458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book


Archived Guest Book 2009

Name: Frank Stillson
Date: 06-Jan-09
Hi, I was surfing and came across this web site. I’m sure the Lt. Stilson is related to me but I will have to look him up for info on his family. I am a Genealogist and have a large data base of the Stilson/Stillson family. I am also am an aviation historian and collect die cast aircraft and books especially of WW II.


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Jan-09
Mr. Frank Stillson, if you would like to contact me via E mail. I have some small amount of info of Lt Stillson. I also have a piece of his B24 “Vale Oregon” in which crashed at Hellesdon, very close to the base at Horsham St Faith, Norwich England. Trevor Hewitt


Name: John Acencio
Date: 07-Jan-09
My nephew found this sight and I am amazed. My father, Felix Acencio, spoke often of his tour over the years. It is good to see a memorial to his group.


Name: Richard Holodak
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Jan-09
Hello, My father, John S. Holodak, was the navigator on Final Approach, which was shot down over Lechfeld Air Base in Germany on April 9, 1945. As of today (1/14/09), I am happy to report that he is still alive, though confined to a nursing home (address below). Over the past 15 months, he’s been in and out of hospitals, suffering from complications of advanced stages of diabetes (specifically blindness and loss of all toes on both feet). If anyone knows anything about him or his crew that is not contained in this phenomenal web site, please email me. Thank you! BROOK HOLLOW HEALTH CARE CENTER 55 KONDRACKI LANE WALLINGFORD, CT 06492 (203) 265-6771 P.S. In 1993, I went to Germany with my wife and sons and we visited the town where he was incarcerated (Moosburg, in southeast Germany). Amazingly, we found the buildings of his POW camp (I think it was Stalag 17) are still there. With the exception of a few satellite dishes, they looked to us like they haven’t changed much in the intervening 50 years and are now inhabited predominantly by working class Turks. What was likely to have been an anti-aircraft emplacement has since been turned into an extensive children’s playground, complete with tank traps and an underground bomb shelter (now covered in grass).


Name: B. J. Floyd
Date: 19-Jan-09
Those of you that built this site have done a great job. Thanks much.


Name: Cliff Leverette
Date: 20-Jan-09
Has anyone heard from Marilyn Walton recently (Jan. 09). I have corresponded with her regularly because her dad and my dad had a mutual close friend during the war. None of my e-mails get through to her anymore, and I have not heard from her in many months. Hoping she is okay.

Cliff Leverette


Name: Christina Schulz
Date: 27-Jan-09
I am David Schulz’s Granddaughter. Thank you for this story. I didn’t know.


Name: Lois Montagno
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jan-09
My daughter found this site for me, and I felt as if it was yesterday that I found out what happened to Bubba Monroe of the Duke Crew. Lost contact with his sister many years ago and would like to hear from any of his family if they are still alive. Lois Montsgno (nee Fear)


Name: Jennie Hopkins Rubin
Date: 30-Jan-09
My Father, Herbert C. Hopkins, Jr. was the pilot on one of these planes. Thanks for all the hard work.


Name: Jennifer Sommer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Feb-09
My Grandfather was Herbert Hopkins, I love seeing his photo on your site. Anyone with more information or photo’s please contact me


Name: Christopher Albert
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Feb-09
My father, 2nd Lt. Alfred Albert served in the 458th in 1944. His Separation Qualification Record (WD AGO 100) states; “Was pilot of B-24 with 458th Bomb Group. Flew 31 missions over France and Germany.” The document also lists under Military Occupational Specialty, the following: Adjutant (2110), Military Government Officer (8104) and Pilot Four Engine (1024). Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Name: Arnold Piskin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Feb-09
I am looking for Harry Craft, 753rd Bomber Sqdn. navigator. Please contact me at
Thank you.


Name: Rob
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Feb-09
Does anyone here remember or have any info on my grandfather MSgt Hugh Patrick Kelly?


Name: Joel Saverline
Date: 11-Feb-09
Hi I’m Joel Frank Clements grandson. He died on Feb. 19, 2008. This is a great website and I really like it.


Name: Sally Janicki Green
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Feb-09
My dad, Steven J Janicki was with the 752nd Squadron Crew with William B Smith. I think someone tried to contact me via email and I accidentally deleted it, thinking it spam. So please try again
Thank You


Name: John
Date: 16-Feb-09
Wow, what a fabulous website. I am so impressed at the wealth of information here.


Name: Susan Barnhart Wade
Date: 23-Feb-09
How wonderful. I am the eldest child of Lt. Lyall Barnhart, who passed away in 1996. I have some of his memorabilia from this important time in history. I am forwarding this site information to my Mother and 3 siblings.


Name: John Ferrando
Date: 23-Feb-09
Hello, this is my 2nd entry in the guestbook, my 1st on 9/10/06 was with a different email so I thought I would say hello to Darin and everyone on the site. My father was Sgt. John R. Ferrando. A member of the Stoneburner crew. He survived the war okay and was stationed in Germany 1960- 63 at Hahn Air Base. Thanks Darin for the site and I hope you family is alright and healthy. Take care.


Name: Jeff Wade
Date: 23-Feb-09
What a great archive. You have done a tremendous job with this site. My grandfather was Lt. Lyall Barnhart. I have an old banjo of his with the names of some of the cities that he bombed. I am willing to share it with you via digital photo if you are interested. Thanks for the information about my grandfather and his crew.


