458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book


Archived Guest Book 2008

Name: Mike Simpson:
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Jan-08
Any one know of a Capt John W. Aldridge, bombardier, possibly flew with 754th BS or 755th BS. His daughter posted an inquiry on the ArmyAirForces.com website. Contact me and I will relay info to her.

Mike Simpson
445th BG Unit Historian and webmaster


Name: Michael Hurtenbach
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jan-08
I am the youngest son of Anthony Hurtenbach. Greatly enjoyed reading all the stories and seeing photos of Dad’s missions. Would be great to hear from anyone who flew with my dad.


Name: Thomas Kincaid
Date: 19-Jan-08
DeeAnn George please contact me. My dad was also a tail gunner with the 458 752.He was a gunner instructor before subbing on different planes.

Name: Anna Jenoski
Date: 25-Jan-08
I am looking for Tom Horgan’s e-mail address.


Date: 25-Jan-08


Name: John Perkins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 31-Jan-08
Beautiful job on the website. I am a teacher in NH. Our school was named in honor of the Co-pilot of Fritzi which was lost March 23 1944. We would like to do a memorial to him. Would it be possible for us to use the images of the crew, the Fritzi image etc. I would like your permission to do so. I am at the Kenneth A. Brett School, Tamworth NH.

Thanks John Perkins


Name: Avery Larned
Email: [email protected]
Date: 31-Jan-08
…Just came across this website… Did anyone out there fly with my dad? John I.B. Larned. He was a pilot in the 753rd. He died when I was young. I’d love to know more about his experience flying.


Name: Daniel Duriavich
Date: 23-Feb-08
Hello, I am the youngest of john’s 2 sons. He passed away on April 14 2006 at the age of 87. He also served in Korea.


Name: Larry Detty
Date: 25-Feb-08
My Uncle (Max L. Detty) flew with “The 754 Morley Crew”. Shot down over Caen, France June 1, 1944. Looking for any pictures of the A/C named “Miss Pat”.


Date: 03-Mar-08


Name: Wayne Schwegel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Mar-08
My uncle, Howard Schwegel was in the 856th Bomb Squadron, 492nd Bomb Group, as a gunner. Bill Schwegel was also a gunner on a B-24 — anybody know anything about him? In re Bill Schwegel or Howard Schwegel, both gunners on B-24s, contact Wayne Schwegel.


Name: Johnny Signor
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Mar-08
Hello and thank you to all 458th veterans for what you did and went through for us during WW2, You are “The Greatest Generation”!!!!
I’m a leather patch artist.


Name: Paula Soesbe
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Mar-08
Jim Soesbe (who was on this mission) was my Dad’s brother and he speaks of him often. I think this is great that this was put together and they are not forgotten. Thanks!


Name: John McCormick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Mar-08
Does anyone know where Pat McCormick was from? Or have any background history on him? Thanks.


Date: 31-Mar-08
My dad was Lt Vernon Gene Theobald. He was a Co-Pilot on Times A Wastin with pilot Warrell. He was in the 753 Sq. Anyone remember him?


Name: Ed Silver
Date: 01-Apr-08
Jim Soesbe graduated bombardier-navigator school with me in Midland Texas I attended his wedding and he later joined me in the 458th.


Name: Peter Malaspina
Date: 02-Apr-08
Does anyone know SSgt Anthony J. Demaro, NYC, KIA 24th March 1945?


Name: Peter S. Combee
Email: normandyallies.org
Date: 03-Apr-08
Thanks for an excellent site with valuable historical data. Historian, Normandy Allies Inc;


Name: Vivian Ashley
Date: 03-Apr-08
Fabulous site. I am the grand niece of Samuel T. Gibson, pilot of the Lorelei that went down 11 Jul 1944. My family has always wondered exactly what happened. Thanks for the info.


