458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2010
Name: Howard Wing
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Jan-10
Just wanted to say what a great site this is as a tribute to the 458th. I have no connection other than I live in the village of Old Catton, Norwich which borders Horsham St Faith airfield (now Norwich Airport). Being interested in the local history around me (esp 2nd Air Division) for many years this site has helped understand further the impact of what happened here all those years ago. Thank you.
Name: Cliff Leverette
Email: [email protected]
Date: -Jan-10
Looking forward to getting a copy of the new book!
Name: Shirley Sealey
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Jan-10
My uncle was Lincoln A Larson…. So glad to have beento this site… I have learned more about my uncle that any of my family told me… His sister Velma Larson sealey is my mother.. Please feel free to contact me with any information
Michael Larson says…
My great uncle Lincoln A. Larson was part of the 458th Bomb Group. Thank you for this wonderful website you created.
Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Jan-10
Congratulations, Darin! The book looks fantastic. What a wonderful addition to WWII literature. You have done all the men of the 458th proud.
Name: Aaron Brill
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Jan-10
I’m sorry to say my grandfather has just passed away at 11:00 am today. He will receive a full military funeral. I am in the army and will attend. He was the radio operator on the shoo shoo baby #42-51095
Name: Rachael Baczynski
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Jan-10
Jerome Brill was my grandfather. As a graduate student, I interviewed Jerome and his wife. The oral history transcript can be found here. http://ohp.fsu.edu/ww2ints.html
Name: Mark Woodward
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Jan-10
My dad, Herbert Neil Woodward Jr, 2nd Lt., 458bg 752bs,Horsham St Faith, co-pilot on the B-24 crew of Bob Lehr-Aug 44 to March 45. 35 missions plus 12 gas hauls for Patton’s army Sept 44… 20 different planes on bomb runs, have original photo’s of nose art and crew, dad kept a journal.. I will be in touch…. God Bless the Greatest Generation
Name: Jim McMains
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Jan-10
I have a distant cousin that served with this Group. His name was 2nd Lt. Jesse McMains and was a pilot that was KIA. Not sure if any of his crew survived.
Name: Tim Melville
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Jan-10
Janet, this is Tim, your nephew. I live in Ft. Worth, TX now and would love to get in touch with you again.
Janet Hagen says…
I am the daughter of Earle Q. Hagen and I really enjoyed this site. Thank you!
Name: Robert Kelly
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Jan-10
My father was station at Horsham St. Faith, and married an English woman (my mother) who was a Norwich girl. As a young boy I used to play on that air field before it became Norwich airport. When the war ended my dad stayed in the Army Air Corp/Air force and retired in 1962. My Father passed away a few years ago, this web site gave me sense of pride for his service. A point of interest the building on that base all had a camouflage pattern with different color bricks not paint.
Name: Lew Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jan-10
I would like to hear from anyone that has information about the WATSON CREW Sqdn.754.My Uncle Carson Fisher was Tail Gunner on that crew and was wounded during a mission which ended his tour. Carson passed away in 1964.
Name: Moses Boateng
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Jan-10
Michael McCormick says…
Bob Geiger was my wife’s (June A. Schroeder) God Father. We live in West Bend, WI. Bob’s Son lives in California. Thank you all for saving the US!
Name: Ray Fox
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-Jan-10
Great website. My father-in law, Eugene Hoaglund, was a member of the 413th BS, 96th BG at Snetterton Heath from Jan-June 1945. I have always been interested in all things WW II, especially the air war. I am grateful to all who have served.
Name: Dixie (Muller) Everitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Jan-10
My uncle, Darwin Muller, was with the 330th BG, crew 804, k-43. Anyone with any information, I would greatly appreciate.
Name: Agnes Rose
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Feb-10
Would anyone have information on Military Police Units that were attached to the 8th AF in the Norfolk area. I am looking for members (or family members) of those in the 987 MP Company. I have many photos that I can share (1943-1945)
Name: Don Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Feb-10
Edward Silver says…
I’m doing this for my grandfather. he was in the bomb group and he’s still alive. He recently had open heart surgery tho. If any1 knows Edward Silver email him at [email protected]
Edward I was on the Blum crew and have visited and talked to Ed often I sent him an email in mid Dec. for holiday greetings and have had no reply I’m kind of worried, please get me up to date on him. – Don Echols
Name: Tara Strouse-Smith
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Feb-10
Shirley Sealey says…
This is so wonderful to find this site! I’m so grateful to finally see a picture of my great uncle, 2LT Lincoln a Larson. Thanks to all who provide information!
