458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2005
Name: Mark Hunsberger
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 08 16:06:54 EST 2005
My dad was a member of “Beno’s Crew” in the 755th. Found this site quite by chance today. What a find! Thank you so much to all who have contributed. Just as others have commented, my dad didn’t speak about his war service; so I’m quite gratified that your site is doing some of the talking for him.
He passed away 18yrs ago, but I’m certain he would have been thrilled by this site!
Name: Elizabeth Hunsberger Petersen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jan 09 03:20:09 EST 2005
My dad was the navigator in Beno’s Crew of the 755th. I remember that he shared very few stories with us, and that they tended to be the funny ones! (Like the time one of the crewmen, needing to relieve himself, tried to do so unsuccessfully out the bomb bay doors …unfortunately, he got a very wet face for his trouble!!! I have my dad’s diary of their missions over Germany. I have never known what to do with it, but it is fascinating reading. I didn’t see it until after his death, and was very surprised by the close calls they had–he never told us about them. It was wonderful to see the picture of the whole crew. I remember as a child our family receiving Christmas cards from some of his crew members, particularly John Confalone and John Yow. I wonder if they are still living. I was stunned by the youth of all of these wonderful men….my dad was 23 at the time of the picture….I now have sons aged 22 and 26….I cannot imagine them being at war. Many thanks for
Name: John Hamilton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 15 16:01:35 EST 2005
Great American Heroes, all. And, I am proud to say that Lee Watson is a very good personal friend.
Name: Robert E. Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jan 20 04:56:37 EST 2005
I was C/P on Merrill Holtz crew. I have only located the navigator James L Dutt (deceased) but where is the rest of the crew. Give me e-mail if you have any info Thanks Bob
Name: Paul E Sanders
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jan 20 15:26:47 EST 2005
My dad was2LT Paul E Kingsley pilot on crew 42. It has meant alot to me and my family to be able to get so much information about my dad after all of these years. We are planning to go to England in May to see the crash site and the memorial. Please contact me anytime I would love to hear from you. Thanks so much. Paul Sanders and family
Name: Terry L.Davies
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jan 28 11:12:15 EST 2005
I want to thank you for taking time to put a web site like this together. Our schools today are getting away from this countries early history, the world wars or Vietnam.
Last month I found myself in a room with four high school students talking about the Iraq war. I was amazed that no one could name a country bordering Vietnam or tell me what part of the world it was in. How soon we forget!
Name: Dana Dedrickson Tandy
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jan 28 20:12:55 EST 2005
THANK YOU so much for this website! I have been searching for a very long time for information on my dad, but prior to this, was really at a loss. My dad, John Dedrickson was on the Larson crew in the 458bg, 754 bs. They went down in July 1944. This is the first time I ever knew what really happened as my dad spoke very little of his war experience. I am would love to know more.
Name: Keith G. Liner
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 01 16:00:53 EST 2005
My dad was E. Gordon Liner with the 459th BG and 758th SQ. He was shot down and was on the Black March with 6000 others and is still living as of this date, 2/05. Thanks for the great site. Keith
Name: Oliver
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Feb 03 13:09:04 EST 2005
I used to work in a building adjacent to the Eastern most hangar of the 458th airfield (St Faiths) and was just trying to find out what the building actually was during the war. Most of the hangars are occupied by the same company, and I used to walk through several of them every day. Made my mind wander all the time! There were a lot of original fixtures still there then too.
Name: Tom
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 04 12:07:40 EST 2005
My Dad was a part of the 458th. His name was John P. Morrison. He went by “Jake” in those days. My family does not know much about his service. He’s never talk about his time there. He died in 1989.
Name: Wayne B. Wood
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 08 16:08:26 EST 2005
Do you have a picture of the “”OPEN POST”” Crew???? My uncle was Leonard E. Wood.
