 years service in the USAF flying on B-29’s (509th Composite), B-50’s, and B-36’s as a RO. It is amazing the amount of data and detail that exists on this one B-24 crash event. I would like to identify the Luftwaffe fighter unit that was involved – if anyone has an idea on how to research this I would be grateful. I checked the Datenbank Abfrage and found an account of the action and crash but no mention of the three yellownose Bf-109’s. Thanks again for filling in a portion of my dad’s life that was mostly a mystery.
Jim Murphy


Name: Gilbert Stouvenot
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Mar-11
I am looking for information regarding Ed Silver a pilot 458 BG 755 Squadron. He was shot down over Chalon-sur-Marne around August 26, 1944.


Name: Don Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Mar-11
In reply to Gilbert Stouvenot search for Ed Silver see the combat crew link here foe the Allen Blum crew. Ed lives in Las Vegas. I have address and email. Don Echols


Name: Stuart Vordenbaum
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Mar-11
Allen Eastman is my uncle. He has passed on. He never talked much about his war time experience. He was very ill towards the end. He did tell me about the flak being so thick over Berlin that it looked like you could step out and walk on it. Another story, he just got up out of his jump seat when a piece of flak came up thru the bottom of the plane, through his seat and hit the bomb loading rail. The piece was so hot it burned his glove. He gave the piece to the pilot. It was unreal to find this site and see his picture. Thank you so much.
Stuart W. Vordenbaum


Name: Jenny Collins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Mar-11
Kendrick “Ed” Ferriell was my uncle, and I am very proud of him. He kept many thing to himself about his missions. If anyone has any special memories or moments with him and you would like to share it with me, I would be very honored.


Name: Gilbert Stouvenot
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Mar-11
Don Echols, ( – Mail returned.)
Ed Silver tells me that the Terte mission of Aug. 25th 1944 your plane got hit and the mission was aborted but you managed to land somewhere in the north east part of France. Could you possibly know the name of the town or city that toke you in? Was there other survivor beside you and Ed?
Thanks, Gilbert Stouvenot


Name: Dave Danly
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Mar-11
I came across the site as I was doing research on my Uncle’s service record. He tells me he flew in the 753 Sqadron of the 458 group of b24 liberators. I was unable to find a photo of him or his name listed in the list of crews. He talked about a flight in which his plane was hit and after losing 2 engines was forced to “crash” land in France. Anyone know which crew he was in? George Danly is his name.


Name: Kyle Fadeley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Mar-11
My wife is from Alverskirchen, Germany where the Fritzi was shot down. I’ve ran and rode my bike near the crash site on numerous occasions never knowing the history of what occurred in this farmer’s field. In fact, my wife who was born and raised in Alverskirchen was unfamiliar with the crash site and the ten (10) men who died. During my last visit I stumbled across your research and thought I would sign your guestbook. Thanks for sharing.


Name: Dan Knasel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Mar-11
Your site and the information included about the service of CP Robert Zedeker of 753, crew 33 was a great find. Thank you for making this site available. It adds so much more to our memories of and respect for the man we knew.


Name: Blanchard J. Marchand
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-11
Wow, fantastic website. I accidently found this site and discovered that my Uncle was in crew 53. His name is Acy Marchand. I knew that he had been a navigator in the war, but I never knew what kind of plane he flew in. Really neat. Thanks for your website. B.J. Marchand


Name: Barbara A. Todd
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-11
My deceased father was a member of the 458th BG and spoke often of your location. My husband and myself have been looking for tours of the areas the 458th flew over including yours. Do you know of any escorted tours?

Derek Waters says…
I am Hon. Chairman of City of Norwich Aviation Museum At Horsham St Faith, England. Good to see such a wonderful website dedicated to the 458th. Congratulations on a job very well done.
Derek Waters
Norwich UK


Name: Charles Morgan
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-11
I am trying to assist an old friend in obtaining information on his service with the 458th, I think in the 577th B Squadron. He flew in Able Mable and was shot down June 29, 1044 on his second mission and remained a POW for some time. His name is Walter Czawlytko, from Baltimore. I am looking for any photographs of his unit, plane, etc and would like to hear from anyone who might have served with him.
Many thanks – Captain Charles Morgan