Name: Frank J. Perry, Sr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Feb-10
While surfing this web site today I came across an entry of one of my crewmembers Kenneth W. Lehn on Sept 21,2007 archives. He did not leave an e-mail address and/or any other address. I sure would like to be able to contact him. This is the first reference I seen of any of my crew members since we separated in 1945. I can be contacted at e-mail address above or at 336-998-8950.
Name: Phil Lucero
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Feb-10
I googled Jake T Lucero, I was able to get valuable information on my Uncle’s service with the 458th Bombardment Group. If there is any way to get more info on the 458th, please let me know, also, any additional pictures of the crew. I can be reach at 303-908-8001. What a website!!
Name: Julie A. Butler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Feb-10
Brian Hinkley says…
I wanted to give some additional information on my father and his search for his buddies. My dad’s name is Donald Hinkley. He served in the 458th bomber group, 752nd squadron, 2nd air division. He was stationed at Horsham St. Faiths in Norwich England. Here are the names of the people he served with and would like to contact: Laurence S. Haynes, Don Page, Larry Wilcox, Walter A. Schreiber, John Gerik, Eugene Pilon, Edward Lippert, Amulio D. Morelli, Walter F. Kordeck
I used to work for L. S. Haynes back in the 1990s. He settled in Jackson, Michigan and married a sportswear buyer from New York named Jane. They had two daughters – Laura and Hollie, and a son – Laurence Jr.. He started a business in his garage selling diesel engines and parts. That company is now Haynes Corporation in Naples, Florida, and they make fuel injector assemblies for locomotive engines and other diesel applications, and is run by his daughter Laura and her husband. I was Mr. Haynes’ personal assistant during the last few years before his retirement. I eventually got married and moved away from Michigan, but I kept in touch with Larry via Christmas card for many years. I suspect he may have passed away since I have not received a card back in a few years. He was a wonderful man and often regaled me over coffee by his desk with his tales from the War. He was quite a character and I miss him.
Name: Don Hargreaves
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Feb-10
My dad, Arlin Hargreaves, was a navigator with the 752Sq. He flew with Paul Craven (Pilot) and Jack O’ Reagan (Co-pilot). I have lots of letters from him while he was at Horsham St. Faith as well as a description of a mission if anyone is interested in them.
Name: Mike Paolella
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Feb-10
65 years ago today my dad Michael Paolella was lost along with the entire Szarko crew on 42-51215. Darin, you did a great job putting this site together and it’s been many years since you started and we last spoke. I’m looking forward to getting your book.
Mike Paolella
Name: Carolyn Bond
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Feb-10
I have just come across this website which I have found very interesting as my late mother (Kathleen) lived in Horsham St Faiths during WWII. Her Mother (Olive) was a cook in the officers mess. My Brother & myself grew up to many stories from these years. I’m not sure if you are aware but there is a museum at the airport. It really has been great reading all these comments thank you.
Name: Graham Poole
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Feb-10
My Sister Carolyn Bond informed me of you website and yes it makes great reading, much of our early years was spent in St Faiths, not far from the airfield, where I spent many happy hours playing as a child. Not much has changed in the village, apart from the amount of houses there now and the airfield is now Norwich International Airport.
Thanks again for a great website and hopefully many more comments as it all contributes to building up our history.
Name: Cliff Leverette
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Mar-10
Marilyn Walton, please contact me, I can’t get your email to work. I get a return with your name on it but adverts for bogus electronic gear. I have spoken with the son of Jerome Caffey. Thanks, Cliff
Name: Robin Badsky
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Mar-10
Thank you for posting that great picture of my Great Uncle Ed Badsky. Thank you Veterans!