Name: Henry L. Boyd
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:03:35 EST 2005
I was a member of the Yankee Buzz Bomb Crew and would love to talk to anyone in the 752nd Squadron – 901 388-3514
Name: Malcom Rose
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 11 18:24:38 EST 2005
During the war I lived in Norwich and I used to witness the return of B24s to Horsham-St-Faith with all manner of damage. I also witness the crashing of two these a/c. One I did not actually see impact with ground but it passed low over my head before crashing some distance away killing two children. The other I have done some research on. This was “Lady Jane” (a/c no 42-95133) piloted by a 2nd Lt Ralph Dooley. On 24th Nov 1944 at about 4.15pm. I was standing outside my house with a friend when we saw this B24 with a portion of its port wing missing between the two engines. As we watched it plummeted into a railway goods yard about a half mile away in Heigham St and exploded and then ammunition started exploding so we ran indoors. So far I have not confirmed this but it was said at the time that this a/c had had engine trouble, lost height and hit a church tower breaking its port wing off between the two engines. It was also said that the pilot had deliberately put his a/c down in the
Name: KJ McMains
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Feb 12 00:02:30 EST 2005
thank you for this site. I do research on my surname McMains, and I treasure any story of a fellow McMains. The Story of Jesse L McMains was new to me. Thank you for honoring his sacrifice for us all.
Kathleen McMains Mero
Name: Jay Burgin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Feb 12 19:17:31 EST 2005
My grandfather is Lee Watson who was the gunner on the Moran crew that parachuted into France on Jan. 16, 1945. He is alive and well. I am proud of him.
Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Feb 19 13:35:35 EST 2005
On the 16th of Feb 2005 Mr. John Rogenmuser of Media Pennsylvania, a former LT in the 458th BG, 754th SQ, 8th AF,WW2 at station 123 Horsham St Faiths, Norfolk, England, sadly passed away. He was the only known survivor left from the crash of the B24 “Belle of Boston” May 8th 1944 at Frettenham, Norfolk.
He will not be forgotten.
Name: Elizabeth Ritter Baumer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Feb 26 11:31:05 EST 2005
Kenneth T. Ritter 458th in Norwich – Looking for crew who flew with my father.
He often speaks of Dusty Rhodes as his pilot. I have a picture of the crew and plane. Anyone out there. The plane is numbered 179-P. Thanks!!!
Name: David Snyder
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 28 14:06:42 EST 2005
My father Harry Snyder was with the 458th group from 43 to the end of the war. As a young boy I remember many pictures of battle damaged B-24’s and seeing his old leather bomber jacket with a flying tiger on the back. If anyone remembers him I sure would like to hear from them. He was a tech sgt I believe. Thanks!
Name: Barbara Wilster -Evans
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 28 14:49:36 EST 2005
Great history! I really enjoyed it. Since my father, Jack Wilster’s death, I have come to appreciate him, the sacrifices that he mad and all that you gave much more. I appreciate the efforts and am humbled by the magnitude of that war.
Name: Armand Wood
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 05 22:27:55 EST 2005
You have done a spectacular service to our fathers and grandfathers. My great uncle was Leonard Wood (58BG – DK Williams Crew). To see his young face in the crew photo is amazing. We appreciate your hard work. Thank You
Name: Bri Gen (R) Antonio J. Ramos (USAF)
Date: Wed Mar 09 04:37:17 EST 2005
Impressive. Thanks for keeping the acts and memories of these great heroes alive.
Name: Sgt. Jeremy Adams
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Mar 10 14:13:18 EST 2005
I am a US Marine and the grandson of Ernest G. DeVries, an NTG on C.G. Johnson’s crew of the 753rd squadron. I enjoy talking to my grandfather about WWII and Germany, and we have a special bond as He is always asking me about Iraq and Kuwait. Keep up the good work on this site as it serves as a reminder for what these men went through, and the sacrifices that they made.
Name: Yarbz
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 11 08:55:55 EST 2005
Wonderful site. I am finishing “The Wild Blue” by Stephen Ambrose re the B-24 crews out of Cerginola, Italy and came upon this site through Google. Fantastic
Name: Miles Drenth
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 20 17:03:00 EST 2005
Great web site. My Father, Ben Drenth, was co-pilot with Blum’s crew 458 BG 755th Squadron. He retired as a Lt. Col after seeing service as a pilot in Korea and Viet Nam currently living in Tampa FL. Thanks for the history.