Name: Bob LeHardy
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-11
Arnold Lehardy of Garner
Mr. Arnold Lehardy 88 of Garner went to be with his Lord on Friday April 1, 2011 at May View of Raleigh. The Baltimore MD native was a son of the late Louis and Edna Arnold Lehardy. Mr. Lehardy was a US Army Air Corp WWII pilot and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Army Air Medal with 5 clusters. A funeral service will be held 4:00 P.M. Sunday, April 3, 2011 at Skinner & Smith funeral Home. Burial will follow in Devotional Gardens. He is survived by his wife, Ada Barefoot Lehardy, sons, Frank Barden, Jr. and wife, Pamela of Apex, Phillip Barden of Garner, and Daniel P. Mateja of Germany; grandchildren, Christopher Barden, Brian Barden, David Braden, Sean Green, Jonathan Barden; and 6 great-grandchildren. The family will receive friends 3:00 until 4:00 P.M. Sunday at Skinner & Smith Funeral Home in Dunn and other times at his home in Garner.


Name: Larry L. Long
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Apr-11
Hello, I am lookiing for anyone who may have info on I. Clifford Sparks, who served as Waist Gunner, Flight Engineer or Radio Operator in B-24s during 1944-45 with the 8th AF. He was my brother-in-law and passed away 07/28/2010. I remember pictures of him with crew, but I don’t know the squadron or any crew-members names.


Name: Lew Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Apr-11
My uncle ,Carson Fisher, was on the same crew. Is your uncle still living? Carson was wounded and did not finish the tour.

Blanchard J. Marchand says…
Wow, fantastic website. I accidently found this site and discovered that my Uncle was in crew 53. His name is Acy Marchand. I knew that he had been a navigator in the war, but I never knew what kind of plane he flew in. Really neat. Thanks for your website. B.J. Marchand


Name: Terry Rose
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-May-11
Hello from New Zealand. I have menu card dated June 1946 for a dinner honouring the resumption of PAA Clipper services between New Zealand and USA. The dinner was held at the Grand Hotel, Auckland and my father was the chef for that function. Among the 39 guests was Capt John Roberts, USAAF. Is anyone able to verify whether this Capt Roberts was the same Capt Roberts who served with the 458 BG and what was the circumstance for his attendance at this dinner? Apart from a US Naval Attaché there were no other US military guests.


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-May-11
67 years ago today the Lt Paul Kingsley crew, 754th Sq, 458th BG, flying B-24 “Belle of Boston” crashed shortly after takeoff on mission to Brunswick, Germany taking the lives of six of the ten crew. Remembered today in Frettenham, Norfolk by the Hewitt family and villagers.


Name: Ivy B Griffin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-May-11
Hi Trevor,
I flew that day too with Lt Stewart crew 76. 755 sqd. plane “Gator” 458th group. We were loaded with 500 pound demo bombs. Take off was 6 am. Our crew made missions May 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25, 28, and 31. We were lucky and blessed to finish 30 on June 8th after two on “D” day. My co-pilot Bert Betts and I are all left on our crew.
Ivy Griffin


Name: Kristen Kulig-Shea
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-May-11
Hi: What an interesting and informative piece of history you have created in this site. Thank you for sharing your father’s personal history. I have a question about a fellow shown in the picture on your homepage…”Walt Kulig”. I’m wondering if it might possibly be my grandfather’s brother? Do you have any other info on this Walt Kulig listed. The picture is excellent quality and there does seem to be some resemblance to my grandfather….but not 100% sure. I know Walter (William) Kulig was in WWII but the info I have is that he was in the Navy and was involved with the Asian Pacific Theater.
Thank you for your time,
Kristin Kulig-Shea


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-May-11
Hello Mr. Griffin, please would you contact me, as I would dearly like to hear more about your time here at Horsham St Faith, I live approx a quarter mile from the end of what was the main runway N/E end (05). Trevor


Name: Ivy Griffin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-May-11
Hi Trevor,
I sent you an email but it was returned for reason 559 sc 001. If you have my email address send me one and maybe I can return yours.


Name: Sue Knepper
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-May-11
Thank you so much for all your efforts in getting my father, Cedric Cole’s WW2 stories on the Internet!


Name: Chad Cronkite
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-May-11
My name is Chad Cronkite, my dad was the co-pilot for the Azon mission. I salute each and every one of your generation.


Name: Kelly Carper
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-May-11
Stories done on Cedric Cole were excellent. Good work and I will share the web address with many folks!


Name: Jon McDonald
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-May-11
My dad T/Sgt Daniel J. (Mac) McDonald, was assigned to the 458thBG, 755thSq from Dec.’43 to Jun.’45, he was a Bombardier / armorer gunner. His combat crew photo shows them in front of Ruth Marie, Blood and Guts and The Swede. Does anyone out there know Mac?, thanks, Jon, San Diego. PS: what a fantastic site, keep up the strong work!


