458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guestbook 2016
Tony Brooks
3:50 PM on February 12, 2016 by [email protected]
Hi Darin, Just been going through your web site with interest, how well you have made the layout and so easy to search. EXCELLENT. I have just sent you a message via your contact page of one Sgt Edward Mire.
Charlotte Walters
3:14 PM on February 19, 2016 by [email protected]
My father, John Beddow, was a bombardier/navigator on the Gordon W. Lamers crew for 20 missions. I would like to learn more about this crew.
Charlotte Walters
John O’Donnell
3:47 PM on March 3, 2016 by [email protected]
Thank you for your excellent website – that includes info not just from the 458th but for the entire 2nd Air Division.
David L. Putman
9:50 PM on March 10, 2016 by [email protected]
I am the son of LT Harvey Putman, the navigator of crew KJ15. I have seen the first photo of the air crew and the plane they used in training many times but dad never talked about the war or his service. Thanks for sharing the record, it opens a new window on my dad and his service for me, his grandchildren and great grandchildren. How uncanny that our youngest is serving in Kiserslaughtern, a place that they bombed.
David Putman
9:57 PM on March 10, 2016 by [email protected]
My dad was Harvey Putman the navigator. I would like to sent my best to your dad. Mine passed away in 2005 at age 89. Regards and best wishes.
Charlotte Walters
2:23 PM on March 11, 2016 by [email protected]
Joe Lamers says…
My dad was your father’s pilot and I have my dad’s diary. He passed away in 2007.
My father, John Beddow, also flew with your dad. I would be interested to know if he is mentioned in your father’s diary.
Charlotte Walters
1:04 PM on April 5, 2016 by [email protected]
Charlotte Walters says…
Joe, My father, John Beddow, also flew with your dad. I would be interested to know if he is mentioned in your father’s diary. Charlotte
Is my father mentioned in your dad’s diary?
trevor hewitt
3:05 AM on April 14, 2016 by [email protected]
Remembering today the crash shortly after take off from Horsham Saint Faith of the B24 Hookem Cow on the 14th April 1945. “We will remember them”.
Peg De Rose
12:25 AM on April 25, 2016 by [email protected]
2nd Lt. William J.R. Fuqua died May 23, 1944 in mid air collision was my Uncle. I have a portrait of him in his uniform that was painted before he shipped out. It hung in my grandmother’s home for as long as I can remember. I made a jpg photo of it but don’t know how to post to this site.
Mark A. Sjolund
3:06 PM on April 25, 2016 by [email protected]
On my 56th birthday, I am thinking of my father Arthur C. Sjolund Jr. who flew his last mission on this date, April 25th 1945, exactly 15 years before my birth on April 25th, 1960. Thank you, to Lt. Ferriell and Lt. DeJulio and the rest of the crew for bringing him home safe!
Lisa Rubin
6:47 PM on May 30, 2016 by [email protected] I found my grandfather’s name on this list. His name was Leonard Polakoff but I don’t know much about him. He died in the 60s when my father was a teenager. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
David Rea
11:07 PM on June 10, 2016 by [email protected]
Thanks for all your work on this site. I look at the site regularly to check for updates and new information about my Grandpapa.
Judy Dedecker MacPhail
12:55 PM on July 25, 2016 by [email protected]
Charles Dedecker was a crew member (navigator) and my father. My son is a pilot in the USAF and is researching the missions his grandfather flew. Thank you for providing this site. I had no idea there were so many missions. He never spoke about the war. Thanks!
John Proffitt
1:30 AM on October 4, 2016 by [email protected]
James Archie Harper is my great great uncle. He never talked about the war but he cared about the family and kept quiet near Mulhall, ok.
Alan Rudzewicz
8:26 PM on October 31, 2016 by [email protected]
My father, Chester Rudzewicz, was a Sergeant in the 752 Bomb Group of the 458th. He was stationed in Horsham St Faith from December 1944 until the war ended and they started breaking down the camp. My father passed away on October 23, 2016 at the age of 93. Another great guy from the 458th got his wings
Michael Jordan
7:11 AM on November 23, 2016 by [email protected]
Just to complete the story of Crew 46 – Assigned 754th Squadron – October 1943 on your website: I was one of the German people doing the research after the three Liberator engines have been found in the Glindow lake. In fact, my father, which was living in a house directly at the lake shore and had seen the crash with his own eyes as a very small boy, found the engines in the lake after a fisher had told him that he always destroyed his fishing nets on an hidden obstacle at a certain spot. Some 21 feet deep a tip of one of the propellers was looking out of the mud. Only the three engines were found because in 1944 the German army had recovered all the airplanes body parts in order to get hold on the aluminum and magnesium parts since Germany at this time already lacked completely the raw materials to produce their own airplanes. So all wrecks were recovered systematically. The dead crew members were first buried at the local cemetary of the village and later, after the end of the war, recovered by US Army officers which were searching German territory for traces and graves of fallen US aircrews.
There were three engines, with propellers, found in the lake. One engine was used for spares, one engine forms now admired part of the Werder village local musem with a display of the crew history, and the third engine was given to the collection of the Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin http://www.sdtb.de/Englisch.55.0.html.
Thanks to some contacts with the 458th Bombardement Group, the family of Ltn. Rogers was found in Colorado and the Glindow village and museum invited them to Germany. They visited the Glindow museum some 5 years ago.