Name: Theresa Rubeo
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Apr-08
My Uncle Leonard J. Carriero, Port Chester, New York was a Sergeant with the U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32810749, 752nd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group, Heavy. He died on April 14, 1945 and is buried in Cambridge American Cemetery, Cambridge, England. Leonard was with Unit #752, Aircraft #42-100425, Aircraft Name “THE BIRD” the pilot was Rex Gibson Serial #02061679 Rank 2LT, the crew was AA27 Asgn: 28th March 1945. Other members were Robert Amlung #T137262, Edward Bockelman, Edward #36659687, Glenn Marr, Jr. #0827872 and Rufus McSwain #0836998. Does anybody have any information on the crew members, a photo of the aircraft, or how the aircraft went down, location, etc? Thank you for your efforts and I look forward to receiving as much information that you can supply us with. Thank you.


Name: Robert Proctor
Date: 26-Apr-08
With Deepest Regards:
Merlin E. Tebbs, pilot in the 458th Group, passed away in St. George, Utah on October 18, 2007, at 89 years of age. He will be missed.


Name: Kenneth Lewis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Apr-08
2nd Lt. Domenis D. Palese, 752 Bomb Squadron, 458 Bomb Group, Looking for any information on him please. I own his uniform insignia and patches and would like to add his history to his insignia


Name: Al Haxton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-May-08
I am a nephew-in-law of Baldamore Garcia. My late wife was his niece and the Daughter of Baldamore’s bother John Garcia. I’m looking for any Family member of the crew of the Iron Duke. I’m really looking to find a family member of Lt. Duke as I have some letters that his mother wrote to Carie Garic Baldamore’s mother. I’m looking for any letters that Carie might have wrote to Mrs Duke, Lt Duke’s mother. Or any other letters that Carie Garcia might have written to any other family member of the Crew of the Iron Duke.

Very Respectfully,


Name: Larry Stewart
Date: 06-May-08
Nelson R Stewart passed away last year. He was 87, and is survived by 3 sons, and 8 grand children.


Name: Jorn Madsen
Date: 06-May-08
As a very small boy I saw Byron Logie’s (crew 68) plane crash in a small village 1 mile from where I lived. I still have some small bits of the plane. A memorial stone was erected at the local cemetery after the wars end in memory and gratefulness to the 4 men who died in the crash. At the 50 year anniversary of the liberation of Denmark in 1995 my wife and I were glad to host Mr. James Cisek, nephew of the left side gunner, his wife and their son Edward, named after his dad’s uncle, who died in the crash. We were happy to show our gratefulness in that small way.

Jorn Madsen


Name: Bob Cain
Date: 15-May-08
My brother, Bill Cain, was a bombardier on the Mizpah. I was a bombardier on B29 and my other brother, Jack, a bombardier on A 26. Bill was the only one overseas


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-May-08
For Bob Cain,
My father was a 458th bombardier also. I hope you and your brothers register on the following bombardier website: http://freepages.military .rootsweb.ancestry.com/~hfhm/index.html

Thanks for all you did!


Name: Concetta Kile
Date: 20-May-08
Thank you so very much for publishing this site. My uncle was Peter Morrone who was KIA on 16 March 1944 when his plane went down in the English Channel. I don’t have many pictures of him and it’s extra nice to have the ones you’re provided. I thank all these men for their sacrifices for my freedoms.


Name: Michael Phizacklea
Date: 26-May-08
I was born in Horsham St. Faith in 1941 and lived there until 1945. I have been interested in the history of the liberator and thunderbolt in Norfolk ever since


Name: Pamela Stenard Ossorio
Date: 26-May-08
Hi, just thinking of my uncle Sgt. Charles E. Stenard today, Memorial Day. Thanks again to Darin, George and everyone else who helps to keep the memory of these men alive.

Pam Ossorio


Name: Gregory L. Matson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Jun-08
It’s 3 in the morning. Don’t know why I Googled Dad’s plane “PADDLEFOOT” but did and found this site. My father Glenn R. Matson, crew 67, 02/05/44 to 09/10/44 was its tail gunner. I have been privileged to have known many of the crew including Charles Melton (pilot) and his son. I see he has added some info for the crew. Dad saved just about everything from mission orders to the 15 cents he was given for coffee on the train to basic. I hope to forward additions in the future. Thanks for your diligent work on the site.


