458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book


Archived Guest Book 2006

Name: Greg Detty
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jan 03 09:45:11 EST 2006
Thank you! My brother informed me of this website. Our Uncle Max Detty was shot down June 17th, 1944. This was our father’s only brother and none of us ever got the pleasure of meeting him. Thank you so much for helping to fill some gaps.


Name: braxton bradford
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jan 03 13:00:05 EST 2006
greetings and happy new year. Looking for info/pics of s/sgt edward e betts. thanks for your help. best, Braxton


Name: Andy Harvell
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jan 04 13:49:28 EST 2006
I came across your website while doing some travel research and enjoyed reading the postings and viewing the pictures very much. I had the good fortune to be in Normandy in ’04 for the D-Day 60th commemorations. As always, my appreciation for the sacrifices of our WWII generation grows. Our nation owes them so much!


Name: William T. Blednick, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 07 21:29:33 EST 2006
Great site. Your effort to put it together are appreciated. I am the nephew of Lt Leonard Blednick.


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jan 08 07:34:16 EST 2006
I am seeking any relatives of Raymond L. Hunter, Homer F. Ausman or Arthur J. Doyle of the Belle of Boston, Kingsley crew.


Name: s/gt joe lopez
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jan 08 11:17:36 EST 2006
I was on the williams crew, the”Dorothy Kay Special”, We were stationed in England.
please contact me with any info on other crew members.


Name: Mark Brotherton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 28 23:11:05 EST 2006
Great site!
For modern photos of the base check out the 8th AFHS Georgia Chapter site and look for the base folder under the photo gallery section at www.8thcontrails.com


Name: Shawn G. Dunlavy
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jan 29 00:15:03 EST 2006
Great site! Need any info on Lt. James A. Welch. Collinsville, Conn. Class 44-f Ellington field ,TX. 458th BG(H).


Name: Vince Buck
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jan 31 00:35:17 EST 2006
Good Job!!! Found my uncle Donald J. Buck who was with crew 12 and crew 18. He was interned in Switzerland for nine months toward the end of the war. His last mission was to be his last mission before rotation. John passed away this spring and I feel bad that I never interviewed him about his service time. This web site was a God send. Thank you and all the guys of the 458th


Name: Peter J Moran,Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Feb 01 20:25:02 EST 2006
Just checking in once again


Name: Walter J Zotter Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 03 17:54:20 EST 2006
I have just stumbled onto your site and was extremely surprised to see the same “Rough Riders” crew photo I have of my father Walter J. Zotter.
To anyone: please send any information about my father. He passed away over 10 years ago. He enjoyed a life of much love and respect.


Name: Wayne Gamble
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 07 22:05:48 EST 2006
Looking for Pilot James Judge and gunner Charles Bryson who flew with me in summer 1944 in 754th Squadron. If anyone knows about them let me know. Thanks.


Name: Susan Weiner
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 13 16:33:39 EST 2006
My father, Sheldon Weiner, was a bombardier in the 458th BG – part of the Stoneburner crew.Today is the second anniversary of my father’s passing. Missing you very much Dad. I know you’re with us every day and you are always in our hearts.


Name: Kim Osborn
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Feb 22 17:49:10 EST 2006
My father, Carl Osborn, was a pilot. The plane was the rag-a-daz. If anyone knew him please let me know.
Best regards to you all. Kim


Name: Gh finch
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 27 22:02:06 EST 2006
Nice website – I have an interest in the B-24 nose section that the group has acquired. A number of years ago I saw a nose section at the Duxford Museum and wonder if it is the same one, a B24D. If it is a “D”, It had a unique feature. I would appreciate a note from you. I am a B-24 buff of course, Went the southern rout in 43 and completed 31.


Name: Mikael Beno
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 28 15:15:21 EST 2006
My dad was Bill Beno, and I am thoroughly enjoying reading this web site and seeing his picture. If you have anything else on him, please send it to me! thank you


Name: Maryellen Greening
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Mar 13 09:00:28 EST 2006
My Father, Charles R. Ferrell, flew nose gunner in Hell’s Angel’s with the 458 BG, 754 Squadron out of Gresham Field, Pilot was Warren Cook. Dad is 83, living in Gladwin, MI and doing quite well. This site is wonderful to read. We know that one other crew member Don Finlayson is still alive, and possibly one other in New York. Dad has several items from the war years, including his leather jacket. I enjoy Dad’s memories during those years, even though they are sad. I am so lucky to be one of the children that had their father return safely home from the war. Thanks for this web site….it is wonderful.