Name: Steven A. Walker
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Mar 21 20:06:14 EST 2005
I own a construction company in Hagerstown Maryland and met Mr. Maurice Watson today while doing an estimate for repairs to his home. He was kind enough to share his war experiences with me and gave me the address of this website. He had just returned from France where he participated in a 60 year memorial service. Maurice also brought back a window out of his plane that crashed which was given to him by A French farmer who had saved it all these years. As I examined that window and listened to Maurice’s account of the events of that day I felt honored to be an American and to have had the story of those brave men related to me by one of them.
Name: Walter E. Mangerich Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 25 02:27:06 EST 2005
Son of Lt. Walter Mangerich, 752nd Squadron, crew 13. Will bring the site to his attention.
Name: Erik Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Apr 02 01:35:13 EST 2005
I really appreciate your website! Great work! My dad, Lester R. Johnson, was a Bombardier (1st Lt.) with the 458th 752/755 Sq, and flew 30 missions 10 June 44-24 Dec. 44, 13 of them as lead. I will forward his crew info/pics soon. It is really neat to see the info that has been preserved, you touch many with your efforts!
Name: Christopher A Boyer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Apr 03 13:20:05 EDT 2005
Thanks again Darin for your help in my research,
Name: Wilson O’Neal
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Apr 08 02:07:11 EDT 2005
I collect pictures of people wearing flight jackets and have a picture of George Zevkovich and who I believe is Irvin Liverett. They were on Robert W. Hansen’s crew, “Sky Room”. Does anyone know if either of these men is still alive?
Thank you
Name: Richmond S. Frederick, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Apr 12 14:34:14 EDT 2005
My uncle, William Ransom (?Bill?) Frederick, was the pilot of “Lily Marlene”, which crashed on a night training exercise September 9, 1944. His fellow crew members are believed to have been at one time or another: William Casey; Lawrence Doelling; Robert Leake; William Nobles; Ulysses Seymour; Jack Zonker; Glen C. Allen; and Jack R. Hibbs. I would most appreciate any information about the aircraft, the final flight (and other missions), and the brave crew. We will never forget them. I give special thanks to Darin Scorza and Tom Brittan for providing the information I have now. I will go through my files and submit for display on this excellent website all that I have with respect to this crew. Unfortunately, the best picture that I have of the crew is from a newspaper. If anyone has a group picture of this crew, please submit it to Darin.
Respectfully yours,
Rick Frederick
Name: Caroline T. Czepiel
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Apr 17 16:03:11 EDT 2005
I was the secretary to Mr. Richard R. Hopkins of the 754th Squadron. He put me on to this site and I have enjoyed reading every bit of this. In fact, I have copied it all and have put it in a book. Someday I hope I can convince Dick to let me type up his log book and forward it on to you. I know his grandchildren along with his children will one day want to read it. I guess after being a POW he just doesn’t want to get into it. Any kind of help I can give you please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’m retired now and have plenty of time on my hands.
Name: Ed Sealy
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Apr 20 17:56:51 EDT 2005
The website keeps improving…nice work! Would love to hear from any old friends from the 753rd 8/44-4/45.
Name: trevor hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 08 17:54:48 EDT 2005
Today, May 8th 2005 being the 60th anniversary of VE day, is also the 61st anniversary of the crash of the B24H “Belle of Boston”, 754thsq 458th bg, (LT Paul E Kingsley’s crew 42) in the village of Frettenham, Norfolk England ,taking the lives of six of its crew and injuring the other four, they have been remembered today in Frettenham, our thoughts are with their families and relatives. From the Frettenham residents.
