458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2014
Name: Don E. Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Jan-14
My brother, Col. USAFR (Ret) passed away recently. John and I flew with the 755th Squadron on the Allen Blum crew as gunners. John finished his tour, however, I only made 14 missions before WIA. John served in Korea and the Reserves regularly through 1979.
Name: Robert M. Brown
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Jan-14
Impressive web site. My father served in a B-24 in the 8th, 446 BG, Station 125 Bungay, UK. His position was waist gunner. Anytime I come across a USAAF story from WW II, it gets my attention. If you have not already seen it, go to 446BG.com, and check out another B-24 site. They also have an advantage of a newsletter that helps keep track of the surviving crew members and their stories. It is called the Beach Bell Echo. My father lives in Florida, and I been able to read it on occasion. If I run into anything about the 448 BG, I will forward to you.
Bob Brown
Name: Michael Graham
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Feb-14
My Dad was stationed at Horsham St. Faiths and crewed on-board the Liberty Lib (top turret gunner). He enlisted at 17 years of age in, what was then, the Army Air Corps. Thanks to my Dad, and all of the military, that went off to fight a war in a foreign land… without a moment’s hesitation.
Name: Eric van den Broek
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Feb-14
Hello all, I see that there are some crewmen still with us. Can anyone tell me if any of the survivors you know have flown the Bingen mission of 10 december 1944? My grandfather would love to know as he was actually on the ground in Bingen at the time. He was a freighter captain on the Rhine and lost his ship during that raid.
Name: Ernie Forrest
Email: email
Date: 15-Feb-14
My dad is Larry Forrest (91). He and I, and his 2 grandchildren really enjoyed this. He said this brought back a lot of memories. I believe I have more photos of his plane and crew.
Name: David Sorel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Feb-14
many thanks for such research and such a great site. been trying to collect info on Shoo Baby … and stumbled into your gold mine! again … many thanks!
Name: Lin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Mar-14
Searching for a picture of James Fitzpatrick or any information, I believe he was crew 2 458th thank you
Name: Doug Logie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Mar-14
Thanks for the great site and information. It is a great visit to an historic time.
Name: Brian Breeze
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Mar-14
Back in I think either 1944 or 1945 I witnessed a B-24 liberator on its final approach to landing along with other members of the group suddenly tipped left wing down and nosed into the ground ending up leaning against a house in the area known then as the boundary at Hellesdon. I was about 8 years of age and the image has haunted me ever since. Any information regarding this particular crash would be gratefully accepted.
Name: Michael Dykstra
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Mar-14
What happened to the men who were interned in other countries?
Name: Charles R. Speh
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Apr-14
Trying to trace Edgar J. Huff, and if he is still alive.
Name: Philip Confalone
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Apr-14
Name: Gaileen Holm
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Apr-14
Just found out that my great Uncle Jerry Girardi was the only survivor of the F. Morris Crew. on the 458th H group…interesting info. I’m very proud of his service and I’ll pass it on to my children…my cousins and their children.
Name: Gaileen Holm
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Apr-14
oops…my mistake on the last comment. Jerry Girardi was one of 6 survivors on the mission.
Name: Daniel Stone
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Apr-14
I found this site by accident. I was researching for Mike Karich and found him here! Mike never told me he was in Germany during the war. I was there also during the Berlin Airlift. Mike and I met on my last return to the states from Japan in 1968. I was sent to Norton Air Force Base where I retired. Mike was the SMSgt in charge of the communications there. (my boss). I believe he might still be alive and I’d really like to get in touch with him again. Great guy! Do you have emails for Mile or others? Thanks, Dan Stone
Name: Daniel Stone
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Apr-14
I’m trying to contact Mike Karich who flew missions in Germany during 1945. He was later stationed at Norton AFB, California.
Name: David Sawyer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Apr-14
I believe Crew 54 of the 754th flew the Southern Ferry Route – my Dad (Raymond E. Sawyer) mentioned Dakar to me in connection with his WWII service. He never explained to me why his plane had to land in Ireland.
Name: Wg Cdr John Abra RAF (ret’d)
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Apr-14
Searching for Lt Col Edgar J (Jack) Huff. Flew with 458th during 1944, mainly on Azon project in B-24J aircraft in USA and UK.. Converted to P-47 fighters in UK in early 1945. Flew F-86 and F-100 at RAF Manston in Kent UK in 1950s. Base Commander as Lt Col at RAF Croughton in Bedfordshire UK in early mid 1960s. I am the son of Jack Huff’s former English neighbours in Ramsgate, Kent UK. I am trying to re-connect with Jack or his wife, if either are still alive.