Name: Michael V. McCormick
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 17 01:25:04 EST 2006
Hello, enjoying your site. My father 6/28/94, Was 1st LT. Patrick F. McCormick 0689978, 458bg APO 558 2nd air div. completed a tour 35 missions as pilot of the “Bachelor’s Bedlam” serial #44-40278 -AZON-


Name: Erik Flood
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 17 16:16:29 EST 2006
I just happened to come across your web site. It is really great that these brave men get the recognition. My late grandfather, Staff Sergeant James E. Flood, was a bombardier with the 458th. I’m not sure what squadron he was in. He flew over 30 missions. I remember him telling me that his planes name was “Snuffy Smith”. The pilots name was Richard Hartswick. I would like to find out if anyone knows the pilot or plane.


Name: Michael V. McCormick
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Mar 19 22:06:16 EST 2006
Hello again, Made contact today with my father’s navigator, the ever spry @ chipper Harry Craft whom was not aware of this fine tribute to the 458th. I noticed an inquiry for the ” Bachelor’s Bedlam ” 753rd sq. further down this post. So look for some update’s in the months ahead when darin find’s time to post. Darin the family of the late Pat @ Margaret McCormick cannot thank you enough. Sincerely, M.V.Mc.

PS. For further interest in AZON check … www.455th.ukpc.net/tomfeise/455th/458azon.htm


Name: John Blake
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 21 09:24:26 EST 2006
doing research on my TSgt. James H. Blake – “Belle of Boston” – I believe. Any information would be appreciated.


Name: Henry H. Northrop Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Mar 27 13:56:42 EST 2006
I`m writing from work at Hill A.F.B.,Ut. I’ve shown this site to many co-workers. The updates on my Dad`s crew are fascinating as are all the stories. These guys are all true heroes. Their stories should all be told to a much wider audience.
Thank you for all you`ve done.


Name: JoAnne
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Mar 27 14:40:34 EST 2006
So happy to see a site that applauds the 458!! My dad, Charles Burton, was tail gunner on “Wurfless” pictured in the Unknown Crew category. He is kneeling first man on left. I visited the only B24 left from this historic era just this week-end. The Collings Foundation tours many cities around the country with this plane, a B17 and a B25….you can even book a 30 minute ride (for a “small” fee), but to see the conditions our dads, uncles, granddads and friends flew under will make you appreciate their sacrifices even more. Let’s keep their memories alive.


Name: William Fritzler
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Apr 11 11:35:15 EDT 2006
George Kulikowski was my uncle. I’m looking for a picture of him so I can point him out on your group picture.


Name: Greg Owen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Apr 14 09:25:05 EDT 2006
My neighbor, John Reardon, was a B-24 pilot assigned to the 754th Squadron from February through April 1945. Please let me know if anyone remembers John and his crew. Thanks!


Name: Dana S Brown
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Apr 27 06:42:20 EDT 2006
I want to thank Darin Scorza for putting my dad’s crew (Charles S. Brown)(752nd) on the website. The crew’s picture has been in my office for 25 years, I’m glad I can share it. Thanks Darin


Name: Greg Fraser
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Apr 30 13:18:56 EDT 2006
A very nice job. My Dad really likes it. He is in the first Unknown Crews picture, back row, far left. His name is Don Fraser and he was the bombardier. He will get the rest of the crews names to you.


Name: Jack Bogusch
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 01 15:24:18 EDT 2006
Capt Jack L. Bogusch, 753rd Sqdn, killed June 6, 1944 returning from Berlin, was my uncle. I just found this Website, and I’m trying to run down more info on him. I had a letter from (I think) former Lt Smith, the bombardier on the mission, requesting some information on him, but nothing else. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who was acquainted with him.


Name: Perry Michael Henegar
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 08 13:54:52 EDT 2006
I’m so glad to find this web site, I wish you good luck in getting this message out to everybody.
Mike (Perry Henegar’s Son)


Name: Roger Boudreau
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed May 10 00:33:42 EDT 2006
My father Donald A. Boudreau was a tail gunner on B-24 in the ETO. He flew over 20 missions over primarily Germany in late 1944 and early 1945. Appreciate any knowledge.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue May 16 20:04:30 EDT 2006


Name: Paul Pohler
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 02 21:34:53 EDT 2006
J G Pohler of the Klusmeyer crew(755th Sq) died 05/04/2006. I didn’t know the details of dad’s last mission until I read about it in your history of the 458th. It helps with closure.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jun 07 03:17:43 EDT 2006
Very good site .
THIERRY BRADFER (“bradock”) Belgium Air Force


Name: Ralph Nutter
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 08 21:35:10 EDT 2006
Thanks for the information. My son’s have already been in contact with you


Name: Mary Eden
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jun 12 15:10:30 EDT 2006
nice site, I am trying to find information on my father’s brother, my uncle Harold McDonald who died in the Bataan March, any suggestions as to how to find this information? Thanks, Mary


Name: Robert Maguire
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jun 14 11:37:33 EDT 2006
A very nice site for those with any interest in the 458th. Living in Norwich, England, I was only recently made aware of the story of the ‘Lady Jane’, a B24 which crashed killing all its crew avoiding taking the lives of many Norwich citizens. A plaque was erected in 1945 to the crew, it was later moved, I found it on 1st June 2006, cleared it up and put some new flowers and a bush near its base, just to let people know they are not forgotten.


