458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book
Archived Guest Book 2007
Name: Kelly (Cole) Carper
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Jan-07
My dad is Cedric C. Cole. He was in the 458th bomb group. Would love any info you could send or links. Thanks!
Name: Erik Johnson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Jan-07
Darin, just wanted to let you know I love the new Combat Crews pages & links! Are these lists, as I suppose, a complete accounting of all pilots during the lifetime of each of the 4 squadrons? Thanks for your excellent site, and how it continues to grow! My dad, Lester Johnson, was the Bombardier with the Roberts crew, 752nd, and completed 30 missions 10 June ’44 – 24 Dec. ’44 as a 24 year old 1st Lt. I love the history contained in your site, and surely we owe much to these brave crews!
Name: Jordan Jacks
Date: 09-Jan-07
Name: Sharon Frenz Fertko
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Jan-07
Thank you I hope to see 753rd up on screen soon and my dad would of been so proud –thank you very much.
Name: Fred Slocum
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Jan-07
Hello from Fred Slocum, Jr. My dad was a gunner on “Bachelors Bedlam”
Name: Ben Guttery
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Jan-07
I had a cousin in the 458th James Guttery who was on the Daniel crew.
Name: Mark Trivette
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Jan-07
My grandpa was in the 752nd. He was a radio operator and waist gunner on the “Gas House Mouse” and “Lucky Strike”. I really enjoyed this site. I noticed a couple things. My grandpa isn’t listed on the crew list for the 752nd. He was in Crew 11. Also, you don’t have any pictures of the Gas House Mouse or Lucky Strike. I know I’ve got a picture of the Lucky Strike. I could put you in contact with my grandpa. He organized a memorial for the 458th at the Wright Patterson Air Force Museum. Mark Trivette
Name: John Purvis
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Jan-07
We found your site while looking for information on Oscar B. Nelson who died 11/24/44 as a crew member on Lady Jane, 42-95133. He was the brother of a friend. We have a video of the 50th anniversary memorial held by the city of Norwich to remember the event and the crew.
Name: Stephanie Jacobi
Date: 18-Feb-07
Thank you to my Uncle Roger Boudreau, who has been called to honor the memory of my grandfather, Donald Boudreau. What a tribute to him and to his memory. Thank you for posting such awesome photos and historical data of people who fought for my freedom before I was even born. Thank you to Bill Coleman for sharing his memories with all of us who have “Boudreau blood”. It means sooo much. Sincerely, Stephanie Jacobi (Sgt. Donald Boudreau’s granddaughter)
Name: Jill Birnie Henke
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Feb-07
Thanks to Greg Birnie, who was named after my father who served in the Army Air Corps in Italy and N. Africa, while my uncle Jim was a bombardier in the 458th. This is a wonderful site that gives me goose bumps thinking about the bravery of these men.
Name: Susan McWeeney
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Mar-07
This is just incredible. I am the daughter of Peter B. McWeeney. For so many years I listened to my dad’s stories in awe. I wish he was here to see this site.
I am so proud of him!!!
Name: Peter T McWeeney
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Mar-07
The Greatest Generation… EVER! Any questions? GO POP.
Name: Patrick McWeeney
Date: 02-Mar-07
Great website honoring these great men defending our country. My dad was in the crew with your dad. HOOAH!
Name: Barbara Todd
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Apr-07
Enjoyed looking through all this data. Plan to login from home and let my husband peruse the data. My dad, Retired CMSgt Edwin B. Carpenter (USAF) (deceased Sep 12, 2005) managed to reunite with the pilot of his downed B-24, Col Teague Harris (USAF-Retired). They were the last surviving members of the 4 who survived the crash of their B-24. They had not seen each other since the crash. They were reunited through my husband’s stumbling on the book about the events of Apr 22, 1944 (Night of the Intruders, Ian McLachlan (may be misspelled). He had seen the book advertised in Classic Motorbooks (I believe) and thought it had the look of Dad’s mission. He ordered it and what do you know it had Dad’s and Col Harris’ story. Col Harris, the old man of the crew, survives today to my knowledge. I miss my Dad very, very much. He shared lots and lots of stories especially with my husband, Wayne.