Name: Ronny Hilhorst
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 09 03:47:28 EDT 2005
Hello, The reason why I’m leaving a message is the following. Robert Cleveland and Samuel Roberts have been hiding at my grandfather’s farm right after they had been shot down. My grandfather was Arie Hilhorst and was active in the Dutch underground. The first days Robert and Samuel stayed at our farm. Later on they were placed at a other house. Before they left Robert Cleveland gave my grandmother his id bracelet with his name and ID-number T1547 on it. My grandmother gave Robert Cleveland a rosary. So he could escape on a save way to England. My question is the following. Does anybody know or Robert Cleveland and/or Samuel Roberts are still alive? My father wants to give the id bracelet back to Robert Cleveland or its family. On this site I’ve noticed that Robert Cleveland was a member of crew 48 on the 458th Bombardment Group With regards Ronny Hilhorst
Name: Judith A. Galterio, Gregory Everett Mosely, Ryan Michael Mosely, Jamie Elizabeth Mosely
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 09 19:07:21 EDT 2005
In Memory of My Father, Joseph A. Galterio, and in Loving Memory of my children’s Grandfather.
Name: E.G. “Buck” Shuler, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue May 10 18:20:47 EDT 2005
Hi: This site is very nicely done. Very informative & useful. Cheers. Buck Shuler Lt. General, USAF, Retired Commander 8th Air Force, March 1988-May 1991 Past Chairman & CEO, The Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum, Pooler, GA.
Name: Joe French
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat May 14 12:14:51 EDT 2005
The years have gone so quickly. Ed Silver, I remember [08/11/1944] you as navigator when Ben Drenth was co-pilot and we lost electrical power over Germany at 15,000 feet or less and aborted because the prop pitch could not be changed and we could not fly from that point on with the “BIG BIRDS”. Yours is the only name I recognize from those golden days. Joe French
Name: Thomas Lee Kincaid
Date: Fri May 20 09:03:21 EDT 2005
My father served with the 8th Army 458 group 752 squad. He was a instructor and trained others on the Jam-Handy. I would like to hear from other gun instructors that used this tool.
Name: William A. Darden, Jr. M.D.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri May 20 15:33:07 EDT 2005
Name: Barbara Clayton Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 22 15:30:44 EDT 2005
William Ransom Frederick was my uncle. I was 10 years old when he was killed. I have visited Cambridge, England where he is buried. Mona Clayton, sister to Ransom, is my mother.
Name: Douglas J Dayson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 22 17:57:40 EDT 2005
My late father, 2Lt. William R Dayson flew on the 458/753’s “Wabbit Tracks”, and was a POW at Stalag Luft 1 -South – Barrack? 12?- Room 2 following the B24’s loss. If anyone remembers him please email me… Thank you all for this Site! Doug Dayson
Name: Jim Miller
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 22 19:13:13 EDT 2005
My father M.C. Miller was a navigator in the 458th and we are all excited about this website. Thanks for everyone who has contributed to this.
Name: Brent Miller
Date: Mon May 23 22:20:57 EDT 2005
grandson of M.C. Miller. Good luck with your site and book
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu May 26 20:37:03 EDT 2005
My uncle was the pilot of Crew 64 in the 755th Squadron – Frank Woodrow Herzik – standing top right in the picture of the crew. If there are relatives of any of the crew that has additional pictures or information regarding Frank Woodrow Herzik, please let me know. Gary Herzik 206 Crockett Loop Georgetown TX 78628 [email protected]
Name: Jodie Manaigre
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat May 28 11:23:10 EDT 2005
Darin, I am Justin Martin’s mother, the student whom you & your staff have helped with a special project. He has been doing research to try & find as much info as possible on Clinton E. Wallace, the father of his school counselor, Rita. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you, & to let you know that we will be putting together all the pieces of the puzzle that we have found to date, so that Justin can present it to Rita on Tuesday. We still don’t know all the answers of course, but we did find out that, not only did Mr. Wallace fly ‘Old Doc’s Yacht,’ but he was also apparently part of the missions in ‘Stardust’ & the ‘Miss Dee Dee Bee.’ The more we learn, the more we find we have yet to learn! We figure with what we have been able to learn during this past year, it should give Justin’s counselor more places to go if she would like to research anything further. We have quite a bit to give her, & quite a few pictures, & I just wanted to thank you & all who assisted you
Name: Maurice Lee Watson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 30 19:00:40 EDT 2005
We wish to stop for just one minute on this Memorial Day 2005 to say a prayer for those 458th crewmen who can no longer pray with us.