Name: Marci Busby (Copeland)
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Mar-10
I’m one of the daughters of James Neal Busby (Buzz) who flew with John Tracy in the 458th BB from 1944 and 1945. My father was the bombardier of his crew. My father is presently in a nursing home and is legally blind due to macular generation but I’m going to read him the information from this website. Thank you so much for putting together this website and please let me know if I can be of assistance. We are located in San Antonio, TX.
Name: Jim Murphy
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Mar-10
Thanks for the WEB site. My dad, Thomas R. Murphy, was 2Lt Logie’s RO. He never spoke much about the war or his participation. After he died in July 1999 we uncovered a letter the War Department sent to his mother listing him as MIA, followed with a letter that he had escaped to Sweden, his silk worm membership card, and history of his E&E trip through Denmark. The Danish rescue heroes of crew 68 have established a museum and memorial to Lt Logie’s crew. My dad’s flight boots are on display along with relics from the crash site. Lt Logie’s account of the evasion follows closely with the story that the Danish published a few years ago. My dad mentioned that until the crew returned to England there was little known about the Danish underground. He completed 22 years service in the USAF flying on B-29’s (509th Composite), B-50’s, and B-36’s as a RO. It is amazing the amount of data and detail that exists on this one B-24 crash event. I would like to identify the Luftwaffe fighter unit that was involved – if anyone has an idea on how to research this I would be grateful. I checked the Datenbank Abfrage and found an account of the action and crash but no mention of the three yellow-nose Bf-109’s. Thanks again for filling in a portion of my dad’s life that was mostly a mystery.
Name: Angela Thompson (Woodworth)
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Mar-10
Thank you so very much for posting this picture. My father and I were having a visit tonight and talking about his father whom I never knew and it made us both want to learn more. My paternal grandfather is Marine Corp Sgt. John Burton Woodworth. John and Alice divorced while my father was still young so we both would love to learn more. My father also has a picture that I am sure we can figure out a way to scan and send along with original military certificate.
Name: Nancy Boyer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Mar-10
As a young Army wife in 1970, I lived next door to Margaret Caldow in Hyon, Belgium. I have written a book about Margaret and her sister Irma Caldow who were part of the Belgian Resistance mentioned on this site. I would love to communicate with anyone who knew these two women or their family.
Name: Gary Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Mar-10
My brother, Virgil Fisher, was part of this bomb group. His son, Steve Fisher, has contacted you with information about his dad’s (my brother’s) service. I’m so glad that you have started this Web site in honor of those who served in this bomb group. Please accept my most sincere “thank you” to all of you who served our country proudly and well. May God bless.
Name: Steve Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Mar-10
I’m the son of 1Lt. Virgil L. Fisher, Navigator. Your website is a great service to an extraordinary group of young men and their relatives. Thanks.
Name: Ed Reniere
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Mar-10
I met Irma Caldow last year in Mons and hope she’s still with us. Please send me an e-mail.
Ed Reniere says…
– – – –
[nancy boyer]
Asa a young Army wife in 1970, I lived next door to Margaret Caldow in Hyon, Belgium. I have written a book about Margaret and her sister Irma Caldow who were part of the Belgian Resistance mentioned on this site. I would love to communicate with anyone who knew these two women or their family.
Name: Janet Davis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Mar-10
Fred Erdmann of the 458 unit was my cousin by marriage. My Grandfather also fought in World War two. We buried Fred last weekend. I never knew until the viewing of his body that he was in the service. I enjoyed the stories shared about their missions. I have deep respect for those that served then and those that serve now so we can enjoy what freedom we still have that the government hasn’t taken away from us
Name: Richard Nixon
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Mar-10
T/Sgt. Ralph W. Schenewark of the 752 Bomb Squad 458th Bombardment Group passed away on March 9, 2010, just days before his 92nd birthday. I believe he may have been on Horgan Crew (TJ4) on a B-24 named “THE E.T.O. Playhouse”. He was shot down over Germany, held POW in Stalag Luft IV, and survived the Death March. For most of his life he did not talk much about the war, but from what I could piece together his heroism saved several lives during the Death March, nearly costing him his own. Ralph was my uncle/my namesake and I’m proud of him. Thank you for maintaining this website where many brave airmen have been reunited and remembered.