Name: Matt Kania
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 15 09:05:29 EDT 2006
My father was Joseph J. Kania. He was assigned to the 753rd Squadron, 458th Bomb Group. He was the flight engineer with Robert Morford’s crew. Thanks, Darin, for compiling this website. It means a great deal to surviving family members.


Name: Ronald Rosenberg
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jun 21 23:15:55 EDT 2006
My father, Max Rosenberg, served in the 458th Bombardment Group (H) in Horsham St. Faith from 1943-1945 when
he was honorably discharged. Do you have any information about his service?
His ASN is 12110597. Thanks a lot.


Name: Erin Ball
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 23 00:43:17 EDT 2006
Granddaughter of Charles Dykstra.


Name: Chuck Lockridge
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 30 19:26:33 EDT 2006
My dad – Charles Lockridge was a pilot in the 458th , flying 30 missions in 1944-45 . This is a wonderful site full of information about these men who put their lives on the line for their country.


Name: Pamela Stenard Ossorio
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jul 17 22:08:25 EDT 2006
What an amazing site! My family never knew how my uncle Junie, aka Charles E. Stenard Jr. died, nor the date he died. I read the info on the phone to my father as he sobbed. At last he has closure. I think I have some photos-I’ll be sure to look them up. Thank you, thank you, for your hard work.
Pam Ossorio, niece of Charles Stenard


Name: Jonathan Devens
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jul 24 14:43:02 EDT 2006
Just spoke to Nicholas Smetana. He was a gunner in the 755th SQ. Pilot was Joseph French (MI), Co-Pilot was Searcy Glass (TX) Nick lives in Western NY.


Name: John Blake
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jul 24 21:18:59 EDT 2006
looking for father.
James H. Blake – T/Sgt. Radio Operator
458th – believed to be in the 754th Sqdn. Any information would be helpful. Thanks and Regards


Name: Thomas R Comi
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 26 13:21:29 EDT 2006
My Uncle, Thomas F Comi was a navigator with Crew 20 (Lamb). He and 3 brothers served in the war at the same time and my parents named me after him. Two of the brothers died during the war and one died in the 60s from a disease picked up in Panama. My Dad (Army Air Corp, Italy) dies in 1990. My Uncle Tom was captured as your web site states and after his release subsequently died in an air-to-air collision over California, while still on active duty. The site is great – thanks for doing it.
Thomas R Comi
LTC, US Army retired


Name: joe and cathy daniels
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jul 29 20:11:22 EDT 2006
Our dear friend Lt. John Moran 755th squadron was delighted to see the story of his crew! He commented on the accuracy of the stories! Wonderful site thank you to all involved.


Name: John Jircitano
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 06 18:17:45 EDT 2006
Well, I transferred out of the unit, and ended up getting shot down. Great for stories, but harrowing at the time. So glad that all’s well that ends well. Welcome contact. God Bless us all.
John Jircitano


Name: Dave Ottney
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 16 21:31:47 EDT 2006
My dad was Leon Ottney, a gunner in the crew of Arise My Love…., first on the unknown page. Lt Charles Lockridge was the pilot. This is the first time I’ve been able to find a picture of his crew in England. Thanks Darin for putting together a great site that memorializes the men of the 458th.


Name: Robert Leibold
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Aug 19 14:47:50 EDT 2006
Very informative website. Wife and I took a Rhein cruise to Koblenz two years ago, and noted that structural bomb damage is still visible along the Mosel waterfront, between the Balduinbruecke (Balduin Bridge) and the Basilika Sankt Kastor, near the tip of Deutsches Eck (“German Corner”). Further structural damage is to be found the entire length of the Rhein from Amsterdam to Basel, Switzerland, though it’s not readily apparent to those of younger generations who lack a sense of history and a discerning eye. Occasionally, say denizens of Koblenz, engineers and street workers unearth very large bombs, many of them still primed and potentially lethal. For those interested in seeing the results of such bombings up close, a Rhein River cruise–while somewhat expensive–is a must. Thanks for sharing your wealth of information.