Name: Richard Holodak
Date: 27-Feb-09
My Dad, John Holodak, died on January 28, four weeks short of his 90th birthday. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors on February 24. I am pleased to say that his last days were made more tolerable due to the existence of this archive which I shared with him to a great extent over the past 3 months. Darin – Thank you for your efforts in creating this site! If I uncover anything that may be of interest to the group, I will pass them along to you.

God bless our veterans.


Name: Herb Hopkins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Feb-09
My father, Herbert Hopkins, Jr., piloted Bombs Away for the 458th. Living near Washington, DC, and the many archives here, I have always thought that, one day, I would research his missions. Imagine my excitement when I Googled “458th Bomb Group” and found it all done for me! This is too good to be true. I look forward to much correspondence regarding your information and hope to be able to supply some tidbits myself from documents and pictures my Dad brought back with him. Thanks so much for putting in the many hours it took to make this such a rich source of our history.

Herb 443-974-6045


Name: David Snyder
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Mar-09
My dad is Harry Snyder. He was with the 458th Bomb Group from 1943 to 1945. The only war picture we have is of him in a flight suit carrying his parachute. He is 85 years old now and if anyone out there knew him I would love to hear from you.
His friends called him “Tiger”


Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Mar-09
Uncle FRANK WOODROW HERZIK pilot of Plane #298G, 755th Sq of the 458th was MIA on March 3, 1944. Anyone with more information or relatives of any of the Crew members, please contact me.


Name: Michael Dyksra
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Mar-09
Good afternoon,
I am looking for any contact concerning the Hess crew. I posted info with Darin for this site, but have not received any other contacts from his crew members or their families. Dad (Charles Dykstra) is still alive and living north of Denver. If anyone knows what happen to his crew after WW2 please contact me via email – please have Dykstra in the subject or I might think its spam and delete. Thanks again Darin for this site. Mike Dykstra


Name: Jerome Brill
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Mar-09
I was the fellow on the left in the first row. I was delighted to see this picture of all of us on line. If there is anyone out there in this picture please contact me through my son Jarin at his e-mail address (above). Hope to hear from someone.


Name: Craig Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Mar-09
My dad is William (Billy) B Smith. I posted previously but don’t see it. I would be glad to contact anyone from his crew (or others) and pass along what my dad can remember. He’s almost 86 but with prompting, he remembers his entire crew. Feel free to contact me via email. Thanks again Darin for all your hard work. Trip to Horsham St Faith (Norwich) was awesome if not brief. Thanks to Trevor Hewitt as well.


Name: Lorraine
Date: 06-Apr-09
Hi, my uncle was KIA. Anthony J Corlito. I’m looking for pictures or him. 752nd Bomber Squadron 458th Bomber

Your uncle was on George Koehn’s crew in the 752nd. I have info and their crew page is here: https://458bg.com/crewbj21koehn.htm.


Name: Dorothy Muller (Bullard)
Date: 08-Apr-09
Message from son Tom Bullard who’s father Charles W. Bullard was bombardier with the 8th Air Force.


Name: Chris Casey
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Apr-09
In acknowledgement of the anniversary of the downing of Bomb Totin’ Mama on April 9th, 1944 and the travails of the survivors, I salute you who gave your service for my (our) freedom. I am the Great-Nephew of James Goins of the Bomb Totin’ Mama crew and would like to contact anyone associated with the crew, or descendants with some materials of interest regarding their B-24, missions, etc. E-mail me for further info.


Name: Mike Simpson
Date: 10-Apr-09
Great web site. Thanks for filling in a hole I had in the 445th’s records concerning the loss of “Lady Shamrock” on 09/24/44 (Koehn’s crew).


Name: Brad Eaken
Date: 14-Apr-09
My grandfather was Sergeant William (Bill) R. Eaken. He was a mechanic is the U.S. Army Air Corp I am just wondering if anyone has ever heard of or if anyone knew him. I would be interested in finding out what he was like. Thank-you

Brad Eaken


Name: Donna Rawls Crutcher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Apr-09
I am the daughter of S/SGT. Carry G. Rawls 458th Bombardment Group 754th Squadron – May 1944. Thank you for this site & the info provided. If anyone knew my dad and has a story to share I would love to hear from you.


Name: Nancy McGinnis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Apr-09
My father, Louis Malitz, was in 755SQ 458BG in 1943 (I think). He was a B24 navigator and his plane was shot on his 13th mission over Germany but he made it back to England. If anyone has any information about this or maybe knew of my dad and wants to share a memory, please, please email me. Thanks for this great website.


Name: B Floyd
Date: 27-Apr-09
Thanks for the great site.


Name: RJ Rue
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-May-09
My father Major Rolland H Rue was part of the 458th BG 753rd Squadron 96th Combat Wing. Some papers have said he was a Commanding Officer 1943 35th Bombardment Squadron APO #620 but doesn’t have anymore details. I have not been able to find any crew photos but still hoping some will show up, any info would be great. Darin Thanks for all your efforts to this web site. Ps Darin, you sent me some paper work with some info on dad couple yrs ago. Thanks RJ


Name: James D Rhew
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-May-09
I love your website. My dad is James I Rhew and is mentioned on your sight and he is still alive and kicking his e mail is [email protected]. It is down right now but will be up soon.