Name: Lorrie Guenther
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-10
My father Verdon L. Cox was a navigator possibly in the 752nd. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Name: Joe Nelson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Apr-10
To Marcie Busby Copeland:
I roomed With Buzz in the combat officers quarters. I flew as a substitute navigator, Sometimes on the McCormick crew. What i remember about Buzz is that he snored a lot and loud. I am sorry to hear about his condition. I also have macular degeneration, but at least i can still see. Give my regards to Buzz.
Marcie Busby (Copeland) says…
I’m one of the daughters of James Neal Busby (Buzz) who flew with John Tracy in the 458th BB from 1944 and 1945. My father was the bombardier of his crew. My father is presently in a nursing home and is legally blind due to macular generation but I’m going to read him the information from this website. Thank you so much for putting together this website and please let me know if I can be of assistance. We are located in San Antonio, TX.
Name: Brian Hinkley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Apr-10
thanks phil for your response, I will share that with my dad, if you know of any other vets or information to get in touch with anyone I would appreciate it, thanks again , brian hinkley
Name: Garry Olson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Apr-10
My father George Olson, flew in the 752nd with Everett Thompson and was shot down and captured.
Name: Ollie Quinn Nyman Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Apr-10
Just checking on my grandfather R.W. Nyman
Name: Peter J Moran
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Apr-10
My dad with the same name but junior was with the 458 and he flew 18 missions. I am pretty sure he was with the 753 J4 only because when I was very young I remember he gave me a patch and the patch listed looks familiar. He started as co-pilot but on his first mission a piece of flac came up through the plane and killed the pilot and radio operator and he had to take over. I believe he was promoted to pilot from that point on. He passed away in January 2007 and is at Arlington Cemetery
Name: Jenna McKinnon
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Apr-10
My Grandfather, Frank Foutch, was a tail gunner for the 753 Bomb Squadron. I believe he flew on the B-24 numbered 40134-R. I also served in the Air Force, we were actually stationed on the same base for training a little over fifty years apart.
My grandfather passed away last summer. I miss him terribly. I wish that I would’ve known more about his missions in the USAAF. He was an amazing man. I thank you for this website and this little glimpse into the part of his life that I know so little about.
Name: Charles Strickland
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-May-10
My Great Uncle was Charles Given- Nose Guner on the “A Dog’s Life” that crashed 13 Feb 1945 in Old Catton. With the help of some good people, I have been directed here, and have learned a lot more than I ever expected. I never heard anyonein the family talk of what happend to him. Now I know. I have his wings, and a few of his personal belongings that he was suposed to have had on him at the time of his death. Thanks you for creating this web site- it is a tribute to all those brave souls who gave everything so that we could remain free.
Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-May-10
Would Charles Strickland please contact Trevor Hewitt. I live near the Dogs Life crash site and have info you might be interested in, thank you.
Name: Tim Meadows
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-May-10
I am the son of Garland Meadows and I wanted to thank who ever posted this. Dad is doing just ok thses days he is 89 and living in Lebanon Tennessee. I am going to print this off and give it to him, I know he will be happy to see it, these days he talks alot about the time he spent in the war..thanks again
Name: Piskin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-May-10
My husband Arnold was the pilot of the Howlling Banshee. Our daughter and friend developed the website for the HowlingBanshee.com.
Name: Brenda Piskin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-May-10
what a great site!!!!!!!!!!! kudos for pulling this together. great to see even more details about my dad, arnold piskin, and his crew of the howling banshee in 753rd bg. in 1999 i was very fortunate to meet and spend time with my dad’s co-pilot joe zanella and engineer don shannon. thereafter, andrew and i created a 50 page website tribute to dad, his crew, and their time during and after the war. as of this writing here is the url for those interested: http://archives.answeryes.com/banshee/
Name: Jim Mattson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 27-May-10
What a great site! Thank you to all who pulled it together! My uncle is Robert (Bob) Mattson, and
I really appreciate that there is this memorial to him and the rest of the men (and women) who
helped preserve our freedom! Bob passed away of cancer in 1986(?), but these pictures and stories
help keep his legacy alive!
