458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2013
Name: William Peacher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Jan-13
My father was a tail gunner on Flak Magnet. My Dad would be proud of your website.
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Jan-13
Name: Charlene Hoobler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Jan-13
My father, Dave Hoobler, was a bombardier with the 458th. He turns 90 years old on Feb 7. He has a collection of stories and his diary of his missions.
Name: Lynda Kay
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jan-13
This link is such a blessing to find! John Hiebert was my Grandmothers favorite brother killed in action March 2, 1944. I am excited to learn more about this man who my own Father resembles. Grandma passed away about 10 years ago and took all the stories and memories with her. Please let me know of other places to look, search, and find information. Thanks to this website I know Uncle John’s middle initial and serial number to help me in my search. Thank you each one of you who gave, was injured, or risked their life to provide me with freedom!
Lynda Kay
Name: Sean Tracy
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Jan-13
I’ve been contacted to build a model of a B-24 for a radio operator named James Marshall who flew 35 missions. He’s here in Michigan and can’t recall his squadron but does know the plane was named ‘Sack Time Kids’. If anyone has any info on him that I can pass along, I know he’d greatly appreciate it. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and to you men who flew, I’m in complete awe of you!!!!!
Name: Karen Rush
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jan-13
Hi my grandfather Don Koch was based at Horsham St faith, I really don’t know much about him but any information would be much appreciated.
Name: Hank
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Feb-13
My uncle William Campbell Spratt flew in the 458 BG 752 Squadron. I have really enjoyed reading and looking at your site. Thank you for posting this. Uncle Campbell returned after the war to Fredericksburg, Virginia, married and raised 5 children, and ran a small construction company. An avid outdoorsman who loved hunting, he was a charter member of Fredericksburg Rod and Gun Club. Campbell was an accomplished Jazz musician who played in several area bands through the years. He was well known for playing the saxophone and was a charter member of the Fredericksburg Big Band.
Name: Hank
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Feb-13
Robert: My uncle flew both of those aircraft. He was the pilot of Yankee Buzz Bomb on 4 Dec. 1944 and that was his very first mission. He flew “Top O’ the Mark” on 30 Mar. 1945 on his 25th mission.
Name: Michael Wright Williams
Email: mwwillmsAmac.com
Date: 07-Feb-13
My father, 2LT Roger Wright Williams, was a Navigator of the Vehslage Crew – 752nd Squadron – August 8, 1944. On behalf of my family, I want to thank all who have contributed to this website honoring those who served with the 458th BG during World War II.
Name: Daurice Bessire Ring
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Feb-13
Raymond Maurice Bessire “Tex” was a B-24 ball turret gunner with the pilot Gordon W. Lamers Any information would be appreciated. Dad had a diary that my mother loaned to a fellow crew member’s family that has never been returned. I would love a copy of his diary or the original if someone has information I would love to share. I have so many questions, and may find some answers thru this website, thank-you it is so great to remember these wonderful young men who served our country
Name: Pater Mapes
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Mar-13
In 1944 I was just 6 years old and lived in Hellesdon about half a mile from Horsham St. Faith, our house was in line with the main runway and I have vivid memories of watching the B-24’s returning from a raid often badly shot up and damaged. As kids we would always wave to the waist gunners and were thrilled if they returned the wave as they often did.
Name: Jim Gibson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Mar-13
Name: Jan Nieuwenhuis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Mar-13
Have just entered the crash of a 458BG B-24 aircraft into my “World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands” database. For those interested, have a look at http://www.airwar4045.nl The database currently lists 1066 aircraft and 5259 crew members (of which 885 USAAF)…
Name: Edouard J Jacques
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Mar-13
I was a bombardier on Fred Eisert’s crew for 18 missions (lead bomber crew). Fred Eisert had more hours then anybody else on the base, except for the Col. At 92, I just recieved the highest Rhode Island award for my service, the Rohde Island Star. I have been happliy married for 69 years. My friend Arthur Capaldi is getting ready to have his book published, Shadow Heros. It is a book about the 8th Air Force in conjunction with the ground forces. Thank you for all the hard work in putting this web site together.
Name: Delsaut Harry
Email: [email protected]
Date: 31-Mar-13
I am the son of DELVIESMAISON Oda who has recovered in Mons – Belgium in his home Charlie HILLIS for three weeks july 1944 – USAAF 458 Bomber B24 -J 95- 7VB shot down 12 july 1944 in Harveng or Spiennes (MONS). My mother DELVIESMAISON Oda is again in live and search informations on Charlie HILLIS.