Name: Susan Weiner
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Apr-07
I just had the opportunity to show a co-worker this site as my father (Sheldon Weiner, Flight Officer, 458th Bombardment Group, Stoneburner crew) came up during a conversation. My co-worker mentioned how great this site must be as it provides a continued connection with my Dad’s past. He’s right. Darin, thanks again for keeping this going! Dad, even after 3 years since your passing I miss you tremendously.
Name: Carol Reid
Email: [email protected]
Date: 05-Apr-07
I was legal secretary to Ralph H. Nutter in the early 1970’s. I often heard stories from him about his flying days. Hurray for Mr. Nutter and the rest of the 458th.
Name: Bruce Blednick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Apr-07
It’s nice to know someone remembers. Excellent work!
Name: Deborah A. Groll
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Apr-07
Great information. My dad Gene Groll was a nose gunner for the 458thBG 752. He made it home with his diary of each day. 21 missions total. This was great for me to see into the window of my dad’s life during those years. Thanks
Name: Dallas Dowhower
Date: 13-Apr-07
So surprised to find my father’s photo on the internet, just doing a random search for the Hell of it!!! Brought a few tears to my eyes. Thanks!
Name: Philippe Canonne
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Apr-07
Splendid and helpful website! Writing an article of the 458th BG mission (Azon) on Tours (22 June 1944) I am searching info about the bombers, aircrews involved and contacts with veterans or their relatives. Sources will be mentioned and the article dedicated to the 458th BG ‘s aircrews. Merci Mr Philippe Canonne / 1 rue Balzac / 37.700 Ville-aux-Dames/ France
Name: Carol Carpenter Ethridge
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Apr-07
I am the youngest daughter of Edwin B. Carpenter (deceased) who was the tail gunner in the Harris [crew] April 22, 1944 mission. My sister steered me to your website. It is wonderful–thank you for doing it. I am sending my sister some things she may forward to you. My oldest daughter’s birthday is 4/22–I never realized what an important date that is!
Name: Tony Recchia
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Apr-07
Great website Darin. Thanks for the CD and the records of my father’s training, Lt. Anthony P. Recchia. Hope the photos sent can be used on your site. Keep up the great work to honor the 458th.
Name: Donna Maze Robbins
Email: [email protected]
Date: 21-Apr-07
Donna Maze Robbins: Lt. Jacob Maze survived WWII, was an instructor navigator at Ellington Field during the Korean War. He remained in the USAF until October 1966, where he retired from Columbus Air Force Base, MS. He lived in Columbus, MS until shortly before his death in October 2005 of Alzheimer’s. I am his youngest child. Thank you for this glimpse of his life in WWII
Name: John Newcomb
Date: 23-Apr-07
Friend of Roger Boudreau, son of Don Boudreau.
Name: Philip Levick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 30-Apr-07
Thanks for everything you did for us all those years ago we owe you so much for the sacrifices you made you will never be forgotten God Bless you all
Name: Michael Schott
Date: 04-May-07
My grandfather served with the 458th as a crew chief his name was George T Schott. This site reminded me of him. THANKS
Name: Ben Mullens
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-May-07
My grandfather was Phil Z. Cole of Satan’s Mate that went down in 1944. Anyone else familiar with that crew (relatives, friends, etc)? Please email me at I just wanted to say thank you to all of the ones who sacrificed for our freedom during that time! Much love.
Name: Stacey Ashley
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-May-07
Does anyone remember Joseph C. McCollough? He is my grandpaw. He died when I was in the first grade. Does anyone know how I can find a picture of him (with his airplane)?
Name: Lew Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-May-07
Does anyone know the name and nose art of the Watson crew B-24. 754th sqdn. My uncle, Carson Fisher was TG.
Name: Robert T. Craig, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-May-07
Love this website. My father, the navigator on Cookie Martin’s crew in the Briney Marlin, is alive and well in Orlando, FL. I am [email protected]; dad is [email protected]. I have a four year old son, Robert Craig III, who I know will love this archival material. Thank you so much.
Yours truly,
Bob Craig, Jr.
4020 8th Ln.