Name: Greg Sorlie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Jun-10
Thank you for putting together this site. My father (Orval Sorlie) served in Neumanns crew abord “Junior” and was shot down in July 1943 and ended up a POW. I did hear from the one living crew member, Co-Pilot Proter Grigg, who was kind enough to send me a letter with information about my father (shwon along with the photo of his plane on this site). This was wonderful new info and I shared it with my mother and sister and brother.
Name: David C Whitlow
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jun-10
Dear Sirs, Happy father’s day to any and all survivors. God bless you all. Thank you!
Name: David C Whitlow
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jun-10
Ollie Quinn Nyman Jr. says…
Just checking on my grandfather R.W. Nyman
Is your father Dick ” knuckle sanwich” Nyman as I knew him?
Name: Don Shannon
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jun-10
Where did www.howlingbanshee.com go? This was Piskin’s crew, and our AZON plane
Name: Delmer Sayer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Jun-10
I just found this site. My uncle was Chester Carlstrum – KIA
Name: Betty Bowman
Email: [email protected]
Date: 1-Jul-10
My father James Martin served with the 492nd bomb squadron from 1943-1946 and was the right gunner on the plane Mizpah, my family and I would love any information about or from crew members
Name: Sandy Jefferson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Jul-10
Hey, my [dad] has listed in his book as /sgt James Busby as a Tail Gunner, asst. engineer from Oklahoma. My dad, Glenn Carlson was radio operator and gunner for the752nd Bomb sqdn, of the 458th bomb group. Their plane was “BO” & “BO II” I do have a list of missions and some pictures. Feel free to contact me.
Name: Allen H. Hilborn
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Jul-10
Wonderful tribute to all these men. My uncle, Allen C. Hilborn, was a copilot in this group. My memorable story from him was accidentally dropping an instructor General when the B-24’s were arriving to replace the B-17’s. A malfunctioning
Name: Guy Rathmell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Jul-10
I was always proud of my uncle and what he did in WW II. I was thrilled to find a picture of the crew with which he served. I am interested in finding out more. he never discussed this topic with me, but my mother, his sister, and his widow would talk about the war and praying that their soldier boy would survive. My uncle died in April 1973 from cancer, but he has always been my hero. Thanks for this web site.
Dr. Guy Rathmell, nephew of Jerry F Girardi
Name: Harold J Asher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Jul-10
Lt Gasper DeSimone, Blondie’s Folly was my uncle. After the war he served again. This time as a NYC policeman and later Detective 1st grade. Retired and moved to Arizona. Married to Frances and had 4 sons, Marco, Pierro, Guy, Dino. He has a living sister, my mother Lena Bowden aka Nina DeSimone who lives in Pagosa Springs, CO.
Name: Karl Vacek
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Jul-10
Hi Darin –
Great website – and thank you for all the work you’ve done researching, archiving, and presenting our fathers’ wartime accomplishments. Great men and war heroes all!!
Name: Brian Nessel
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Aug-10
Rene Neirynck is my uncle and is still telling his WWII stories as of 8/7/10. He’s an active member of the Villa Park, IL VFW.
Name: Tom Philo
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Aug-10
Lawrence Fick loaned me for our 8th AFHS chapter all his stuff that he still has from when he was a lead navigator in the 458th – I posted his items onto our web site – www.8thafhsoregon.com — into our archives – strike photos, navigation maps – and a photo showing the 458th dropping that first use of napalm plus other photos.
Name: Linda Scott
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Aug-10
Thank you so much for sharing the photos of my brother-in law, Neil Peters. The information you provided was greatly appreciated.
Name: Lewis Hartswick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Aug-10
Thank you for the valuable info. I’m assembling for a family tree. One of my second cousins was a pilot in the group.
Name: Jimmy Wagner
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Sep-10
Great site! Found it from doing research on my Great Uncle “Joe Wagner” of the 458th.
Name: Jordan Jacks
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Sep-10
If any one of the 8778 crew is still of this world, please e-mail me. I was the ROG on the crew. Also, anyone know anything about our pilot, Don Wroten — is he still part of this world? Our days are getting numbered so let me learn of you.