Name: David C. Jelinek
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jun 06 19:52:06 EDT 2005
Was bombardier-navigator on two crews, June ’44 to Jan ’45: Charles Quirk and Searcy Glass.
Name: Bruce Betts
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jun 08 18:59:51 EDT 2005
Wonderful job on this web site! It is greatly appreciated by many including myself. I am the son of Bert A. Betts of Crew 76 of the 755th Squadron.
Name: FRED
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 10 04:07:22 EDT 2005
I just simply like stuffs about World War II. Especially about aircrafts. My salute goes to those who served during the war.
Name: Maggie Converse Scott
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jun 12 21:53:29 EDT 2005
My father was Seth J. Converse … listed as Status unknown on your website. He died July 7, 1988. I have been trying to find out how he earned the DFC if anyone has any information. He was in Crew 8.
Name: Teri Burt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 16 19:49:58 EDT 2005
My grandfather was Ronald A. Gulick of 458th Squadron, crew 6. This is a very special website. Thank you for putting it together. My children, especially my son, and I love to visit.
Name: Larry Fuson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jun 19 20:52:27 EDT 2005
Amazing. My dad was a pilot in the 753 and we’ll get you some pics. He flew Bad Girl at one point. He arrived June 44 and left Jan 45. Thanks for your awesome work
Name: Bob MacGeorge
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 24 10:32:01 EDT 2005
“Arise My Love and Come With Me” was commanded in early 1944 by Captain Howard Slayton. The navigator was my father Lt. Robert D. MacGeorge. Thank you very much for all the time and effort you have put into this site. My mother will be thrilled when we have a chance to show it to her.
Name: Dennis Burke
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jun 25 09:52:45 EDT 2005
Hello all, I am doing a little research into a B-24 which landed at an airfield in southern Ireland on February 4th, 1944. It was B-24H-15-FO 42-52404 which later flew with the 458th as Belle of Boston. I wonder if the crew on the aircraft in February went on the fly with the 458th,. I am assuming that the aircraft was being ferried at the time. I would be delighted to hear from anyone with information. With regards Dennis Burke www.skynet.ie/~dan/WAR/crashes_new.htm
Name: Melissa Kowal
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jun 27 13:57:19 EDT 2005
I have come across this web site in hoping to find my grandfather, I seem to have found something possibly resembling him. I was wondering if you could help me out with a bit more information. He was in 2Lt Joseph M. Mahan crew 33 he was 2Lt Peter Kowal, they were shot down on April 22, 1944 and he was held in POW. If you have any information it would be greatly appreciated as I am his granddaughter and would like to know as much as possible about him.
Name: Mike Cornette
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jul 07 18:59:40 EDT 2005
Greetings! I’m in process of writing a short article for the local newspaper and am using you site for reference. My father is D.Hulon Cornette, waist gunner on Crew 56. He is doing well for 82 year old. I praise God that he is still strong and here with us.
Thanks for your work and this memorial to all those who sacrificed so much so we could remain free. Thank you, Mike Cornette.
Name: Dolly Treece
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 13 15:03:10 EDT 2005
Thanks Trevor for going to such lengths to find the families of the Belle of Boston. My Uncle Patrick Cook perished in that crash. You answered a lot of questions for the family. Uncle Pat was not to be on that plane, he belonged to a different squadron and took the place of Arthur Neubacher as he was ill. Will be sending some info on him for your memorial. I think it is great that someone cared enough for our loved ones that gave their lives.
Thank you again!
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jul 16 10:53:06 EDT 2005
Hello my name is Pete Minix, age 52, former Sgt, in the Marines and the Army National Guard. Over the last several years, I have been very fortunate to have interviewed, either by mail or in-person, over 135 WW II Veterans. I am not into making money on this and no information will be published or sold. This is strictly a hobby and a “labor of love” as I have always been interested in World War II for many years and it is just my way of keeping their memories and stories alive For every World War 2 veteran we lose a piece of history is gone. I have at last count (65)1’ note books filled with pictures and stories of World War 2 veterans. I have 41 different bomb groups and 77 bomber crewman. The other 58 World War 2 veterans are made up of Marines, Army and Navy. I would be very grateful to hear from any Bomber crewman or ground crews or any family members of. My E-mail is [email protected]. If you are interested. I look forward to hearing from you.