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Name: Philippe F. KRINGS
Date: 22-May-07
For an historical Revue (information to the young generations) I wish to receive any information about the MISSIONS #760, DEC, 24, 1944, and crews
Thank you.
Name: Robert L Zedeker II
Email: [email protected]
Date: 24-May-07
Darin, I thought you might like to know that my father, 2nd Lt. Robert L Zedeker, Crew 33, 753rd Sq., Co Pilot of the Flak Magnet when it went down has passed away. He died peacefully on May 10,2007. He was 91 years old. I want to sincerely thank you for all the information on this web page. Because of it, I got my Dad to tell me of his life history as a WWII bomber pilot that he never would have talked about. I have so many treasured memories of sitting with him on the weekends and hearing the stories. Don’t mean to run on but again I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bob Zedeker
Name: Ann Tapie Prater
Email: [email protected]
Date: 10-Jun-07
My dad, Don Tapie, is pictured here – I’m trying to learn geographically where he was shot down and held as POW. I remember he had a brochure of a museum in Germany commemorating the Sept 11 conflict – but I could not find it after his death. The picture I am referring to is the Horgan Crew – Shot down September 11, 1944 (MACR #892. If anyone is a relation to any of these crew members, I would love to hear from you.
Name: Linda Scott (Peters)
Date: 10-Jun-07
Both Rudolph and I love your site, I was just telling him that if I could be anybody, it would have to be Neal Peters, Gus was excited when I found your site and I hope this message finds you healthy and happy. I have a web site myself to memorialize my close friend David Jove, and it took a bit of time to learn the technology to do the site, but well worth it. www.ghosttownfilms.net
Name: John E. Echols
Date: 12-Jun-07
The web site just gets better and better. Thanks for your efforts. I was ball gunner on Blum crew 755th.Ithink we are down to 4 survivors best I know. Echols, Echols, Drenth, and Silver.
Name: Sandra Hinkle
Date: 14-Jun-07
My Pop, Melvin Swain Eaken was on this ship [Floyd Crew 755th]. He was one of the great generation in which we are so proud to have had. Love You All & may GOD bless you all and America “One Nation Under God” and may we keep it that way – forever!
Name: Laura Eifel Casey
Date: 14-Jun-07
My dad, George Eifel, was the radio operator when Satan’s Mate went down on July 11, 1944. He was captured by the Germans and was at Stalug Luft IV. My dad passed away a few years ago. Wondering if any members of the crew are still alive, or if there are any family members out there. What a great generation and a great website this is.
Name: Christopher Lamb
Date: 17-Jun-07
Thank you for this site. My late grandfather was Robert E. Lamb pilot of Satan’s Mate.
Name: Gordon Stuart
Date: 19-Jun-07
Can anyone out there help? I run a community website for Old Catton in England where a Liberator from the 753rd crashed in 1945. During WW2, our village sign was removed and relocated outside the officer’s mess at Horsham St Faith airfield where the 458th was stationed. I am trying to track down anyone who has any stories and/or photos about that village sign whilst it was in the company of the USAAF. Apparently it flew a mission or two! It features in a book called “The Day We Bombed Switzerland” on page 115. Anyone know how I contact the author of this book – Jackson Granholm?
Thanks a lot.
Gordon – (www.oldcatton.com)
Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Jun-07
I have the information you need, but the email address on your website rejected my email. Please contact me.
Name: Jason Garcia
Date: 21-Jun-07
In regards to The Duke Crew – Assigned 754th Squadron – December 21, 1944. Baldamore Garica was my great uncle. I thank you so much for posting this article. I have a copy of the flight book/diary of the Duke Crew – Assigned 754th Squadron – December 21, 1944. In it there are many photos, sketches and other fine documents. I am truly touched by this compilation of documents and I am proud to be a distant part of this crew. Thank you so much for posting the info about The Iron Duke.
Name: Raphael E. Anthony II
Date: 24-Jun-07
I was wondering if there was any further information about Sgt Raphael E. Anthony that was assigned to the 458th on crew 40 other than what is stated?