Name: Susan Farina
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Sep-10
Lincoln A. Larson was my husband, Jeff’s uncle. Jeff’s mom, Myrtle, gets too upset to talk about her brother Linc, even after all these years. We were thrilled to see this web site and find pictures of the crew and plane. The family resemblance is uncanny. I got our son John a model of the B-24 Liberator for his birthday today and he is going to paint it just like “Sweet Lorraine”.
Shirley Sealey says…
My uncle was Lincoln A Larson…. So glad to have been to this site… I have learned more about my uncle than any of my family told me… His sister Velma Larson Sealey is my mother… Please feel free to contact me with any information.
Name: Diana Metcalf Butler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Sep-10
Does anyone out there remember Charles Metcalf? He was a B-24 tail gunner, 1944, from Chalmers, Indiana.
Name: Pamela Arboreen(Mislyan)
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Sep-10
Found a picture of anna mislian over the years they have changed the name around but I believe she was a great-great grandmother to me? It is such a part of history to see al these articles.
Name: Linda King
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Sep-10
Enjoyed your site.
I am working on a family book on Shutterfly.com on our Uncle George Francis Rowe, 577th Bomber Squadron, 392nd Bomber Group, Heavy out of Wendling Air Field, also in Norfolk. He was lost 9 April 1944. Nothing is known about where his B-24 went down. If you run into any of the Great Old Guys who socialized with other Americans in Norfolk, I’d appreciate hearing about it. Thanks. I’ll be back!
Name: John Doyle
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-10
Absolutely fantastic. So many stories my dad told me are rekindled in this site. GO Rough Riders! These are the heroes of a romantic time. Never forget the greatest generation!
Name: Don E. Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-10
John Doyle saw your comment today re rough riders for more info go to combat crews click onto 755th sqdn then click on pilot Allen Blum. Note the narrative of the dead stick landing I consider this equal to the now famous Hudson River incident last year especially since I made the trip – don e. that is the 755th sqdn
Name: Concetta Kile
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Sep-10
Peter Frank Morrone was my mother’s brother, my uncle. Though he died in WWII the family didn’t know much about his service or death until I came across this site. My grandparents were from Italy and didn’t speak English. My mother at the age of 13 had to translate to her parents that their son was KIA. There was never a service for him as his remains were not recovered. After finding all the info here, we requested and were granted a military service for him 18 months ago at Ft Logan National Cemetery. My mom was presented with his flag and it is proudly displayed in her home. Thank you for the effort you have put forth to give my mom peace.
Name: Mike Opalka
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Oct-10
My father’s B24 was shot down on Nov. 15, 1944 and he was POW until the end of the war. He is still alive and in a nursing home, in Anchorage Alaska. He was attached to the 458th bomb group. [THIS MAN WAS ACTUALLY WITH THE 485TH BOMB GROUP]
Name: Don E. Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Oct-10
John Doyle – I left a note to you to provide more info about rough riders after your recent comment left out my email address regards don e.
Name: Kristy L. Stewart
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Oct-10
In honor of my grandfather, Nelson R. Stewart.
Name: William F. Manning
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Oct-10
doing research on Staff Sergeant Martin J. Byrnes, member of Crew 24, 458th Bombardment Group (H) on April 18, 1944 SSGT Byrnes was killed in action during a bombing raid over Brandenburg Germany I know he received two air medals and a purple heart – I would like to know if he received any other ribbons, medals or military awards
Name: Linda S
Date: 05-Nov-10
Anybody have information on where crews and individuals trained before being posted to England?
Name: Vickie Drake
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Nov-10
Hi. This is a bit of a long shot but I am looking for info on my grandad. He was an American serviceman and went by the name of pat (although some think his actual name was Eugene, my dads middle name). He had a baby (My dad) with my nanny Peggy Ellen Leeds (maiden name steward) which was born may 1945. If anyone knew my nan or the American she went with I would really love to hear from you as my nan passed away a long time ago so cannot get any more info.
Name: Richard Covey
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Nov-10
Crews trained together in Pueblo, Colorado. For flight training, look to Ellington Field near Houston, Texas.
Linda S says…
Anybody have information on where crews and individuals trained before being posted to England?
Name: James Flach
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Nov-10
Thank you for the info. My father served with the 458 in 44 and early 45 thanks for keeping the memories alive
Name: Ivy Byrd Griffin
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Nov-10
Kristy L. Stewart says…
In honor of my grandfather, Nelson R. Stewart.