Name: Katherine Pratt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 00-Apr-14
I believe I may have two additional names of pilots for the Azon Mission. One is my Father, and the other is my Uncle, who flew together alternating as Pilot and co-Pilot. Not sure how to provide this information. Suggestions? Thank you. Katherine
Name: Bruce R. Stith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-May-14
Hi, thank you for this page. My grandfather, SSgt Jesse T. Beard was a ball gunner on a B24. He was a very lucky man, having flown right at 36 missions.
Name: Martha Bruce Beard
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-May-14
Thank you so much for creating this site. My father, Jesse Taylor Beard, was a crew member of the 458th. I know he would have loved this site, but sadly he died in 2000. It helps to know that their effort and sacrifice is not forgotten.
Name: Billy R. Warren
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-May-14
my uncle bewel e. warren was on hopkins b-24 crew 48 shot down on march 6 1944 bombing berlin. he spent war as pow in stalag 3. was told story as kid but my dad and uncle didn’t talk about war that much. dad was in air corp also in burma flying the hump.
Name: Rob Sjolund
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-May-14
Hi there! Great web site you have here, thank you! I just wanted to let you know that my fathers last name is misspelled on one of your pages. You have it as: Sjelind, Arthur C but the correct spelling is Sjolund. Found on the alphabetical list of personel page.
Name: Paul Allonby
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-May-14
An excellent website – I was prompted to look you up after seeing a copy of George Reynolds’ book in Rare & Racy bookshop in Sheffield, UK … and I’m glad I did. A wonderful tribute!
Name: Jamie Cameron-Harley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-May-14
I would love to talk to the person(s) that put this web site together. How wonderful! My uncle, Raymond Charles Fiebiger is mentioned here… I have some mementos that were saved by my mother all these years. There may be some things I can share with you. My email is [email protected] and my cell number is 916-601-5045. You can email or text me or call me…. I hope to hear from you!
Name: Diane Fitzpatrick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-May-14
Thank you for this site . . I was looking for information on my former co-worker, Mel Kenyon, who passed away in 2006. Mel was a photographer for the Miami Herald and Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel. When he retired from shooting, he worked in the photo lab at the Sun Sentinel, where he mastered photoshop until he retired just a couple years before passing… it was an honor to work with him.
Name: John Stith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-May-14
My granddad, Jesse T Beard was ball turret gunner and part time bombardier. He was part of the crew Eddie Jacques was in, they called themselves the SAC TIME Kids. He loved the guy in his crew and talked about them most of his life.
Name: Mamie Mudgett
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-May-14
I had not looked at the Web Site for awhile. What a great job you are doing. Robert Mudget Kovich-Andew crew is now living in Petoskey Mi. I wish his eye site was good enough so he could see this Web Site. Mamie
Name: Jean Guymer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Jun-14
My father HOWARD F. WRIGHT was stationed in Norwich (Horsham St. Faith) England in 1943/5. He was T/Sgt. 38256396. I think he
was born in 1919 in Texas. If anyone has any information about him I would be so grateful if you could contact me.
Name: Andree Nix
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Jun-14
Albert “Nicky” Nix was my Dad. One of the 4 survivors of the Belle of Boston crash
Name: William (Bill) Kaczmarek
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Jun-14
My Uncle is Austin R. Schmitt. “Smitty” is alive and doing well and when he and I discussed this the last time, remebered and spoke veery highly of your father. If you’re still working on your project, I can put you in touch with he or his children. Please email me at the address I’ve provided.
Elizabeth Hunsberger Petersen says…
My father, I. Moyer Hunsberger, was a navigator with the Beno crew at Horsham St. Faith. I am currently working on his very detailed diary of the 18 missions he flew from July 1944 to February 1945. I would love to contact other of his crew members or their families, namely: William Beno, Clinton Wallace, Austin R. Schmidt, Del Schaffer, William Gorman, Theodore Wassel, Ray Yow, Robert N. Duvall and John A. Confalone. I have in mind to publish a book which follows the before and after histories of the crew as well as the diary itself in between. I think it would be fascinating to find out what each of them has done, where they came from, etc. My father died in 1987 after having a wonderful career first as an organic chemist and then as a college administrator. He and my mother raised 7 children; I am the second. if you have any information about the life histories of the crew members listed above, please contact me at [email protected]. Many thanks! And thanks to Darin for an amazing web site. It has filled in a lot of background information.