Name: Roger W. Hansen
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-May-09
My Father, Robert W. Hansen is on this website as a former member of the 458th BG and I thank you for all of your hard work. I have put a monograph together on Dad and his service from January 1942 through completion of his 30th mission. If anyone would like any information you may contact me

Thanks again. Roger Hansen


Name: Bent H. Esbensen
Date: 05-May-09
My father (Svend H. Esbensen 1919-2005) was into service at CBU, Næstved, Denmark and was among the group who cleaned the area for men and airplane parts after the crash at Venslev. An experience which followed him for his lifetime! He was a mechanic by profession -and couldn’t see a good tool be wasted- and it wasn’t maybe right of him, but he found on Airman John H. Scramm (B24H 42-52432) a wrench tool which he took as a memory of this crash. All his lifetime he had Venslev and John Schramm in his memory, each time he used the little tool. I hold it myself in my toolbox – and remember my father when I use it….Should this little story reach John Schramm´s family, I’m sure they might be pleased to know my father remembered him all his lifetime. After ending service in the CBU, he entered the Danish Resistance movement in summer 1944 in Aabenraa, South Part of Jutland -where he lived for rest of his life. I hold some photos from the Venslev rescue crew’s work with the plane, but they may be known already I’m sure.


Name: Ed Sealy
Date: 06-May-09
Hi Darin…Just wanted you to know that I finished a book about my adventures in the 458th BG. It’s entitled “The Air War Remembered: Letters to Chris”. I expect to have the books available next week and may try to get them on Amazon.

Best wishes
Ed Sealy


Name: Douglas Hartman
Date: 14-May-09
My father-in-law, John W. Bradley, was an aircrew member from November 1944. Any information would be appreciated.


Name: Richard R. Forgione
Date: 17-May-09
Hello. I was a crew member Lt. pilot 44-45. Anybody online?


Name: Vicki Jo DeVries
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-May-09
I would like to know if anyone knows or remembers Ernest G. DeVries or Cecil Johnson1943 to1945. My father is Ernest G. DeVries of the 458 bombers Group, 753 Squadron; this was Cecil Johnson’s Crew. I would like to hear from other children of his crew. I am only 45 years old, and I am VERY proud of my father, and hold a special place in my heart for all of his crew and their families contact me


Name: Diana Metcalf Butler
Date: 25-May-09
I am the daughter of S/Sgt Charles W. Metcalf (458th). I’ve been searching the internet for years for pictures of Pilot Gilbert E. Schultze’s crew–and finally found two!! THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH. If anyone has stories, my sister, brother and I would love to hear them.


Name: Gilbert R. Melli
Date: 25-May-09
Thank you for keeping their memory alive especially my Uncle Sgt Mitchell Kamenski who was killed on 11 July 1944


Name: Phil Correa
Date: 26-May-09
Regarding this guestbook. Has anyone received any transmission relating to this site? My information was give on this site a good year ago. Again the site is great, but the response for attention is lacking. To Diana Metcalf and concern family members of the 458th Bomber Group etc Please address your related and important facts that concern the” Unknown Crew” members, which I listed and Identified prior. I sent you a Photo of my Uncle Pete to your email address. Again this photo was on your website, and is under “Unknown Crew” Scroll page to the very bottom and Uncle Pete is kneeling down to the far right. For all family of the 458th 8th Army Air corp, you are all welcome to contact me.


Name: Angela Williams
Date: 27-May-09
Thank you for putting together this sight. I had always heard about my great uncle who died in service during WW2, so it was amazing for me to see the photo of his crew and official report.


Name: Bill Ellis
Date: 28-May-09
Looking for information on CPL Howell Key who DNB (Died Non Battle) on March 10 or 11 1944. I care for his gravesite in central Texas.


Name: Stephanie Thompson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-May-09
THANK YOU for finally bringing the 458th to the foreground! My Grandfather served on the Triple Nickel (Baby Shoes) that I believe was originally attached to the 492nd. If you hear anything about the Baby Shoes, or get any pics, could you contact me?

Thank you, so much!
Stephanie Thompson


Date: 30-May-09
Thank you for making this record of our 458thBomb Group. I was co-pilot and pilot of the original Crew 76 completing my 30 Missions on D-Day.


Name: Mary Ann Duliakas
Email: [email protected]
Date: 31-May-09
My Uncle is John Mucksavage, brother to my Mom, Irene. Would love to hear about his time in the service. Miss my Mom & Uncle John.


Name: Susie Richter
Date: 02-Jun-09
I found this site in my search for internment location of George F Gebhart for my mom. It was a wealth of information for me leading me to other sites in my search. Mom, 85 yrs old was happy yet sad that this information is on the web and that he will be remembered forever. She new him when they went to Temple. Thank you!


Name: Phil Correa
Date: 10-Jun-09v
I sent you a pic of my uncle in Uniform


Name: Dan Hacku
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Jun-09
Saw the note from Daniel Duriavich, son of John Duriavich, pilot on our crew in the 753rd Sqd, 458 Bomb Group. I was the radio operator on his crew. John was a great pilot. If Dan sees this, send me a note.