Name: Phil Papojian
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Apr-13
Met bombardier Eddie Jacques at a Pawtuxet Valley Rotary Club meeting. Great stories!
Name: Christine Lenormand
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-May-13
Last week, in the American cimetary of Colleville sur Mer, our guide gave little american flags to the children so that they could choose one grave and put the flag on it in order to honor the memory of one soldier. Our son, Julien, 8 years old, choose the grave of Paul L Dulmage. Thank you.
Name: Alec Woodgate
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-May-13
What an excellent site you have created. I was looking for Lt Richard A Matheis as I’m reading his book CAPTURED and came across your noble site. Pity the RAF hasn’t got a similar one for 54 Squadron. My uncle chased a Dornier 17 into a cloud in his Spitfire and was never seen again. Our family would love to know what happened.
Best Regards Alec Woodgate Perth, Western Australia
Name: David M VanBibber
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-May-13
My father 1LT Joseph M VanBibber was the Bombardier in Pilot Cecil G. Johnson’s crew. Great site you have created to pass on to children and grandchildren. Thank you, Miss you dad
Name: Ali Zeidan
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-May-13
My Great Uncle is Sgt. Sidney Sheren, Crew 68 – 755th Squadron. Our family appreciates this site, and it gave me a great opportunity to show my son some of our family’s history.
Name: Dayle DeBry
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-May-13
Looking for information on S/Sgt. Mike R. Pappas, 755th, 458th from the Antelope Valley (Randsburg, CA).
Name: Thomas Tiedman
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-May-13
My grandfather Len Johnson died of a heart attack while tending bar at the Hook ‘Em Cow bar in South St. Paul, Minnesota (“Cowtown” home of the formerly world’s largest stockyards) when I was just a little boy back in the 1960’s. Hook ‘Em Cow is a famous expression in South St. Paul dating back to the early 20th century (1916 I believe) and is associated with those same stockyards in a way which I don’t think any South St. Paul resident ever really understood! Happy to see the name painted on a B-24 Liberator. Sad to hear of it’s crash and accompanying loss of crew lives.
Name: Jim McMains
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Jun-13
I am a distant cousin of 2LT Jesse L. McMains of the 753rd. He was a pilot KIA on a mission to Berlin on Mar 6 1944. This website is a great tribute those who served with the 458th.
Name: Kathleen Wilson Fanno
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Jun-13
I really enjoyed this site and especially the crew picture showing my father Bernard Wilson who was a co pilot with the Nedrow group- Crew 18 – Assigned 752nd Squadron. Thank you so much for posting that great picture. I also enjoyed reading about his last mission before becoming a POW in May of 1944. The plane and crew flew to Switzerland during this mission but he bailed out over Germany and was captured. Is there anyone alive that can recall the circumstances? I would be so interested to hear the details.
Name: John Welch
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Jun-13
Great site and we really appreciate the work you put into it. I saw pictures of my father I have never seen and got info that I never knew.
Name: Roger Sebring
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jun-13
follow link for info on b24 travelin bag and crew http://www.b24bestweb.com/travlinbag1.htm
Name: Fred A. Massaro
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Jun-13
Hi. I flew first ten missions as Bombardier with Hartswick’s crew. Then trained as a DR Navigator and moved to BOQ for remaining flights. After war ended, flew back to States with Hartswick.
Name: Christine Giambra nee Markle
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Jul-13
So pleased to see my dad’s (Harold Markle) photo on your website. He passed away in February 1999. Since my dad had only daughters, none of whom thought to ask him much about his service in World War II, I don’t have any information to share. Nonetheless, his family deeply appreciates his service and the service of all of his fellow service men and women.
Name: Michael Peterson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Jul-13
This is an amazing resource and the contributions on here are priceless. I’m a grandson of Hage Barnard who flew the “Leading Lady” with the 458 Bomb Group in Norwich, England. I’m assuming I found the nose art here: http://www.b24bestweb.com/leadinglady-v3.htm Hage is currently 91 and still has a pretty strong memory. Another update: GERALD OTIS ALLEN aka Jerry Allen passed away in May 2013. He also flew with the 458th: http://brown-forward.com/sitemaker/sites/BROWNF2/obit.cgi?user=1005101Allen.
Hope to hear back from others. I will be happy to post pictures if people are interested.
Name: Leslie Wilcox Irving
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jul-13
Hi – I have a picture of my Dad, Lt. Edwin E. Wilcox, standing next to the starboard side of “Last Card Louie” – He was a co-pilot with the 458 BG and I believe that “Louie” was his plane, but with a different crew. They flew 25 missions out of Norwich. Thank you for posting these items.