Name: Ben Blom
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-May-11
ik heb het graf van James Musa T/Sgt RN.12199253 458th BGd geadopteerd leg daar op zijn sterfdag en op 5 mei de bevrijdng dag bloemen ik had graag wat gegevens van James Musa geboorte datum over zijn familie broers zussen ik bewonder wat hij voor ons heeft gedaan zal zijn graf met respect blijven verzorgen b blom 11 01 1945

Above text translated by Google: I have the grave of James Musa T / Sgt 458th RN.12199253 GSB adopted lay there on his death anniversary on May 5 and the flowers bevrijdng[?] day I would like some information about James Musa birth date on his family, brothers, sisters, I admire what he did for us has done will continue to provide his grave with respect. b blom 11 January 1945


Name: David Brandsor
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-May-11
Ref 1st Lt Clifford Bransdor, he was my uncle I am looking for any info anyone might have he served the 753 Bomb Sq 458 Gp from Aug 44 to Feb 45 and 755 Bomb sq 458 Gp from Feb 45 to April 45. If you have any info about the crews he was please contact me. David


Name: Sarah Rampleman
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Jun-11
LT Charles ” Chuck” Gribi, USAAF, on the Briney Marlin. Thank you for posting this site. I love listening to my grandpa talk about each and every mission and reading all I can about every experience he and his friends and crew had. Thank you, Sarah Rampleman


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Jun-11
I have spoken with your grandfather. He was in the same bombardier class as my father, and I have your grandfather’s picture during his training days.


Name: Sarah Rampleman
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Jun-11
Dear Marilyn, I am so happy you have been able to connect with people who knew your father. My grandpa has the most amazing memory for details and I consider myself to be so lucky that at 31, and with a son who is 7 that we have had so much time with grandpa Charlie. Through him my son and I were able to get the tiniest hint of what is was really like for them in the war at 18 years old with just 8 weeks of training, if even that. My grandfather, along with my other grandfather, Frank Rampleman who was a warrant officer, are the bravest guys I know.


Name: Clare O. Carpenter, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Jun-11
My dad served in the 458th and was stationed in England, according to his service records, from November 1944 to July 1945. He was also stationed at the US Army Air corps field in Boca Raton, FL. My dad boxed in the service and was the light heavyweight champ of his division. Dad never talked much about his service and sadly we lost him in 1975. I appreciate this website to help fill in the history of my dad’s years in the service. I do remember him saying how much he admired the English people and how he would like to return someday. Unfortunately, he never got the chance.


Name: Ted Berkeley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Jun-11
My wife and daughter and I are planning on visiting England this summer and we decided to see if we could find some information about where my father was stationed during the war. Armed with my father’s records we found the website for the 458th. Not knowing the crew he was on or any of his crew members I started a search of the available pictures and found him as a member of the 752nd Squadron, the Geiger Crew. He is standing in the back row, the second from the left. He is Sgt. Paul G. Berkeley, Flight Engineer and Top Turret Gunner. I wish he could see this site, but unfortunately we lost him in 2002. I’ve always been proud of his service as well as everyone who served in that war. If you have any information on him or his crew, I would appreciate hearing from you.


Name: William Porter Stout
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jun-11
Need contact for Eugene Jose Singer, if living, or his family. He was close to my family in late 40’s early fifties in Salem West Virginia. Any info/suggestions?? He was musician, after liberation, and played with San Antonio Symphony in 50’s-60’s W.M. Stout 415-305-4085


Name: psnikkijamest2
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Jun-11
Great website yours sincerely, Suzy Fiebelkorn


Name: Melissa Quon Huber
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Jun-11
Wow! What an incredible resource. Russell Bechtel was my great uncle. One of our family members ran across your site and shared this information with the family. The pictures and stories fill in a lot of missing information I had not known. Thank you for this great service in preserving their stories.


Name: Patricia
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Jul-11
Hello, my grandfather is Harold Blanshan. I found your article very interesting. Thank you.


Name: Duane Dedrickson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Jul-11
My father, John Dedrickson, was part of the “Lincoln Larson crew” and was shot down in the “Sweet Lorraine”. I would love to hear from anyone related to the crew members.


Name: Jean Davy
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Jul-11


Name: Liz Manuel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jul-11
My Uncle and Aunt live in Norwich. I am seeking information in regards to my aunt’s aunt that would love to hear about (name given) Charles Rhodes nickname “Buzz”. Please email me.