Name: Paul Anthony
Date: 28-Jun-07
My father was Raphael Eugene Anthony “Ray” or “Shorty” from Oakmont Pennsylvania. He was a gunner on B-24’s. My oldest son is named after my father, his name is Raphael Eugene Anthony II. I named my first born after the greatest man I ever knew
Name: Tony Recchia
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Jul-07
Hi Darin,
Just wanted to say hello. Hope all is well with you. Thank you again for all the info and the CD you sent to me. Keep up the good work. I know it takes a lot of time to do what you are doing. We appreciate it.
Have a Happy 4th of July.
Your Friend,
Name: Susan Logie Robbins
Date: 02-Jul-07
Hi , My father, Byron E Logie. This is a great site, my grandson and I have enjoyed. We took my dad on a ride in a B17 a few years back, the B24’s which he flew were being painted. He was delighted, I love and miss him he was my best friend and a wonderful dad. The name of his plane was the Bachelor Boys, I don’t know if any pictures exist, I would love to have one. Sincerely, S Robbins God Bless all the Soldiers who serve, and Happy 4th, 2007
Name: Charles Howell
Date: 02-Jul-07
I was pleased to find a photo of Anthony Hurtenbach on your website. My mom, now 81, dated him as a young lady. It brought back good memories for her, seeing his picture and remembering him as if it was yesterday. Thanks!
Name: Joan (Jircitano) Orsi
Date: 02-Jul-07
My dad is John Jircitano. This is a great site. Thank you!
Name: Chris Hellberg
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Jul-07
My uncle was Oscar Nelson from the Lady Jane. He was the oldest child in a family of 6 children. My dad being #5, he was only about 10 when Oscar died and obviously, the coming generation never got to meet him at all. He was only 24 when he died. Would love to hear from anyone with any information about the crew, crash, or Oscar. He’s always been the big question mark in our family — well, for me at least. You can write to me at [email protected]!
I guess I should give a little more information about my Uncle Oscar. The Lady Jane was a B24 that crashed during a practice flight in November 1944 over Norwich, England. He was with the 458th Bombardment Group (H). Hope this helps.
Name: Gary Silberstein
Email: [email protected]
Date: 13-Jul-07
Re. Lorelei. If any of the Lorelei crew reads this, Mason’s sons and I would love to hear from you. My father-in-law, Mason DeNeffe piloted the Lorelei. Thank you for remembering him and all the other brave guys of the 458th!
Name: Frederick M. DeNeffe III
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Jul-07
Thank you for efforts to journal my father’s participation in 32 missions with the 458th. I’m very proud of Frederick M DeNeffe Jr, Lt Col ret deceased. Rick (1st son) Portland, OR
Name: Philippe F KRINGS
Date: 18-Jul-07
From Belgium I find here a lot of information about the 42-190812 but also a new real good American friend THANK YOU
Name: Matt Kania
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Jul-07
Matt Kania: Message for LAURA EIFEL CASEY. Your dad (George Eifel) was a friend of my father (Joseph Kania). It’s not clear to me if your dad and my dad actually flew together, but they were friends in the 753rd/458th Group. Your dad was in the Azon 2 crew (that went down during mission). My dad was in one of the other Azon crews during that mission. Please post an EMAIL address. Best, Matt Kania
Name: trish burke
Date: 23-Jul-07
The page for the www.458bg.com/crewca13holmgren.htm Looks terrific. I will print this out for my father Dean Burke, the bombardier of the crew. He is looking forward in hearing from you. Thanks for all your hard work. Looks wonderful.
Name: William (Bill) Kaczmarek
Date: 01-Aug-07
Thank you so much for investing your time and effort in telling the story of the 458th Bombardment Group. My uncle, Austin R. Schmidt, flew combat missions with the Beno crew and was fortunate enough to survive the war and return home where he did very well for himself. Today’s generation of Americans have lived free of the horror of this kind of war for over 60 years because of the extraordinary sacrifices these warriors made on our behalf. May God bless them and you for telling their stories.
Bill Kaczmarek
Name: Jeanne Chambers:
Date: 19-Aug-07
I think it is great that I can pull up a photo of my grandpa Oscar L. Chambers to show my children, who unfortunately never had the chance to meet him.
Thank you so much!!