Name: Todd Micu
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Aug-13
Thank You !!!
Name: Tim Falls
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Aug-13
My father in law flew 35 missions over Germany at part of the 458th. His captain was Lewis[Merlin] Tebbs, the 752 squadron. He still is alive and has a picture of his crew.
Name: debi heise payne
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Sep-13
i see if that’s my father, john heise…he was over sea’s about that time…
Name: Roland Orchard
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Sep-13
Hi. Great website. I’m a second generation member of Royal Australian Air Force 458 Squadron. 458 served in the UK and North Africa during WWII. Keep the good work up. All Allied WW2 heroes must not be forgotten
Name: Dave Wentzel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-13
Roy June Primm passed away 9/27/2013 in Wilmington NC a member of the 458th Bomb Group
any idea what he did ?
Dave, Carolinas Aviation Museum
Name: David Hicks
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Oct-13
James J Duffy was my great uncle, my Grandmother’s brother. She has never said hardly anything about him. He flew with 2Lt Peters on Blondies’ Folly, bailed out while over the Channel and is listed as missing in action. I’m trying to do some research on our family history. If anyone has any information regarding James, it would be appreciated.
Name: Elizabeth Hunsberger Peterson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Oct-13
My father, I. Moyer Hunsberger, was a navigator with the Beno crew at Horsham St. Faith. I am currently working on his very detailed diary of the 18 missions he flew from July 1944 to February 1945. I would love to contact other of his crew members or their families, namely: William Beno, Clinton Wallace, Austin R. Schmidt, Del Schaffer, William Gorman, Theodore Wassel, Ray Yow, Robert N. Duvall and John A. Confalone. I have in mind to publish a book which follows the before and after histories of the crew as well as the diary itself in between. I think it would be fascinating to find out what each of them has done, where they came from, etc. My father died in 1987 after having a wonderful career first as an organic chemist and then as a college administrator. He and my mother raised 7 children; I am the second. if you have any information about the life histories of the crew members listed above, please contact me at [email protected]. Many thanks! And thanks to Darin for an amazing web site. It has filled in a lot of background information.
Name: Elizabeth Hunsberger Peterson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Oct-13
Hi, Reid,
I was reading the guestbook of the 458th and came across your post, just minutes after I had typed your grandfather’s name! From my father’s navigator diary, which I am planning on publishing. Just a snippet, but I thought I would pass it along: “We were interrogated by Intelligence and then Col. Isbell asked us to wait around because Gen. Peck and 2 senators wanted to talk to us.” This was Sept. 9, 1944.
Name: Sam Franklin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Oct-13
This is a wonderful resource and represents a great deal of work. It is greatly appreciated. My dad, Samuel Franklin,Jr. was with the 458th, but I do not know in what capacity he served. He was a Captain at the end of the war. I should have asked more questions.
Name: Brenda B
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Oct-13
My Great-Uncle Victor C Drahos was KIA Under pilot Curland. Never seen any Pictures of him ever was looking to see if I can find one. I am so glad I came across this web site I just love it. Was doing ancestry work and found this.
Name: Joan Trent Krichten
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Nov-13
I just stumbled upon your website. I can’t believe after all these years there are new photos surfacing of my father, James H. Trent. He passed away in ’85 but the legacy of him and this group lives on. We have many more photos, maps, documents and memorabilia from Dad. You may already have most of what we have but please let me know if you would like to see any other photos.
Name: Veronica Thompson-Brumitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Nov-13
Ferry Crew 39
B-24J-1-FO 42-50555 J3 A “Baby Shoes”
My Father, Phillip Farley Thompson is the crewman in the front row; second from the right. We have other photo’s and his mission map. He was a nose gunner. My brothers have other details regarding his service. The irony is that my parents had ten children of their own and raised my cousin and half of the neighborhood. I am number seven. The more I learn about the survival rate of airman during the Second World War the more I realize how lucky I am to have been born. Triple Nickel “555”. My dad died in 1979. He was a true patriot.
Name: Marcin
Email: mjkarpinski@o2/pl
Date: 09-Dec-13
Amazing website. Greetings from Poland.
Name: Jeff Wright
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Dec-13
It is with sadness that I mention the passing of my Uncle who was a waist gunner in the 755th Squadron.
SSgt Milton Aalen(DFC) passed away in August of 2013. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/theeagle/obituary.aspx?page=lifestory&pid=166828161
Blessed with a phenomenal memory all the way to the end of his life , he was always answering obscure questions I had on the B-24 and wartime life in England. Only late in life did he embrace being one of the “greatest generation” but was always frank that they were simply doing a job that they had to do. He is greatly missed.