Name: Greg Spencer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Jun-08
My grandfather LEWIS BRUMBLE was a waist gunner on the LAST CARD LOUIE during the middle part of 1944. If there is anyone out there who was on his crew or relatives of his crew, I would love to hear from you. Sadly he passed away in 1988. He shared with me many of his stories, but I would love to hear from anyone that knew him as well. Please feel free to email me


Name: Ryan Lemke
Date: 02-Jul-08
Hello, my grandfather Ellsworth Shields was a Radio Operator and gunner (tech sgt) stationed at Horsham St. Faith in the 8th Air Force, 458th Bomb Group, 752nd Squadron. I have a few good pictures and would like to contribute to the site. I believe the B-24 he spent most of his time on was the “Lucky Lady II”; until it crash landed in a field in France (I have a photo of him next to the wreckage). Thank you for this site.


Name: Lori Weick
Date: 10-Jul-08
My Grandfather was Sgt James C Weick. I am 1 of 2 Grandchildren from his first born son James R Weick. I appreciate the pictures and the postings as it reminds me of stories told and names with faces. If anyone has more pictures, I would be interested in viewing. Thanks.


Name: Elton Miller
Date: 10-Jul-08
My grandfather was in the 315 Signal Company and was stationed in Norwich, England. Please provide any information about Elton Miller on you site that you can. I would like to read information about him.

Thank you
Stacey Miller


Name: Andree M Nix
Date: 15-Jul-08
My dad was on the “Belle of Boston” it is nice to see a website to commemorate the crew


Name: Jordan Jacks
Date: 16-Jul-08
No mention of the Wroten Crew, 458 BG, 754 SQ, of which I was a member. I flew combat missions from 2/45 to trolley runs in May — 3 missions volunteer. Our crew was the last B-24 to fly home in July, ’45 as 3 ’24’s were junked under us. We flew home in a new “J” model — a real beauty — from Sudbury amid a sorry ’17 group. Why no mention of the Wroten crew — and why no mention of the fire bombing of Bordeaux at the end of the war, the first use of Napalm by the US air forces prior to ‘Nam. Be interested in your comments.


Name: Gerri Gribi
Date: 16-Jul-08
Hello from Chuck Gribi’s daughter. My dad flew with Lester “Cookie” Martin, crew #71R on the Briney Marlin the day of its mid-air collision. He calls May 27 his “second birthday” and still talks to Cookie each year. Thanks for maintaining this website.


Name: Dethanial C Hayes
Date: 18-Jul-08
Oh how you bring back memories of a small boy. I was only 6 years old when the war broke out and was 10 when my uncle who is shown in crew 21 (Samuel (Oakie) Croley came back and told us kids his stories. I can still remember him telling me about the flak hit in his turret that is mentioned in Scott Fifer’s dad’s journal. This is truly a great web page and will be forwarding all information on to Oakie Croley’s daughter.


Name: Nancy Cartwright
Date: 20-Jul-08
My uncle, George C. Wallace, was in the 458th Bomb. Gp. 755th Bomb. Sq. in England. I would like to know what position he held or anyone remembers him.


Name: Anna Echols
Date: 23-Jul-08
My grandfather, Don Echols, served in the 755th group under Allen Blum. He was a waist gunner who flew 14 missions and was awarded the Purple Heart! I love that the pride and respect of the 458th is preserved for the rest of the world 64 years later!


Name: Richard
Date: 27-Jul-08
My uncle was 1st Lt William Torres, KIA 23 Feb 45. I am trying to find more information on him.


Name: Anne Heyne
Date: 02-Aug-08
My uncle, Ralph Lowry, Jr. was in the 458 BG and is very interested in finding his old friend Lloyd Shapley, or Shappley, who served in the 458th as well. If anyone has any information on this person, please let me know.


Name: Patricia Reeves
Date: 03-Aug-08
I am the grand daughter in law to Al Gordon Seley, if anyone has information on his service in the war or remembers him, please contact me.


Name: Dotty Ewing Peters
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Aug-08
My dad was Lt John R Ewing – my mother would never allow him to talk about WWII – he went from 458th to 752nd – I saw him in photo – do you have any other info on him as a pilot on the B24 Liberator? Thank you very much.


Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Aug-08


Name: Marie Evans
Date: 10-Aug-08
Just want to let you know Ben Drenth from Blum’s crew passed away last week…it’s so sad another of the great men has flown into blue skies…


Name: Vincent Buck
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Aug-08
My uncle Donald J Buck was a member on crew 12. He did 25 missions as a gunner and was interned in Switzerland. He was supposed to rotate home soon after that mission and was planning on getting married. Needless to say the marriage was postponed. I also remember him sending Swiss watches to my grandparents. Would like to hear more about the crew he was with.


Name: Rebecca Roberts
Date: 19-Aug-08
I am Sam Roberts’s granddaughter. What a gift to have access to these photos and stories. I can add them to the stories I’ve recorded during family dinners. Thank you so much for this website.


Name: Ed Silver
Date: 19-Aug-08
So sorry to learn of Ben Drenth’s passing. We flew many missions together as well as going through B-24 transition training at El Paso


Name: Brian Czawlytko
Date: 03-Sep-08
My dad, Walter Czawlytko was in the 755th bomb squad with William Perkinson, Robert Hannaman, Irwin Eiring, Roberto Salazar, William Kelley and Earl Smith, Lewis Cockerill, John Haggerty and Bruce Bean. They were shot down 6/29/44.


Name: Bill Brown
Date: 04-Sep-08
My name is Bill Brown. I am the caretaker at Cedar Grove Cemetery in Williamsburg, Va. William F. Casey was a tail gunner and was killed due to injuries from a night practice mission crash on Sept.09, 1944. If anyone has info on Sgt. Casey, please e-mail me. I am trying to compile stories on our war heroes interned at Cedar Grove. Thank you to all the vets for their sacrifice. It does NOT go unnoticed.

Bill Brown.


Name: Linda Marie Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Sep-08
Looking for people who knew my Uncle Peter. I never got to meet my Uncle 1st Lt. Peter E. Crowe and always felt robbed. He was with the 351st bomb group I think and died in a mid-air collision [with Barton Crew, 754th Sq] on May 23, 1944. He was handsome, smart and brave. Would be thrilled to talk to anyone who personally knew him. My mom was his sister. Peter was the only son. God Bless.

Linda Marie Smith


Name: Rebecca Earl
Date: 16-Sep-08
Hi I’m trying to find out about my husbands grandfather. He was in the 458th Bomb group division 2 and called Jesus Francesco Nava can anyone tell me anything about him please.

Many thanks


Name: John Woodford
Date: 18-Sep-08
Hi, I’m Sam Armstrong…my father in Law is the former 458th pilot John Woodford. I’m trying to have fun and facts with all these tales of WWII High Tech


Name: Robyn Vehslage Easter
Email: Robyn [email protected]
Date: 20-Sep-08
I just found your site and have enjoyed looking around. So nice to come across my dad’s crew. I would love to know more about it ~


Name: Frank Centola
Date: 30-Sep-08
I was 5 years old when my uncle 2nd LT Edward O.Centola, crew 77 of the 755th Squadron was killed on the August 6 raid on Hamburg. Do any group members remember him?


Name: Jim Hibbard
Date: 02-Oct-08
I learned the facts surrounding the death of my father’s first cousin, Robert Amlung. I wish he’d have been around long enough for me to know him. He died honorably


Name: Lynette Honeycutt Wylie
Date: 07-Oct-08
My Dad Robbie B. Honeycutt Jr. was with the 458th in Horsham St Faith. He died 11 years ago. I just read a newspaper from Norwich that a Mike Bailey an Artist and Author has beautiful paintings of the planes as well as writing a book about the 458th. I took my dad back to Norwich to see a family he had befriended during the war and to look at the base. We were able to go up into the tower and tour what was left of the base. It was a trip I will remember always. I have a lot of his pictures. I will go thru them tonight and see if I can find some to send.


Name: Robert Duvall
Email: [email protected]
Date: 31-Oct-08
I think I am one of the last of the surviving members of the 458th Bomb Group, 755th Squadron “Beno’s Crew”. I live in Wenatchee, Washington and am in my 84th year. I would like to hear from anyone who is interested in sharing information regarding Horsham St. Faith, the Bomb Group or anything relating to that horrible era of WW2 when so many gave their lives for the benefit of freedom. Especially I would like to hear from Elizabeth Hunsberger or Mark Hunsberger in regards to the missions related in their father’s diary.