Name: Dennis Gorman
Date: 12-Jun-09
This message is going out to Robert Duval. I read your message of 28 Dec. 08. My Dad was part of Beano’s crew as the radio man. He always told me that your crew did 30 missions. What was the name of your plane(s)? He also spoke of you in a wonderful way. God Bless. Dennis Gorman


Name: John Hightower
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Jun-09
My uncle, Stan, was a navigator on a B24 named HellGate or HellsGate. He and his plane were lost on the March 6, 1944 raid over Berlin. There were 2 survivors Guy Rogers (Pilot), and Oliver Proteau (co-pilot). They were in the 754 squadron of the 458th BG.


Name: Jim Evans
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Jun-09
I am looking for any info on radioman edward smail “fatso” . He had a flight jacket with the briney marlin on it. His name does not show up anywhere as yet. Please help. thanks to the vets and with helping the great grandkids know what granpapa did. jim


Name: Harold Eyer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Jun-09
Would love to hear from any member of Keck crew 34 or their family. Any addresses also.


Name: Bob Wardzinski
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jun-09
Just seen what I think is my father’s picture on your website – in a group of allied airmen being helped by Dutch resistance! Amazing.


Name: Theodore K. Parsons, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 4-Jul-09
I was so moved when I found this web site through a Google search of my Dad’s name. The picture is amazing. I have a whole box of photos that my Dad brought back from the war. I plan to look through what I have to see if I can add anything of interest. Thank you for putting this out there, my Dad would be so touched to see the memory of their contribution to our freedom still alive.

Name: Cindy Barnard
Email: [email protected]
Date: 6-Jul-09
If you ever run across any material on S/Sgt Loy M. Harvey with AAF, please let me know. Can’t seem to find anything. His marker at the cemetery says MIA over St Lo France with 489 Bombardment Group. Nice website. Enjoyed looking.


Name: Earl Henry Kellam, Sr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Jul-09
I am the only survivor of a B-24 crash. Mar. 31 1945. I was a washed out Cadet, who went to A&E school in Biloxi MS Keesler Field, on the last hour of my training the ship caught afire and crashed.


Name: JTL Chicago
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Jul-09
Thank you for making the record of 458th Bomb Group, The AZON project. And Gen. Chennault’s “Forgotten Warriors” The untold stories of the men need to be known… The B24’s


Name: Jane Euge
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jul-09
Hi, I am not sure if we are talking about the same Harold Eyer. The Hal Eyer I knew was in WWII in the Pacific and was a fighter pilot in the Navy. He was shot down the day his son Craig was born. If it is the same person he passed away over thirty years ago. His wife Betty passed a couple of years ago and their son Craig also. I think his daughter Jan is still alive? Please let me know if this is the same person. Thank you Jane


Name: Janet Hagen
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Jul-09
I am the daughter of Earle Q. Hagen and I really enjoyed this site. Thank you!


Name: Dan Hacku
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Jul-09
Saw the note from Daniel Duriavich, son of John Duriavich, pilot on our crew in the 753rd Sqd, 458 Bomb Group. I was the radio operator on his crew. John was a great pilot. We flew 9 missions and then the war ended and flew back to the states. If Dan sees this, send me a note.


Name: Sean Cronkite
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Jul-09
I am the grandson of Weldon O. Cronkite Co Pilot on Table Stuff. Thank you for this site.


Name: Lauchlin Kelly
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Aug-09
Great site! I was looking for info on my Uncle (Mother’s youngest brother) when I came across the archived entry of 17-OCT-07 from Jim Hartswick. My Uncle Bill (William C. Freeman) was the filght engineer in Jim’s Dad’s (Richard W. Hartswick) crew! I’ll email Jim with some info and when I find the crew picture I have, I’ll send in a copy so you can post it. Thanks again for standing up this site! R, Locke Kelly


Name: Craig Kenney
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Aug-09
Hi, I am the Grandson of TSgt Frank Burton Hanson and have just started researching my Grandfather’s history in WW2. He is pictured in your unidentified crew #7. Thanks for putting this site on the web. Now I’m excited about furthering my search. I have my Grandfather’s leather flight jacket with the missions depicted on the back in Bombs including 2 missions on D-Day as well as a framed Certificate of Valor, DFC and Air Medal. Also a mystery to me – On the back of the jacket on top in large numbers is “365” clues anyone? Thanks, Craig


Name: Gary Watson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Sep-09
I am looking for information. My dad Harry E Watson was a corporal and from what I have found so far he was in the 458th group. Anyone who could send me info on him I would be grateful.


Name: Milton Aalen
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Sep-09
I was a waist and nose gunner in the 755 Sqdn and flew 50 missions from 6/12 to Dec 25, 1944 and would like to hear from anyone in my crew or their relatives. The following men were in our crew: James J Boyle, Jr pilot, Leroy McGough Co-Pilot, John F Roberts Navigator, Velme D Steckman Bombardier, James E Ferrier Radioman, Roy W Smith Engineer, Frank K Brink Asst Eng, George Zavad Tail Gunner, Paul V Morgan Belly Gunner


Name: Wilford Kirton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Sep-09
Wow how fun to find my dad’s crew 62. If anyone on that crew is still around please contact me. The crew of the BTO!!!!