Hi Kristy,
I saw your note about your grandad and will gladly add to his honor. I was his top turret gunner on our plane ‘Gator’ and made all of our 30 combat missions with him and our crew number ’76’. We both from being from Florida was allowed to name it ‘Gator’. It was shot down one day when we did not have to fly and all the other planes we flew were shot down by other crews Your grandad was a very special person and we all loved him. He was a great pilot and his skill and strong will allowed us to finish all 30 missions. He and his wife came and stayed with us some in Chiefland, Florida
and we stayed with him at his motel before in Madison. Ga. I was the youngest on the crew and turned 86 last week. Our copilot Bert Betts next youngest at 87 are only ones remain out of 10. We have so much to be thankful for. to complete our missions and most of us have lived a long time since. We did not take it for granted and knew the ‘Good Lord’ had hands on us. Rest assured your grandad was as good as they come.
Best regards,
Ivy Griffin
Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 23-Nov-10
Crews trained in Casper, Wyoming and Salt Lake City, Utah also.
Name: Vicki Drake
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Nov-10
Hi, can anyone remember a serviceman called Patrick Eugene McCall, would be interested to find out something about him.
Name: Ronald AJ Alee
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Nov-10
My Dad was top turret gunner on “Big Dick’ during the later part of the war. Would appreciate any info on crew or plane. Thanks!
Name: Ariane DeVizio
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Nov-10
Granddaughter of Robert Beckman Lehr.
Name: William F. Manning
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Dec-10
looking up history on Staff Sergeant Martin J. Byrnes who was killed in action 4-18-44
Name: Rod Cramer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Dec-10
Enjoyed reading the Navigator’s Diary. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Name: Dick Schafer
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Dec-10
Congratulations to Darin and all that contributed to this work. Pat and I sincerely appreciate the time and taken to honor these warriors that gave their all for us.
Name: Jim Hartswick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Dec-10
Thanks Darin,
I ordered your book from Amazon a couple of days ago. I am looking forward to learning more about my dad’s bomb group. Congratulations, Jim
Name: Martin Bergerson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 08-Dec-10
My Grandfather was the Navigator John Brixius on the Rough Riders When the Aircraft was lost in Sept. 1944. Thank you for the crew pictures and information. Unfortunately my Grandfather passed away Aug 2006 from Parkinson’s.
Name: John Gallant
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Dec-10
My father was a tail gunner in a B24 liberator over europe name Albert Gallant flew 50 missions looking for any info. Thanks
Name: Jeanne Nelson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Dec-10
My grandpa was also a tail gunner for the 458th bomb group, 725 squadron, what was your Dad’s name, perhaps he will remember,,,
John Gallant says…
My father was a tail gunner in a B24 liberator over europe name Albert Gallant flew 50 missions looking for any info. Thanks
Name: Wayne E Nelson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Dec-10
I was in the Army Air Corps 752nd Squadron during World War II. I’m trying to establish my start date in the Air Corps. Do you have any information regarding individuals? My Best friends were De Vries and M Please Email [email protected] if you have any information regarding Wayne E. Nelson, or living friends.
Thank you, Wayne E. Nelson
Name: Allen Blum, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-Dec-10
I arrived here after searching for my father’s name, Allen Blum. However, my father served in WWI with the 5th Photo Recon squadron, New Guinea. Warmest regards to the 458th. Allen Jr.
Name: Don E Echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Dec-10
allen blum jr i noted your entry of 12/24. i served on the allen blum, crew on the 458th bomb group . visited with him a few years ago. you need to go to the 755th sqdn click on allen blum for write up of him and our crew if you are in fact jr from monroe please contact me thanks don e
Name: Jane Reynolds
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Dec-10
I am trying to find information for my mum, Margery (Dyke) on Lee Austin Brown, 2nd Air Division, 8th US Air Force, who was stationed at Horsham St Faiths. I believe he was part of the ground crew. If anyone could help I would be very grateful.
Name: Kristie Ferriell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Dec-10
In honor of Kendrick ‘Ed’ Ferriell.