Name: Dee Ann George:
Date: 21-Aug-07
Thanks for the great site. Have been looking for information on my dad, Mark Johnson was with the 458th, he was a tail gunner on 3 different planes in the war, and flew 32 missions. The only aircraft that I know the name of is the Princess Pat, Lt. L.P. Burtis was the pilot and Lt. F.W. Curtis was copilot, which I do have a picture of it with the names of the crew members listed on the back of the photo.
Name: Barry Zane Neville
Date: 26-Aug-07
I am PROUD to call myself a friend of Hap Hoffman. For about 30 years I had the privilege of sharing life’s joys and trials with Hap. He was a man that I honored deeply. He is survived by a daughter, Dian and grandson, Hap, who both are indeed grand examples of what Hoffman blood is all about.
Name: Ronald A. Gulick Jr. (Andy)
Date: 26-Aug-07
Thank you for this site. I am sending you my new Email adress. Thanks again.
Name: Ed Silver
Date: 28-Aug-07
John Echols I saw your message in the guest column. I want to stay in touch please contact me.
Name: Arlie Perkins:
Date: 01-Sep-07
2Lt. Jacob Maze, Nav. on the “ADMIRABLE LITTLE CHARACTER” was my father in law would like to find out anything about him that would be interesting
Name: Bobbie Adler Longo
Date: 09-Sep-07
My father, Erwin L. Adler, from Burlington, Vermont was a 1st Lieutenant and the only information I have found is an article that says he was a navigator and had made 25 combat missions. One of the missions was from an 8th AAF Liberator station in England. The target was railway yards near Ludwigshaven. The tail gunner’s name was Staff Sergeant Virgil C. Lewis. I would love to have more information or if someone knew my father.
Name: Marilyn
Email: [email protected]
Date: 11-Sep-07
If you contact me, I have limited information about your father.
Name: Jordan Jacks
Date: 11-Sep-07
Interested in e-mail from any 8778 crew members still with us . . . pilot was Don Wroten, co-pilot was Hubert Church .
Name: Darin Scorza:
Email: [email protected]
Date: 12-Sep-07
Mr. Jacks – please email me.
Name: CW2 Jon Montgomery
Date: 13-Sep-07
My Dad was SSG Hugh Wilkin Jr #16106061. He passed in 1987 and I just found some of his papers and thought I would contact the 458th BG. He served until 23 Oct 1945 as a cryptographer.
Name: Paul Pohler
Date: 14-Sep-07
My Dad was a POW. The story of his shoot down was printed in the book Home by Christmas, The Story of US Airmen at War by M W Bowman. The story was told by R. Ferrell. It was Ferrell’s story and other documents that I was able to get by Dad awarded the POW Medal. However, he passed on before he received it. Hats off to all the served in the 458th.
Name: Kenneth W.Lehn
Date: 21-Sep-07
Was thrilled to get a call from Mike Watson coincidently a few minutes later Darrin called. Spoke on the 458th. Later in the day Frank Muscatel, my former crew mate called and that was exciting. I never thought I would have contacts like this. Frank and I will surely be getting together in the near future.
-Kenneth W. Lehn, 32994826
Name: Tom Erickson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Oct-07
My Dad, Verle Erickson was on the Howling Banshee in 1944-45. He was a member of the 753rd squadron. I am looking for a squadron patch from that unit, can any body help me? Thanks, Tom Erickson
Name: Mary A Fleming
Date: 04-Oct-07
I was so amazed on all the stuff I have just read. I married into the fleming family. I was so thrilled with all the different air planes that was flown back then. My dad was in the service too he was in the army we almost lost him a couple of times. But we where lucky I am very proud of my dad .And my heart goes out to all the men and women that has put there lives on the line for our country. My dads name is SAMUEL DUDLY COPELAND.He has two purple hearts, a medal of honor, and several other medals. thank you MARY FLEMING
Name: Michael Shwallon
Email: darth_mikey3@hotmail
Date: 08-Oct-07
Very nice website!
I am interested in emails from anyone who knew my grandfather, Sgt. Joseph Shwallon. His crew had a mascot they called “Lady of the Lake”. Not sure if that was their plane nic as well.