Name: Dan Hacku
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Sep-09
Saw the note from Daniel Duriavich, son of John Duriavich, pilot on our crew in the 753rd Sqd, 458 Bomb Group. I was the radio operator on this crew. John was a great pilot. If Dan sees this, send me a note.


Name: Dan Hacku
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Sep-09
I finally reached Daniel Duriavich by phone and in case he failed to get my E-Mail address, it is [email protected]. I was the radio operator on Dan’s father’s crew with the 458 Bomb Group, 753 Sqdn.


Name: Greg Spencer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Sep-09
It was so great to log on and see HAROLD WELLS’ crew from the 755 Sq. posted! My grandfather, Lewis Brumble, would be so proud! I saw where LARRY FORREST submitted some pictures as well. I would love to come into contact with MR. FORREST if at all possible. Please email me. Great site Darin!


Name: Ryan Robert Dunlevie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Sep-09
crazy pics would like to see more pics i also have grandfather nicholas bertrand and his and his brother haven’t seen them yet thanks


Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Sep-09
Served as radio operator on Brauer’s crew in 1944. Completed missions in June 1944. I guess there are not many of us 458th guy’s left.


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Sep-09
Just checking in to see what’s new. I live in the small village of Frettenham, near Norwich, Norfolk, England. My home is approx 1 mile from the old 458th BG base, now Norwich airport. I am an amateur aviation archaeologist, and have excavated several B24 crash sites in and around my locality which appertain to the 458th BG and the sister groups 466th and 467th and others, as well as RAF aircraft. The thousands of small artifacts that I have found are displayed in a small museum at my home for the general public to see free of charge. My interest in the 458th in particular stems from my dad and my granddad rescuing several of the crew from a Horsham B-24 Belle Of Boston 754th sq (crew 42, Kingsley crew) which crashed in my village May 8th 1944 on takeoff.


Name: Treva
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-09
Hi! I’m Fred Massaro’s oldest daughter. I sure appreciated Jim H’s forwarding this information and photos onto us. We are going to California in a few weeks to see my from my folks. We’ll share this w/ Dad. Thanks again, Jim.


Name: John
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Oct-09
Very nice site!


Name: James D. Rhew
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-09
Son of S/Sgt James I Rhew (mandolinman1aol.com) we love your site and would love to know if anyone has any photos of his airplane before it landed in Switzerland. It was “The Cats Ass” thank you


Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-09
Hi Darin,
I want you to know how much we 458th guys appreciate the work you do in keeping this site active and current. The pictures of “OLE 682″are the first I’ve seen and it sure meant a lot to me to see them. It’s been 65 years and she still looks good. Your Dad would be proud to see how much you’ve done for his Group.


Name: Craig Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-09
It is with great sadness that I must post the passing of William B. “Bill” Smith’s “last mission” on Sept. 19, 2009. He, being of that great generation of flyers who didn’t talk much of the war but was so very proud of the country he served. For those who served with him, he was quietly aware of all that you did. If any surviving members of his crew remember the nose art that would have been, please contact me. As I have heard him say, the “Singing Angels” crew was the very best.


Name: Eileen Spiegler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-09
My father, Morris Spiegler, was a gunner in the Hauser crew forced to land in Normandy on August 18, 1944 — ironically, my mom’s 22nd birthday. She was a real-life Rosie the Riveter, working in war factories while my dad was in the Air Corps. Coming here makes me feel close to my dad, who died when I was 19. Thank you so much for this site!


Name: Michael Dykstra
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Oct-09
Darin, Just read about the “Dixie Belle” mission that described what happen to the plane before my dad’s crew flew it on Aug 09 1944 where it crashed at the base. I found some pictures at the B-24 web site that has more pictures of the crash that were submitted by Glenn A Hess. Are you still in contact with him? If so please contact me thru my Email address.


Name: Lynette Honeycutt Wylie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Oct-09
I would like to mention a old friend of the 458th. Pete Alden, he stayed in contact with my dad along with a number of the others in the group at Norwich. He is a dear friend Do any of you know Pete? Please let me know. I know he had a number of friends he stayed in contact with. Thanks


Name: Linda Spiegler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Oct-09
My family was so happy to find this site. Dad was in the 2Lt Charles J. Hauser crew (we discovered on the site). We grew up singing Army Air Corps songs and hearing stories about the war, though Dad always said he was glad he didn’t have to fight on the ground. He was tough on the outside but tender-hearted, and always ready to do his duty. Dad passed in 1979 of cancer. He was deeply proud to be part of the Army Air Corps. Though I have always held out hope for a world without war and continue to do so, I will always hold dear the WWII generation and honor their courage and sacrifice.


Name: Edward Silver
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Oct-09
I’m doing this for my grandfather. He was in the bomb group and he’s still alive. He recently had open heart surgery tho. If any1 knows Edward Silver email him at [email protected].