Name: William Quillen
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Jun-14
Just a note to say that my uncle, Group H Crew AJ9 Prevost (Tail Wind) flight engineer James Quillen is alive and well at age 90. Uncle Jim still golfs and he remains active and sharp as a tack, living with his wife of 68 years, Jean. Jim and Jean have 3 sons, 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren all scattered across the country. Jim is a retired carpenter living at his home in Pittsburgh, PA.
Name: Rich Lopez
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Jun-14
My father Joe Lopez was in squad 754 and served on the Dorothy K Special between August 1944 and March 1945. He flew 35 missions, I don’t recall him speaking a lot about the war but there is one story I do remember. Once after returning from a mission they counted over 200 bullet holes in their plane and no one was wounded; In fact every one of his crew returned safely from the war. To my knowledge only he and Mike Deiderich were the only surviving members of his crew. A few years ago they had a reunion in upstate NY; members of our family and Mike’s got to meet each other, it was a special day for both families and we owe our fathers a debt we can never repay. In fact, we owe their entire generation a debt of gratitude for securing ours and future generations to come. Sadly my father passed away at the age of 90 in December of 2013. Thank you very much for taking the time to host this website and helping to insure that the sacrifices of their generation are never forgotten.
Name: Dana S. Brown
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jun-14
Darin, I looked on the website today and you really have made a lot of changes, for the better!!! Keep up the good work you do in remembering those that served at that time!!!
Thanks, Dana S. Brown
Name: Jena Conti
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Jun-14
Hi! Very interesting website. I am an American who teaches English at the University of Stavanger and am research American deaths and graves in Norway in WW2. I have a question about the crash of the O’Hara crew. Bob Koch writes that the mystery of a possible woman on board is solved by the crash report which names Ameilia McLaughlin as the mother of Sgt Norman J. McLaughlin. I have just read an eye-witness account of the crash from a man living in Seljord who claims that a woman’s black shoe and a woman’s watch were found among the wreckage and taken down to the town. Do you know anything about these items? Thank you!
Randy C Green
10:02 PM on July 1, 2014 by [email protected]
This is a great site, what a wonderful thing you are doing, I have been looking for my Dad’s squadron for years, he was with Lt. Shaw as a gunner, Roscoe C. Green that’s about all I know for now, but you can bet I will keep digging. Thank you!
Denise McGuire
12:38 PM on July 8, 2014 by [email protected]
My father in law was Ralph McGuire who crashed while on mission in Germany. Someone sent us this link. Nice reading!!
Alice Burman
11:44 PM on July 15, 2014 by [email protected]
Thank you for your continued updates and improvements to the site, and the book! I appreciate them all. What dedication. Thanks, Alice Burman, (my dad was Robert Burman)
Cheryl Kerschner
4:56 PM on August 5, 2014 by [email protected]
I am going through my dad’s book from San Angelo bombardier school before handing it down to my children. I have grown up with the faces of these young men imprinted on my memory. As I search for info on these men, I am finding so many that seem to be lost to time with no mention of them anywhere. Bill Kaczmarek, your uncle, Austin R. Schmidt, was a classmate of my dad, Carl Rippy. My dad passed away in 2011 after serving with the 453rd BG, 735th squadron. I am so glad to hear that Mr. Schmidt is still with us. Please pass along my best wishes. Cheryl Kerschner
Michael A. Graham
8:43 AM on August 12, 2014 by [email protected]
My dad was in the 8th USAAF, stationed at Horsham-St. Faiths. I’m trying to ‘fill in’ the years that he didn’t talk about.
11:53 PM on August 13, 2014 by [email protected]
My grandfather was James K Zimmerman. I am trying to find any information I can as he didn’t talk about it much and I was 5 years old when he passed way. This has been a very informative site. Thank you.
John Yarbrough
1:26 AM on August 18, 2014 by [email protected]
My grandfather was Linwood Yarbrough. Thank you for the books that have been written, They have been a blessing to our family and to him as he enjoys looking through them.
Joseph A. Schramm
12:21 PM on August 19, 2014 by [email protected]
Good day; I am a cousin of Sgt. John H. Schramm, who was a belly gunner in the 755th Bomber Squadron of the 458th Bomber Group. John’s bomber was shot down over Denmark and all were killed. I was around six years old when dad told me about it. I am very thankful to my cousin Steve Gardt who found this site and most thankful for everyone who keeps the memory of the 458th alive.
Greg Stoesser
5:49 PM on August 22, 2014 by [email protected]
I am the son of LtCol. Robert E. Stoesser. He flew with the 458th B-24 Bombardment Group towards the end of the war. He primarily flew the Gas House Mouse. I believe he flew that bombers final mission to a crash landing over the English Channel. Do you have any information on possible living members who flew with him? Thank you.