Name: Tish Jeffers
Date: 13-Oct-07
My dad, Fred Jeffers was pilot of “Travlin’ Bag” in the 458th. I guess I should send in the photos. I had no idea about this website. I will show him this website. Anyone wanting to contact him should do so through my e-mail address. This is an awesome website.
Name: Darin Scorza
Date: 14-Oct-07
Tish Jeffers: Please email me via the “Contact Me” page. I have some questions and some info on your dad’s crew.
Name: Jean Guymer
Date: 14-Oct-07
My father HOWARD WRIGHT T.Sgt.38256396 was stationed at Horsham St.Faith, England. ANY information about him would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Name: Jim Hartswick
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Oct-07
My dad was Richard W Hartswick. A B24 pilot who flew 26 missions between Jan 16th and April 20th 1945 for the 458th B.G. He was proud of his service but didn’t brag about it or even share that much. Typical of the Greatest Generation I think. Last month I was fortunate enough to go for a 30 minute ride in The Collings Foundation’s B24. It was the experience of a lifetime. http://www.collingsfoundation.org/menu.h tm is the web site. Please check it out. They fly all over the country every year raising awareness of what our parents did so long ago. My dad’s tail gunner even thought so much of his service as to put up the money to have my dad’s name put on the side of the aircraft. I would enjoy hearing from any family members from my dad’s crew. Donald A Montgomery, Robert L Clarkson Jr, Fred A Massaro, James E Flood, William C Freeman, Charles H Garton, William FB Isinger, Frank A McCrory, and James L Smith my name is Jim Hartswick
Name: Hope Weisburn
Date: 18-Oct-07
I am Duncan Fringer’s niece. His sister was my mother. My mother died prematurely of cancer. She was the last surviving child in the family and I know very little about the others. Do you know if Duncan had any children?
Name: Mark Lee Appler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Oct-07
Greetings, I got a wild hair, and Googled my dad, Robert H. Appler. The only hit I got was his B-24 crew picture. I have seen a copy of this picture in the attic, when I was a kid. He told me he was shot down, and says his plane was “Last Card Louie.” He says he was then assigned to “The Passionate Witch.” He is 82, living in Baltimore. He is definitely NOT computer literate, but I will show him this site next time he visits. Interestingly, my sister sprung for the big bucks for him to fly on the B-24 that tours the country, I assume the “Wings of Freedom” plane. He said he never thought he would hear the pop-pop of the engines again, and it was amazing to hear that sound. Anyway, he is planning to come down to visit me in North Carolina in a month or so. I would be glad to ask him any questions that may be helpful. This is being sent from my home e-mail, which is clogged with spam. Replies to my office email, above, would be much better. Mark Lee Appler
Name: Ed Silver
Date: 27-Oct-07
To Mark lee Apler – I have a photo of “Last Card Louie” that was taken in France in Sept. 1944. I can’t remember how we got there. I will try to find the photo
Name: Paul McWeeney
Date: 27-Oct-07
This website is a great dedication to worlds greatest generation. I have always been so proud my father (Peter B. McWeeney). Now the rest of the world will be. I MISS YOU DAD!
With all due respect to the creators of this website, could you please correct the spelling on my father’s last name? McWeeney not McWeeny
Name: Mike Messing
Date: 28-Oct-07
My brother in law Bill Byrens was a captain in the army air corp during world war II and was a cousin of William H. Curland. They grew up as very close “brothers”. Bill has recently passed away, but he told me about “Billy” Curland, including his attending Pasadena City College and UCLA with Jackie Robinson who he apparently knew quite well. If anyone has any information of William Curland, I would greatly enjoy it.
Name: Steve Hosker
Date: 31-Oct-07
Hi, I know my father was a Flight Engineer in the 458th. Any ideas how I can find out more of his service record, or any info for that matter. Thanks!
Name: Darin Scorza
Mike Messing: Email me at the email address located in the “Contact Me” Page on this website. I have some information for you on William Curland.