Name: Samara
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Oct-09
Does anyone know if there was anyone in the 458th from North Carolina? My husband found some actual photos of the Japanese surrendering, and during a conversation with a friend found out that Alan Blum was his grandfather, who flew the Memphis Belle. Along with the pictures of the Japanese were pictures of particular planes.. most of which have names on them but of COURSE the pics are at home and I’m at work. He got these pictures at an estate sale in Raleigh, NC. Thanks so much! Samara


Name: Don Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Oct-09
Samara: I was on Alan Blum’s crew in the 458th. Please send your address as my son lives in No. Carolina and I would like to be in contact with his grandson. My address is [email protected]. See also our crew write-up under combat crews 755th squadron, click on “Blum crew”


Name: Mike Blum
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Oct-09
Allan Blum was my grandfather, heard the story of rough riders many times. This site is an awesome tribute to the men that dedicated their lives to this country and the world. I’ll see if my dad has anything he can get to you guys.


Name: Christopher Frazer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Oct-09
My uncle, Charles “Chuck” Frazer was one of the WG on the Iron Duke. Are any of the surviving crewmembers still alive? I would like to talk with them about their last mission and what they remember about my uncle. Thank you.


Name: Joey Maddox
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Oct-09
I am an author writing a book about Charles Giesen from my hometown of Ida, Louisiana. I am trying to get in touch with any WWII survivors that knew him. I specifically am looking for Alphonse A. Wolack (ser.# 17051961) who survived the crash on Dec. 24, 1944 in which Giesen was killed (MACR# 11121)…Can anyone help me? Please let me know if you flew on bomber missions during the war and would like to be featured in Jay A. Stout’s new book…Jay will gladly do phone interviews.


Name: Ian Rogers
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Oct-09
I am the nephew of Roy Cassady – gunner on the Tailwind Crew 75 and another on the Briney Marlin (The Collision). He has passed, and I have been lucky to find such a great website. If there are any more photos, please add them. I am trying my best to find these important photographs. Thank you.


Name: Arnold Poundstone
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Oct-09
My uncle was Steven T Moleck. He was a waist gunner with Charles Giesen crew shot down Dec 24 1944. I have all the items he sent back to my grandparents and that the airforce sent after his death. Also have a lot of information on that mission. Would be very interested in talking with you and sharing what I have. Hope to hear from you. Thank you


Name: Dick Hopkins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Oct-09
Darin, I have finished my autobiography…


Name: Don Finlayson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Oct-09
I’m still around, but getting more ornery every day! Maybe I need a good pretty woman like your luck has brought you! Keep the propeller spinning! Don Finlayson


Name: Shane Wilks
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Oct-09
Father was in 458th Bomb Group


Name: Joey Maddox
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Oct-09
Mr. Poundstone… I am EXTREMELY anxious to speak to you… Please contact me at [email protected] or call me at (318) 422-7861…I am thrilled to find out that you are interested in helping me with my next book…Charlie Giesen was from my hometown…Ida, Louisiana, (pop. 278) was the home of 7 or 8 young men who fought and died in WWII…My first book, Bleeding Sky: The Story of Captain Fletcher E. Adams and the 357th Fighter Group, is about another of our local heroes…My next book will be about the historic mission on December 24, 1944 which was the largest air armada ever launched in the history of military aviation…Throughout this book I will weave the story of Charles Giesen, Jr., your uncle, and the rest of the crew on that bomber that day…I’d appreciate any help you could give me…I am also creating a war museum in Ida which will document and commemorate the 357th Fighter Group, and hopefully, the 458th Bomb Group…Thanks in advance for your help…Joey Maddox


Name: Joey Maddox
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Oct-09
Mike Blum…My name is Joey Maddox and I recently published the book, Bleeding Sky, which focuses on the exploits of the 357th Fighter Group and specifically, Captain Fletcher E. Adams, the first 357th FG pilot murdered by civilians in Germany…Adams was from my small hometown of Ida, Louisiana (pop. 278)…My follow up book will be about the Christmas Eve mission on December 24, 1944 and will feature stories from both the fighter pilots and bomber crews who flew during WWII, especially on that particular mission…Please contact me at [email protected] or call me at 318-422-7861…Thanks…Joey Maddox


Name: Per Tistrand
Email: [email protected]
Date: 1-Nov-09
I am from Sweden, living in Sweden. I have Photos on American crewmembers from world war 2 stranded here in Sweden. My father Captain Torkel Tistrand was working for the “Swedish American Line” in Gothenburg. He was very often in America, and on the on the ship M/S Gripsholm during second world war. You can find photo on him at the website “a tribute to the Swedish American Line” His name was Torkel Tistrand.


Name: Lisa Touet
Email: [email protected]
Date: 1-Nov-09
Thanks for a great site. My father’s cousin, Everett Allen, was the tail gunner for the Armour crew shot down on 6/29/44. “Uncle Ev” like many WW II vets did not speak of his time in the war much. It was very interesting to read the details of his last mission.


Name: John Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 1-Nov-09
Looking for person asking about Dec 24 mission . I flew that mission. After reading more guest book I can add the following info about the Dec 24th mission. I was ball turret gunner on Capt. Allen Blum’s crew. At this time I would like to say that Sgt. Steve Moleck was my best buddy and felt his loss very much. Details were very few about the shoot down, but we did hear there were survivors captured by the Germans. My name is Col. John Echols Rainbow City, AL phone # 256 442 6970. I wrote his mother later on.