Name: Norma Lent Wood
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 27 19:53:35 EDT 2005
It was overwhelming for me to find out the date my cousin, Lee Lent, was shot down over Germany. I knew he flew in a B24 and was missing in action, but finding out the details is wonderful. I intend to pass this on to my sister and cousin, the only remaining Lents of our generation. Does Mr. Chamberlain know whether Lee was one of the bodies that he buried?
Name: Henry F. Fraysier,Radar Nav.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jul 29 22:58:37 EDT 2005
755th Sq. John Moran’s crew for 14 missions between Mid Dec.1944 and May 1945. 4th mission was Magdaburg, Germany Flak damaged plane-bailed out nearly SSE of Paris on Jan. 16th 1945
Name: j frisch
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Aug 02 17:56:45 EDT 2005
hello, i hate passing on info like this. Henry A Hunt of E.M. Williams Crew 754th Squadron has passed away at the age of 80. His obituary can be found at http://poncacitynews.com/templates/search/190611349556562.bsp
Name: Eric Cameron
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 07 22:54:03 EDT 2005
Hello, I am informing you of the passing of my grandfather Byron E. Logie of the 755th crew 68 he passed on Aug.3 at the age of 84. If anyone has any info on him or the crew please e-mail me Eric Cameron.
Name: DELFINO Bernard
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Aug 08 16:49:26 EDT 2005
A great, very informative web site !
We will never be able to repay what these young aviators have done for our country!…
A big THANK YOU !!!
Bernard Delfino
Unit Leader of the Commemorative Air Force French Wing.
Name: Don Church
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 11 08:39:26 EDT 2005
Nephew of Lt. Eugene M. Hoag, 754th Squadron, “Admirable Little Character” Navigator/crash survivor, April 25, 1944, France.
Name: Richard Covey
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 11 15:12:44 EDT 2005
My father was Gerald Covey, navigator of the Briney Marlin in late 1944 and early 1945 (John Floyd’s crew). I am interested in any information about the December 24, 1944, mission over Schonecken, Germany.
Name: Jean-Paul Favrais
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 11 16:21:39 EDT 2005
I search the serial for the plane in which the S/Sgt. Wilbert ABSHIRE was a member crew the plane was shot down
perhaps the 27 May 1944? Thank you for your help jean paul
Name: Jeffrey Nash
Date: Wed Aug 17 10:53:21 EDT 2005
Greetings from Colorado Springs!. I’m the assistant director for the Peterson Air and Space Museum on what is now Peterson Air Force Base. I’m presently putting together a new exhibit that will illustrate B-24 combat crew training operations at Peterson Army Air Base from 1943-1944. We have surprisingly little in the way of photographs, remembrances, or memorabilia from those who trained here, and I’m hoping to locate and correspond with any B-24 crew members (or their relatives) that were stationed here for crew training. I can be contacted via e-mail at [email protected], or through the museum’s web site at www.petemuseum.org. Or you can write or call me at:
Peterson Air and Space Museum
Attn: Jeff Nash
150 East Ent Ave
Peterson AFB, CO 80914-1303
(719) 556-8314
Many thanks for your help, and for your service. You have my assurance that our B-24 exhibit will completely and accurately tell your story to our visiting public.
Name: Pat Differ
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 17 15:40:29 EDT 2005
Son of Patrick M. Differ, TSGT, Blum’s crew, 458th.
Name: Jim Moe
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 21 19:10:29 EDT 2005
Thank You! This site supplied information to confirm guesses I had made about my uncle. We was in the 755th. Now I know he was on crew 66 and the plane number.