11:55 AM on August 26, 2014 by [email protected]
Hello. My name is Todd and I have photos of some of the guys from this squadron (I think). I was able to identify a couple of people and they all seem to be from Unit 752. If there’s someone I can send these to get the guys in the photos identified by all means let me know.
Sandra Abdulla
12:02 PM on August 30, 2014 by [email protected]
Al Peterson was my father, and a man I never knew. It is overwhelming to finally be able to see a photo of him with his crew after nearly 70 years. His three grandsons will be very proud of his service. He and my mother were one of the WWII romances that took place behind the scenes of a terrible war. Thank you so much for the dedication you have shown in producing this material and maintaining it.
5:44 AM on September 5, 2014 by [email protected]
458th Bombardment Group (H), Holtz Crew: The marked “Osnabruck” photo is definitely not Osnabrück.
Joseph Matson
11:56 PM on September 8, 2014 by [email protected]
It was extremely awesome seeing my late grandfathers face (Glen R. Matson) and his friends and crew. Love the site.
Sabrina Forrest Howser
11:03 PM on September 14, 2014 by [email protected]
I was excited to see my grandfather’s name listed and cannot wait to show him the list next time I see him. He will love it. It is too bad to hear about the author for the 458th Bombardment books since I think this is who my grandfather gave some of his pictures to from the war.
5:33 AM on September 20, 2014 by [email protected]
My dad just turned 94 in August and at his party we got to hear about the Gas House Mouse and the boys in England. I found his name on your list and it made me cry. Thanks for this site.
Kenneth Toll
12:34 PM on November 1, 2014 by [email protected]
My grandfather (Sgt. Rollin A. Helbling) was a R.O. in the 752nd. I never heard much from him about his time in service. Thanks for giving me a little more insight into where he was and what he did while he was a service member.
Scott McCartney
8:19 PM on November 3, 2014 by [email protected]
Hello to all – I was excited to find my dad’s name on this website (Robert William McCartney of Canton NY). After the war he traveled extensively globally and so lost pretty much everything related to his service. All we knew is he got commissioned in May 44, flew a tour of duty, was apparently a squadron leader, and was discharged in 1945. Dad’s unfortunately on his last legs right now and can’t remember anything, so we’re scrambling to find out more that we should’ve done years ago! Of course if anyone knows of any details about dad’s crew, missions (or where to look) would be superb. Thanks for putting up & maintaining a great site. Best, Scott McCartney (NY NY)
Graham Kipping
11:34 AM on November 5, 2014 by [email protected]
I am doing some research for a friend in Seattle whose father was in 458th from 22/4/44 to 14/5/44, his name was William John Gee Jnr (0692777), but he does not appear on your records. He flew with Morris Englehard and I have a copy of his log.
Michael DaBramo
2:52 PM on November 15, 2014 by [email protected]
It is with sadness that I inform all of the passing of Emilio “Dee” DaBramo. He was always extremely proud of his service with the 458th BG
Chuck Holmes (Ssgt, USAF) 1973
2:37 PM on November 17, 2014 by [email protected]
Grateful for those that made it back and much sorrow for those that did not plus their families. Lost my great uncle Tsgt Ross Holmes over Italy. He was a waist gunner. Never met him but many of us in our family have been in different branches of the Armed Forces. We respect those that have served!
Stephen Garrity
12:11 AM on November 20, 2014 by [email protected]
I was delighted to find the escape and evasion account of Robert Cleveland (Crew 48 – Assigned 754th Squadron.) My dad, Richard Garrity, RCAF, evaded with Cleveland for nearly three months and my dad was mentioned several times. As my dad came from Montreal, he spoke pretty good French and was the main go-between the Belgium helpers and the rest of the evaders. It’s nice to see a different account of the story, and corrected spelling on some of the other evaders.
Ray Hemrich’s Grandkids
11:28 AM on December 8, 2014 by [email protected]
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful website. Capt Ray Hemrich is our late grandfather and it is great to be able to see this as we didn’t get to hear too many stories from him. We shared this with our grandmother and she loved seeing the photos and reading the stories. Thanks again!!
Mamie Mudgett
5:13 PM on December 8, 2014 by [email protected]
Robert Mudgett, Kovich- Andrew Crew 458th passed away Dec. 6th in Petoskey, Mi at the age of 92. Because of failing eye sight he was not able to enjoy your site.