Name: Ben Marshall
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Jul-11
Ben Marshall, co-pilot on Dale Dyer crew in 753rd Squadron. Living in San Diego, CA for many years. Love the website — thanks!


Name: Barbara Kulig
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Jul-11
Hi – My father was Walter William Kulig – served in WW II in the Navy, In the Asian Pacific Theater. This is the first time I have seen this website. Can you tell me where to see the picture of Mr. Kulig. Thanks.

Kristin Kulig-Shea says…
Hi; what an interesting and informative piece of history you have created in this site. Thank you for sharing your father’s personal history.
I have a question about a fellow shown in the picture on your homepage…”Walt Kulig”. I’m wondering if it might possibly be my grandfather’s brother? Do you have any other info on this Walt Kulig listed. The picture is excellent quality and there does seem to be some resemblance to my grandfather….but not 100% sure. I know Walter (William) Kulig was in WWII but the info I have is that he was in the Navy and was involved with the Asian Pacific Theater.
Thank you for your time;
Kristin Kulig-Shea


Name: Kathleen Hartman
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Jul-11
My great Uncle was Sgt. Enrico R. Ciotti, the waist gunner for the 752nd Squadron. He was killed in action on April 9, 1945 over Lechfeld, Germany. I was just wondering if anyone has information about him; it would be greatly appreciated.


Name: Linda Berrio Disabatino
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Aug-11


Name: Brent Dorval
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Aug-11
I have been interested in the AAF for many years and my dad was a gunner on a light bomber. I have a uniform from T. Sgt. Stan Kurzontkowski, 31228113, 752nd BS, 458th BG, 8th AAF. He was at station 123 in the states. Can anyone provide any information his service? Thank you


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Aug-11
RE: Brent Dorval post: USAAF station 123 was at Horsham Saint Faith, near the City of Norwich, Norfolk, England


Name: Walter R. Denton, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Aug-11
I am the son of Walter R Denton, a crewmember on the Stanley Diehl crew who was killed on January 14, 1945, returning to from a mission to Hallendorf Germany… I would be happy to communicate with anyone who knows more about this mission and the crew.


Name: Jim Cavanaugh
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Sep-11
I’m currently archiving all of my families old photos and my great uncle Robert Dahlberg has quite a few WWII pictures. I have one that he took of “Sweet Loraine”. He most likely knew the crew although he most likely was not on that plane. I’m happy to share the picture with you. e-mail me at [email protected]

Duane Dedrickson says…
My father, John Dedrickson, was part of the “Lincoln Larson crew” and was shot down in the “Sweet Lorraine”. I would love to hear from anyone related to the crew members.


Name: Dr. Guy Rathmell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Sep-11
I am interested in communicating with anyone whose relative served on the 2nd Lt. Frank Morris crew from July 31, 1944 until the crew was shot down on August 25, 1944 on a bombing mission to the Dornier Aircraft Factory in Lubeck, Germany. My uncle, SSgt. Jerry F Girardi, was the radio operator on that crew.


Name: Jeffrey Copeland
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-11
I would like to locate Robert P. Gellock Jr. or a family member. Eisert Crew – Assigned 755th Squadron – September 15, 1944. I have articles that I think they would be interested in having returned to them. Thanks.


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-11
Would this help? http://www.whitepages.com/dir/a-z/gellock/robert-p

Jeffrey Copeland says…
I would like to locate Robert P. Gellock Jr. or a family member. Eisert Crew – Assigned 755th Squadron – September 15, 1944. I have articles that I think they would be interested in having returned to them. Thanks.


Name: Cynthia (Cindy) Habeck
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-11
My Dad, is Lloyd S. Habeck, from the crew 73 – Assigned 755th Squadron November 20, 1943. status RO – T/Sgt. Lloyd S. Habeck. I lost my Dad, in April 2009. I have tons of pictures and articles. Letters that my Dad wrote to family and the notes he took with each flight. He was also stationed Horsham St Faith; Norwich, Norfolk, UK 1944


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Oct-11
There will be a reunion for Stalag Luft III POWs, families and friends next April in Dayton, OH. Anyone wishing for more information please email me.


Name: Patricia Lademan Gregg
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Nov-11
Veteran’s Day reminds me of my Uncle, Marvin Lademan. He died, valiantly, fighting for the freedoms that I have today. While I never had a chance to meet him I appreciate him every day. His brother, Raymond Lademan my father, is also a true American hero.