Name: SS_1Lt_Gandy
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Aug 29 15:59:39 EDT 2005
I fly in a virtual bomb group via the internet so i like to think i have a very very small idea of what these brave guys were going through, great website and lots of handy info, i live in Norwich, norfolk and regularly visit many bomb group memorials so horsham st faith is a familiar name to me
Name: Keith Smith
Email: keitwsmit @aol.com
Date: Wed Aug 31 19:46:41 EDT 2005
Hi (I am not quite sure of your real name0 I am a Brit of numerous years, at junior high school in 44-45. I had relatives in Great Yarmouth and used to spend vacations there .I used to see B-24’s assembling and sometimes returning with an engine out or a significant deficit of wing or horizontal stabilizer
I have been in the UK aerospace industry and in the 70’s (I think) I was in a bar on the West Coast when I got talking to a guy who was a B-24 pilot from Horsham, who , on the approach parachuted safely with all the crew. The aircraft landed and destroyed the library in Norwich city he said. Do you have any info on this incident?
Regards, Keith Smith
Name: Larry Stewart
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Sep 01 19:00:25 EDT 2005
My father Nelson R Stewart, who commanded ‘Gator’ is currently waiting for admission into the Georgia War Veterans Facility in Augusta Ga. He is in excellent spirits at 86 years old. For more information on my Dad, contact me, his oldest son Larry (former XO of A Battery 1/10 USMA) about 60 pounds ago.
Name: Ivy Byrd Griffin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Sep 08 07:18:07 EDT 2005
I tried to send Larry Stewart an email about his dad being my pilot on Crew 76, but it did not go through with his email listed below. How can I contact him?
Name: Gwyn
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Sep 08 16:10:41 EDT 2005
My grandfather Howard Tibbitts was an airplane mechanic with the 458th. “His” plane was Admirable Li’l Character and I have a few photos of him and its crew, I’d like to get in touch with people who knew him so please contact me. Thanks
Name: ben schlipf
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Sep 13 18:05:58 EDT 2005
I am related to Vincent P Schlipf he was my grandfather’s brother and a hero
Name: Samuel W. Roberts
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Sep 14 11:46:46 EDT 2005
Samuel W. Roberts
Navigator with Thayer Hopkins
Name: Lester Fish
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Sep 19 16:58:32 EDT 2005
I am a PPL whose flying club operates from Norwich Airport (Horsham St Faiths) v. interested in history of airfield and 458BG in particular
Name: Nancy Roberts
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Sep 21 18:00:26 EDT 2005
So surprised to find my uncle (Sgt. Conrad (Bud)Schmidt on your site under DK Williams Crew. Will be going back to Baltimore soon and will tell my cousin about this site. Thanks
Name: Gwyn Fassnacht (Tibbitts)
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Sep 22 00:34:33 EDT 2005
Anyone knowing my grandfather Howard Tibbitts a mechanic on the 458th please contact me as I am working on his biography. Thank you
Name: kenneth j converse
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Sep 25 18:33:24 EDT 2005
I’m so glad to see my dad here….seth converse…..can anyone tell me why he got the distinquished flying cross? He unfortunately died in 1988…….please anyone………
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Oct 06 20:27:37 EDT 2005
Name: John I. Woodworth
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Oct 08 20:30:42 EDT 2005
Where have you been? Been looking for a web site that would at least note the presence of the 458th. Finally here is what I wanted. I’ve never seen any reference to it until the latest 8th AF News. Navigator, crew 75. Later navigator for the Slaton crew. I knew your father.
Name: Mal Kenney
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Oct 11 14:14:43 EDT 2005
A fitting tribute to those who should always be remembered for their commitment and courage. For many the ultimate gift of life so that our lives can be free from tyranny.
Name: Anne Zimmer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Oct 14 18:45:51 EDT 2005
My grandfather, Gordon E. Wyman, was in Squadron 753. I am looking to find out if anyone has any pictures of any of the men in Bums Away or Wabbit Twacks. He also received the distinguished flying cross and I would like to find out why. He passed away in 1994. If anyone has any info, please let me know. Anne
Name: Bill
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Oct 26 21:51:52 EDT 2005
I came across your site while trying to find info on a great uncle killed in a B24 wreck Tonopah Army Airfield Oct 14, 1944. We’re trying to find more info on what unit he may have been affiliated with and such. Your website is set up very nice and VERY informative. If anyone has any info on the plane he was in Consolidated B-24D # 42-40166 such as what the units patch or logo looked like would be helpful as well.