Name: Guillaume M. Hoofs
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Nov-07
My name is Guillaume M. Hoofs, a week ago i adopted the wargrave of S.SGT. Harvey L. Hoffstot (ID: 33420062) in Ardennes AC Belgium. He was the RO from aircraft 42-52306, crew 29 with pilot 1Lt. Mcmain. They where shot down over Berlin on 6th March 1944. Can someone help me, finding some information about S.ST.Hoffstot? So that the story behind his white cross on his grave stay’s alive and that he will be remembered and honored forever. Maybe someone has a picture of him? Already i found a lot of information on this GREAT WEBSITE, keep up to good work!! Thank’s already for your help,
Best Regards,
Guillaume M. Hoofs
Guide Fort Eben Emael
“Only those are dead, who are forgotten.”
Name: Alan Kirby
Date: 14-Nov-07
I am giving a speech on veterans for my Toastmaster group. I decided to pick one veteran that paid the ultimate price. I stumbled upon Howard/Harold Hetzler (pilot of Fritzi over Osnabrück) in my research online. Any additional information about him or his crewmates/squad would be greatly appreciated. I am also a high school teacher and will share this information with my classes as well.
Name: Darin Scorza
Date: 15-Nov-07
Alan – Please email me using the address on the Contact page of this website. I have information for you. Thanks.
Name: Jeffreys, Mac
Date: 15-Nov-07
I am a retired Air Force CMSgt, I am POL guy, filled a lot of aircraft with 115/145, JP4,JP5 and now JP8.
Name: Ed Silver
Date: 15-Nov-07
I found the picture of “Last Card Louie”
Name: Karen D
Email: [email protected]
Date: 16-Nov-07
I am looking for information regarding my dad Harold “Beans” Nelson, radio mechanic with the 458 bomber group /755 bomber squadron.
Name: Pamela Ritter Driver
Date: 17-Nov-07
Finally, information and better yet, a TRIBUTE to the 458th!! My father was Ralph Thomas Ritter. I always heard his stories on when he and Stuart Goldsmith escaped from Switzerland. He was so proud of his service to this country. He is now buried in the Punchbowl in Hawaii.I am so thankful for this tribute!
Name: norman g. stoner
Date: 21-Nov-07
i used to listen to my uncle (allen blum. ) tell war stories by the hour. his son, larry probably has a load of pictures. he lives in allen’s house in monroe, mi detroit beach. norm
Name: phillip schulz
Date: 22-Nov-07
Fine site. I really found all the information very helpful. I research the B29 history normally as I live close to three of the B29 Bases that were active in Kansas during the War. We had B24s at Liberal AAF and Topeka AAF. Glad you are compiling all of this B24 Data. I am sure it is a lot of work but It needs to be preserved for the future. I give talks on the Army Air Corps and most of the groups I talk to don’t have a clue as to how big the air effort was during the War. Thanks Phillip
Name: Marty Steiner
Email: [email protected]
Date: 25-Nov-07
I am a published aviation historian/writer. Most recently Lead Writer for a Georgia Centennial of Flight book underwritten by Gulfstream Aerospace. I am VERY aware of the value of an archive of original materials, esp. to a writer. I may have stumbled across some 458th material that is available. Please contact me for details.
Name: Paul W Zotter
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Dec-07
This site is great. My request is for norman g stoner. My father flew with your uncle allen blum. I even have a tattoo of the entire plane “Rough Riders” on my arm. Dad is long past away and never discussed the war. Any information or pictures about him, you may have would be most welcomed. Norman Stoner or anyone who can supply information on Walter J Zotter with the Rough Riders please feel free to email me.
Name: Ed Silver
Date: 05-Dec-07
To Paul Zotter:
I flew with your Dad on many missions as I was part of Blums crew. I have a favorite story about your dad that I would be honored to tell you.
Name: Stephanie Rizzo
Date: 14-Dec-07
Thanks for this very important site, God Bless, and I do hope young America learns a point or two in all of these fine men that came before them!!
Name: Kevin McKenzie
Email: [email protected]
Date: 20-Dec-07
Can anyone give me info on Burnell (BS) Jones, navigator/bombardier? Am doing a medals case for him, looking for info and any of his Squadron mates. MANY thanks. Apologies, but… Burnell can’t remember what Squadron he was in. Thank you.