Name: Mary Gossett
Email: [email protected]
Date: 2-Nov-09
Thank you so much for all the time in processing this site. I am niece to Edwin E. S. Sowles, 754-458th BG. KIA March 6th, 1944. I will keep on researching more on my uncle Eddy. (whom which my mother, Dorothy(only sister), named our first steer after Uncle Eddy because of him being so stubborn. CREW Ballard, Bengry, Rice, Kracker, Krueger and Lewis.


Name: John R. Pounds
Email: [email protected]
Date: 7-Nov-09
My father was with the 314th Bomb Wing 330th Bomb Group 458th Bomb sq during WWII. He was station on Guam for two years. His plane was the Spanish Fork, UT aka Heavenly Body K35 SN: 44-69997 A/C Lt., Foster B. Huff. Thank you for your website.
Regards, John R. Pounds


Name: Melinda O’Dea
Email: [email protected]
Date: 8-Nov-09
Thank you for this site! Tonight I went looking to see if there was any pictures on the net of my father and I found you. I’m proud to say I’m the daughter of George F. Bily. He was a wonderful man and your site brought me joy, thank you and God bless you.


Name: Bill Buchsbaum
Email: [email protected]
Date: 8-Nov-09
Son of B-24 navigator William B. Buchsbaum (Shot down with Robert Lamb Crew 20, 389th BG)


Name: Robert Wright
Email: [email protected]
Date: 8-Nov-09
Nephew of James Olney Pilot B-24 Tailwind. Just saw him on TV tonight at the Youngstown Airbase in Vienna Ohio. I also saw him at a dinner today and he told us some good stories about the 30 missions…Bob


Name: Brian Hinkley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Nov-09
Darin, my dad was in the 752nd bomb squadron in the 458th bomb group. I have a picture of this group and could get it to you if you want. Also, my dad remembers all of the names of his fellow flyers. Do you have any good suggestions on where I can look to find his fellow flyers?


Name: Craig Hoyt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Nov-09
Is there any information on the ground crews? Ralph L. Hoyt Jr. was my dad and he was in armament, loading bombs on the B-24s and I would like to know more about what his life in Norwich was like.


Name: Tom Templeton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Nov-09
I have a diary that was kept by a friend S/Sgt Perry M. Henegar from Tennessee. According to the diary he flew a mission on DEC 24, 1944 to Schonechen. Nine ship formation in and two out. His pilot was Lt. Stanley Sievertson. Please feel free to contact me. 615-545-3551


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Nov-09
Craig Hoyt says…
Is there any information on the ground crews? Ralph L. Hoyt Jr. was my dad and he was in armament, loading bombs on the B-24s and I would like to know more about what his life in Norwich was like.

For attention of Craig Hoyt, please E mail me at [email protected]. I have an interest in 458th BG I may be able to help with snippets of info you require if they will be of any use to you.
Trevor Hewitt, Norwich.UK


Name: Diane Galterio Jarvis, Kenneth M. Jarvis II, & Dana M Jarvis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Nov-09
With pride we thank you daddy, and all the men and women that have served.


Name: Michael Larson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Nov-09
My great uncle Lincoln A. Larson was part of the 458th Bomb Group. Thank you for this wonderful website you created.


Name: Charles W. Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Nov-09
I regret to inform visitors of this fine website that my father, William B. Smith, B-24 pilot in the 752nd Squadron of the 458thBG, died September 19, 2009 at the age of 86.


Name: Sally Janicki Green
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Nov-09
Craig Smith says…
It is with great sadness that I must post the passing of William B. “Bill” Smith’s “last mission” on Sept. 19, 2009. He, being of that great generation of flyers who didn’t talk much of the war but was so very proud of the country he served. For those who served with him, he was quietly aware of all that you did. If any surviving members of his crew remember the nose art that would have been, please contact me. As I have heard him say, the “Singing Angels” crew was the very best.

So sorry to hear about your dad, William B. Smith. My dad Steven J. Janicki served with him and remembers him well. Steven just asked me to go online for him and find any updates. He will feel bad when I give him the latest update. He so much wanted to contact “Bill”. I will ask him about the nose art and get back with you.


Name: Mary Gossett
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Nov-09
I looking for any family members of the 458th 754th squadron Ballard crew including Beverly E. Ballard Jr., Eugene J. Singer, Roland W. Johnson, Raymond D. Rice, Ralph C. Kracker, James N. Lewis and Victor W. Krueger. I’m a niece of Edwin E. Sowles KIA March 6th 1944. Also looking for family members of Harry S. Bengry Jr., James Nemeth also KIA.


Name: Tommy Porter
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Nov-09
USAAF Chronology for 8 May 1944 list 307 B-24s dispatched to bomb Brunswick. I read 2LT Scorza’s account of that day and I have a question for anyone reading this: my cousin 2Lt Alan C Porter 359th FG 370th SQ information that day with the 369th SQ was dispatched to escort B-24 Liberators that same day and was shot down and crashed to his death in Celle, Germany approx 9-9:30 am I have the MACR and eye witness accounts are similar to LT Scorza’s, are there any records existing that shows which Fighter groups were assigned to escort which Bomb Groups?