Name: Steven Wilster
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Oct 30 18:54:09 EST 2005
Could if you can could i have my grandfather’s plane #s. He was in the 752nd squadron, crew 5.
Name: Fran Bland
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Nov 05 07:57:06 EST 2005
Have just been directed to this site by my cousins… Our uncle, Preston M. Waldrep, Jr. was RWG, Crew 24, 753rd Bomber Squadron, 458th Bomber Group. They were shot down 18 Apr 1944. All but three of the crew were killed, including our uncle.
Name: Bob Zedeker
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Nov 09 20:54:28 EST 2005
This is for Melissa Kowal. Please write I have info on your grandfather. My Dad was the co-pilot of the crew your grandfather was in.
Name: Hardie Phillip
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Nov 09 23:49:47 EST 2005
Son of Maj. David H. Phillip
755th. Sq.
Shot down 1-16-45 Ferries, France during 130 plane raid on Magdeburg
Name: Britton Floyd
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Nov 15 20:39:29 EST 2005
Found this site while doing research on my father John B. Floyd.
Great site, very well organized.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Nov 17 03:25:42 EST 2005
My name is Pete Minix, and my hobby for the last 7 years, has been collecting and compiling World War II veteran histories. I have been very fortunate to have interviewed, either by snail mail, e-mail or in-person I currently have over 160+ World War II veterans, from all branches, in my private library. None of this information is given out or published for a monetary gain. I have always been interested in World War II for many years and it is just my way of keeping their memories and stories alive For every World War 2 veteran we lose a piece of history is gone. If you wish to share this information with me, I would greatly appreciate it. I look forward to hearing from you.
Peter D. Minix
P.S.: I am a former sergeant, weapons platoon, USMC, for 5 years.
Name: Jerry W Seale
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Nov 18 08:11:04 EST 2005
These stories are very interesting to those of us who were born during the war years and many of our relatives served. We are so grateful of every sacrifice.
Name: Sebas
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Dec 07 15:17:39 EST 2005
A very nice site, it went straight into my favorites! Thnx for the nice pictures etc!
Sebas (from Holland)
Name: Canonne Philippe
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Dec 11 05:46:18 EST 2005
Bonjour, Splendid website ! Very informative! I am writing two books, one on Blois St Denis mission (10 June 1944) and one another one Bombings over the city of Bourges (example 10 April 1944 mission). I am searching for any information and veterans, or comrades in arms, relatives, researchers etc. We can exchange information. Thank you for what you have done for Liberty. Best regards My address :
Mr Philippe Canonne
1, rue Balzac
37.700 Ville-aux-Dames
Name: David Steffner Manker
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Dec 20 16:56:09 EST 2005
This is a wonderful Web site, and I appreciate the many hard hours of work you have put into this project for all of us. Thank you, David
Name: D. Miller
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Dec 30 00:06:29 EST 2005
I am looking for members of the crew from the plane Maraje (Marionjean?), piloted by Ralph Nutter, co-pilot Dean Miller, gunner Applegate, radio Shinnery, navigator John Caldwell. Any information is appreciated.
Name: R.L. McLeod
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 31 13:43:56 EST 2005
I had the honor and privilege of getting to know Lt. Donald Finlayson over the past couple of years. We have talked at great length about experiences in the military and I am always amazed yet humbled when I hear about the sacrifices experienced by the young men and women who fought for our country. As an American and the daughter of an Army officer I want to express my gratitude to the 458th Bombardment Group and to all who have served our country. With heartfelt thanks and appreciation….
Name: Ralph Nutter
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 31 21:10:45 EST 2005
My father Ralph Nutter was with the 458th bg in the 754 sq. I found a picture of envy of all. Would like to find Dean Miller his co-pilot