Name: Dianne Peichoto Tanner
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Nov-11
Just to let you know that I found this on what happens to be Veteran’s Day of 2011. Frank Peichoto is my uncle and Godfather. He is now deceased and I loved him very much. I really never knew how much he had gone through. Thank you so much for this.


Name: Reid Isbell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Nov-11
I’m the grandson of Brig. Gen. James H. Isbell. Just dropping by to honor him and the rest of the 458th Bombardment Group. I wanted to show my sincere appreciation for all of you who put your lives on the line for our great country. God bless you all and have a wonderful veterans day. By the way, if anyone has any pictures of my grandfather that they can share please do, it would be greatly appreciated. In January 1944 my grandfather took the 458th Bombardment Group to England for combat duty in the Eighth Air Force. He led the group on 22 combat missions in B-24 Liberator aircraft over Germany and enemy-occupied Western Europe. Thank you.


Name: Aaron Chamberlain
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Nov-11
I enjoyed this site very much, great that we can look back and remember those who fought for our country. My grandfather was Capt. John E. Chamberlain of the Hancock Crew! I hope to see more information about this brave bunch of guys!


Name: Geri Swindell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Nov-11
My dad James Weiner was a radio operator in Horsham St. Faith. We are just now hearing stories of his service. He shared some photos and letters only very recently. So wonderful to have found this website. I am truly humbled. Hope to forward some of the items he saved to share.\


Name: Dave Taylor
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Dec -11


Name: Barbara Maciejewski
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Dec -11
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Scheiding today at the Zablocki VA center. We were caroling with my girl scout troop and I found out that he retired from the Post Office. Such a coincidence that both my parents worked there and we talked for awhile. What a great individual. It was an honor to be in the presence of such fine men and women who have served our country. Great site by the way. Thanks for keeping us informed.


Name: K.M. Decker
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Dec-11
I am the stepson of Leonard Armstrong, 458th Bomb Group, 755th Bomb Squad. This is a wonderful compilation. Thank you to those responsible for putting it together!! If there is anyone who knows the name of the B24 that was 1Lt Charles F. Healy Crew, please let me know. I would like to put together a model B24 Liberator in their honor.


Name: Ryan
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Dec-11
I am the Grandson of Harold M. Simeone of the 458th bombardment group, and I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your site, thank you for putting it together.


Name: Tammy Tobin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Dec-11
Hi Dave, I believe that my Uncle served with your brother. His name was John Albert McNaney and he was a bombardier. Daren gave me a photo of your father with his crew. I think that My Uncle John is standing up second from the left in the back. I have shown the photo to a couple of family members and they were guessing the same thing. I am still waiting to hear from a family member for final confirmation so that I could let Darin know that this in fact my Uncle Jack. Is there any way that your brother could confirm that?



Name: K.M. Decker
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Dec-11
Update, information has been located: Consolidated B-24J-95-CO Liberator (s/n 42-100366) named “Mizpah” from the 754th BS, 458th BG, 8th AF.
1st Lt. Charles F. Healy – pilot
1st Lt. Milton D. Downs – bombardier
1st Lt. Donald E. Webster – copilot
1st Lt. Richard P. Beulieu – navigator
S/Sgt. George T. Howard,Jr. – waist gunner
T/Sgt. Gabriel Signorelli – radio operator
T/Sgt. Harold W. Smith – engineer/top turret gunner
S/Sgt. Albert Jenkins – waist gunner
S/Sgt. William D. Ruth,Jr. – tail gunner
S/Sgt. Leonard W. Armstrong – nose turret gunner


Name: Theresa Peck
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Dec-11
It was great to discover my great uncle Raymond C. Fiebiger’s [754BS ROGER’S CREW] photo in this group. My father, Raymond Charles Peck, is named after his uncle. We may have some still photos of him.


Name: Scott Morrison
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Dec-11
Hello, my grandfather, Dick Morrison flew with the Skidmore crew (https://458bg.com/crewbj140skidmore.htm). I was actually just searching the internet to find a book or movie on B-24s and came across this website. I was thrilled to come across my grandfather’s photo missions and other info. I immediately called my dad and shared the info and he was amazed. Thanks so much for having this info available. We’ll search around and see if we have any photos or anything to share.


Name: Ervin Harris Busby, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Dec-11
This web site is wonderful! It is very informative and in-depth!


Name: Patty Busby Martin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Dec-11
Thanks for all you do!