Name: J. David McDowell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Nov-09
My grandfather was 2nd LT Francis “Red” Morley. I’ve learned more about him and his death from this website than my mother knew. She never met him, he died before he ever met her. I remember her crying often as she looked through the trunk containing the silk maps, medals, uniform, hat etc… We never knew anything about his missions or the 458th. Many thanks- I have the same picture that you have posted on the site as well as an individual photo. Many thanks- David


Name: Clifton Dean Coatney
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Nov-09
This is Cliff Coatney, I was crew chief on the b24 aka “Paddlefoot”, also crew chief on tail number 28735s 755th squadron, any other guys left out there if so please contact me at the above e mail address? I am entering this in to know who may be still out there for my father who would like to know. Thanks


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Nov-09
Please contact me, David. My father was your grandfather’s roommate in England. I have written a book about their war experiences.

J. David McDowell says…
My grandfather was 2nd LT Francis “Red” Morley. I’ve learned more about him and his death from this website than my mother new. She never met him, he died before he ever met her. I remember her crying often as she looked through the trunk containing the silk maps, medals, uniform, hat etc… We never knew anything about his missions or the 458th. Many thanks- I have the same picture that you have posted on the site as well as an individual photo. Many thanks- David


Name: Gene Roberts
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Dec-09
THANK YOU! I just checked back and appreciate all the work you did putting in the information about my Dad and Princess Pat. My dad never talked too much about what he did or saw. He did say that one of his jobs was to stand in the bomb bay and watch the bombs go out and make sure none hung up! One time he said that he went out and jumped up and down on a bomb to knock it loose and that he was pretty nervous about it as there wasn’t enough room to wear his chute while doing it. His chute was a chest chute which he let hang by one ring down his side when he was in the top turret when not being the radio operator. I still have several pieces of shrapnel that he brought back. I still have not been able to document the force landing that he had in Belgium some time during the Battle of the Bulge; he said that they left the B-24 at a P-47 base where they were forced to land cause two engines were out and that they were there for several days and rode a C-47 back to England. Thank you for all your efforts on this web-site. I am sure that he would have been impressed had he lived! – I forgot to add that sometime early in 1945 my dad received two patches for the squadron “7V”, he had been in “J3” in Princess Pat, and his jacket reflects the J3 squadron. This seems to coincide with the information of the new pilot McGough. I was never able to ask if he completed his tour in the new squadron, however I don’t think they would have went to the trouble of sending him the patches unless he had been assigned to them.


Name: Michael McCormick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Dec-09
Bob Geiger was my wife’s (June A. Schroeder) God Father. We live in West Bend, WI Bob’s Son lives in California.
Thank you all for saving the US!


Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Dec-09
Bob Geiger was our navigator with Brauer’s crew in the 754 sqdn, He was a great guy and a very good navigator. He brought us home safely from hairy missions on a number of times. He was appointed squadron navigator on completion of his missions.


Name: Aaron Brill
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Dec-09
Jerome Brill is my grandfather and is still living. He resides in Tallahassee, Florida. He was the radio operator on the Shoo Shoo Baby. #42-51095 if you knew him please let me know. I am in the US Army and I am stationed in Germany.


Name: Kori Cornette
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Dec-09
Well I saw my pawpaw on here he was on the plane Bomb Tot’n Mama when they got shot down and he was captured as soon as he hit the ground with his parachute his name was Hulon Cornette.


Name: Bobbi King
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Dec-09
Richard Shearer is the father of my cousin. He and the Klusmeyer Crew were shot down Oct. 1944, and Richard was a POW in Germany for about one year. After the war, Richard returned to Stuart, Nebraska, where he married his high school sweetheart and raised his family. His marvelous singing voice added heart and harmony to the annual Legion Club shows which benefited the community, and he was a member of the St. Boniface church choir. Richard passed away in 1991 in his living room chair, taken suddenly by a heart attack, as he was watching the evening television coverage of the beginning of the Gulf War. How sad the last images he saw were those of war.


Name: Mary L. Bott
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Dec-09
My Father was Richard J. Shearer. As my cousin Bobbi King indicated his plane was shot down and the crew captured and spent from Oct. – Feb in one of Eichman’s POW concentration camps. They were then moved out on a force march and liberated by the 142nd Timberwolves late April. A book called Out of Barbed Wire by Marie Kramer was written about the experiences of the camp and march on which over 1500 soldiers died. As indicated he died the evening we Desert Storm started while watching the news of the war. If anyone would like any additional information please contact me via e-mail. We have a three inch binder which includes the recently releases transcripts of teletypes between Eisenhower’s HQ and 142nd arranging the liberation of the men and the debriefing of one of the captive military doctors on the march.
Mary Bott


Name: Michael Dykstra
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Dec-09
Just wanted to say Thank you to Darin again for having this site available. Because of this site my Dad – Charles Dykstra was able to talk to one of his Crew members – Robert Robertson- THANK YOU to all the men who served in the 458th.
And may God be with all the men & women who are serving now.
Merry Christmas


Name: Brian Hinkley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Dec-09
I wanted to give some additional information on my father and his search for his buddies. My dad’s name is Donald Hinkley. He served in the 458th bomber group, 752nd squadron, 2nd air division. He was stationed at Horsham St. Faith in Norwich England. Here are the names of the people he served with and would like to contact: Laurence S. Haynes, Donald M. Page, Larry Wilcox, Walter F. Kordeck, Walter A. Schreiber, John L. Gerik, Eugene A. Pilon, Jr, Edward Lippert, Amulio D. Morelli