Robert N. Duvall


Name: Jessica Brewer
Date: 09-Nov-08
I just thought I would say this is amazing. My great grandfather is Charles Roof. I was happening to search him because I found the original letter that he was MIA. Thanks so much for posting this stuff.


Name: Alex Holodak
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Nov-08
Thank you for this website! This is amazing. My grandfather is John Stephen Holodak, he was shot down over Lechfeld Air Base in Germany on April 9, 1945. This site even had a picture of his plane seconds after it was fired on before he was captured by the Nazis. I can’t tell you what these photos and this story mean to me and my family. Thank you so much for this. Oh, and he flew with the “Final Approach” crew. If you’d like to contact me or have any more info/pictures, please send me an email. Thank you!


Name: Kevin McKenzie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Nov-08
Am sad to relate the passing on Nov. 8, 2008 of Lt. Burnell S. Jones (Maj. USAF Ret.) at the age of 90 in Austin Texas. He was in the 754th Squadron of the 458th BG. He loved his memories, stories, and friends of his time in the 458th, and I loved hearing about them all. A great guy.


Name: Don Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Nov-08
In the combat crew write up of 755thsqdn crews, the Alan Blum crew item has a picture of myself and brother john that was submitted by James Leddy. I am curious as to how he came to have this I had not seen it before. James?


Name: Gene Hall
Date: 21-Nov-08
Thank you for keeping this page up and running. My grandfather was Fred Slocum and I know he would have taken great pride in knowing this site was up. Regards,

Gene Hall, Jr


Name: Chris Wettersten
Date: 25-Nov-08
Major Charles Weinum, USAF, my wife’s grandfather, who began his career in the air as the navigator of “Paddlefoot” passed away surrounded by his family on November 8, 2008. He will be missed. He always had such a smile when I asked him about his time in the sky.

Rest easy, Charles.


Name: Robert E. Differ
Date: 25-Nov-08
I really enjoyed reading about my brother. I am retired Air Force.


Name: Susan Koelble
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Nov-08
My father was Elmer J. Sutters, Jr.


Name: Daryl
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Dec-08
My Grandfather was First Lieutenant George L. Goudreault, Pilot 458th BG 752nd Squadron, although I don’t see any photos of him on this site. I know he would have taken great pride in knowing this site was up. I will try to contact you with some photos I have. I wish I had any group photos of him, but they are all individual. Thanks again.


Name: Rachel
Date: 03-Dec-08
I’m somehow related to Gus Sasinowski! How cool is that!!! I think he’s my grandfather’s brother or cousin?


Name: Ian Danner
Date: 04-Dec-08
My Grandfather is Second Lieutenant James E. Olney. I didn’t know he piloted so many missions. This is a great site and I will have to show him next time he comes to my house. Thanks for the great site.


Name: Tom Sparks
Date: 10-Dec-08
I have posted an image of a 458th Bomb Group short snorter on the website for The Short Snorter Project.
http://www.shortsnorter.org/458th_BG_souvenir_short_snorter.html. If anyone has any information about this artifact or any other short snorters from WWII please contact me. My uncle, Kenneth Sparks, was a navigator in the 384th BG. Thanks vets!


Name: Michelle Eiring
Date: 18-Dec-08
My grandfather is Irwin Eiring. Contact me with any articles or pictures of him! That would be much appreciated Thank you to anyone who will respond!!!!


Name: Kain Rizzo
Date: 26-Dec-08
Hi, my grandfather is Calvin Kolar, he flew with W.B. Smith’s crew assigned 752nd squadron. What a treat to have found your website. It’s truly amazing to see actual pictures of my grandfather during the war as well as all the other photos. If you have anymore info in regards to his squadron or him please email it to me. Thanks so much for the time you put into this website. It’s truly appreciated.


Name: Bob Carroll
Date: 26-Dec-08
My father, Seth T. Carroll flew out of Horsham between 2/4/44 and 9/11/44 on the Princess Pat. He died in 1992 without making any record of his war time service.


Name: Robert Duvall
Date: 28-Dec-08
Beno’s crew flew a total of 30 missions, 15 as lead crew plus 15 with the 754th Sqdn, Can this be corrected?