Name: Co Maarschalkerweerd
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Aug 25 15:05:53 EDT 2006
My name is Co Maarschalkerweerd, age 68, living in Amsterdam-Holland. I am an amateur-airwar historian. As such, in 1983, I located Mr. Thomas Charles Stanley (MBE), an air gunner in 61 SQN RAF Bomber Command, shot down over Northern Holland in March 1942. Tom Stanley was badly wounded. After recovering at the Wetzlar Lazarett he kept working in the hospital as one the of four British medical orderly’s. Tom was thrusted by the often severely was respected by wounded RAF and USAAF airmen, as well by the German dr. Ittershagen who is known been good for his patients. Tom, awarded the British MBE as well as the American Bronze Star, died of cancer in 2000. I’m writing a book about Tom, with whom I have been friends for nearly 20 years, and do wonder whether or not there still are ex-POW’s of the USAAF who have known Tom while recovering from their wound at Wetzlar. If so, please do contact me at my e-mail address or: J.C. Maarschalkerweerd, Omval 15, 1096AA Amsterdam, The Netherland, E


Name: James Shwallon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Aug 26 13:37:41 EDT 2006
My Grandfather, Joe Shwallon, severed in the 458th. He severed with Jerry Reynolds. His relative has wrote several books about the 458th. Any info on my Grandfather would be great.


Name: Norbert Staub
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 27 08:24:13 EDT 2006
Hallo Guten Tag,mein Name ist Norbert Staub.Ich lebe in Duisburg/Germany.Mein Onkel Josef Staub war Bordschütze in dem besten Nachtjagdgeschwader(NJG1)der deutschen Luftwaffe.Er wurde nach 46 Luftsiegen über der Nordsee als vermisst gemeldet.Es würde mich interessieren,woher Fred Staub,bzw seine Eltern stammten.Es ist ein trauriges Gefühl zu erfahren,dass ein Namensvetter im Krieg gefallen ist.Mit besten Grüssen,Norbert W. Staub


Name: D Scorza
Date: Tue Aug 29 06:35:11 EDT 2006
This is my attempt at translating the entry above by Norbert Staub: “Hello good day, my name is Norbert Staub. I live in Duisburg, Germany. My uncle Josef Staub was Bordschütze in the best night interception squadron (NJG1) of Luftwaffe. It was announced after 46 air victories he was missing over the North Sea. It would interest me from where Fred Staub, and/or his parents came. A sad feeling is to be experienced, that a name cousin is fallen in the war. With best greetings, Norbert W. Staub”


Name: Caitlyn
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Aug 29 18:30:30 EDT 2006
1lt John J. Jones Jr. is my great grandfather. I would love to hear from any one with more stories about him or any one that knew him –Caitlyn


Name: Aaron Oakes
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 30 14:47:11 EDT 2006
Hello, Wanted to sign in and let you know my grandfather (Francis A. Green) served in the 753rd B. S. 458th B. G. during WWII. He was a Captain I believe and also an engineer. I have photographs of him and a few of the b-24s if you are interested in copies I can e-mail you. I also wanted to let you know that he designed and had approved by the war department the patch for the 753rd (hammer with wings, lightning bolt, and cloud on blue background). I have a letter written to my grandmother telling her that his design was approved. If you would like a copy of that e-mailed to you I can arrange that as well. Nice site, any information on an aircraft #41-28671? I have a picture of it, looks like the tire on the left side is off the rim and the tail looks pretty shot up. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail if you would like any of these items. ~Aaron.


Name: Jane Stanfield Elliott
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 30 19:26:49 EDT 2006
While Googling I stumbled upon a photo of my father Ken Elliott in a group shot of the Edwin J Sealy crew. My brother James Goodgame Elliott was named after the co-pilot and I got my middle name from Dave Stanfield (WG), also in the photo. I never knew my father but would appreciate any information from any who did. –JANE


Name: stanley guterman
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 31 16:55:06 EDT 2006
I was on Frank Josephson’s crew with the 752nd Sq. Our ship was the “you can’t take it with you”. I believe its picture is in one of the 2nd Air Division books. If you need and more info, E-mail me. Stan


Name: doug austin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Sep 01 12:13:02 EDT 2006
I’m trying to find some info and pics of my uncle Senter C. Shaw. All I know is he was a pilot on a 24 in the 458 bg -753 bs. I have only 2 pics of his showing the assembly ship with the polka dots and a nose shot of the S.O.L. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. thanks e-mail me –doug


Name: Ann Sibole (Szarko)
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Sep 01 13:34:16 EDT 2006
Thank you for the pictures of my father Joseph Szarko that you have on the net. Also, I did not know how the plane went down until I saw the page where he was hit by flak.


Name: Vincent Hyland
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Sep 05 18:07:01 EDT 2006
I read the report of the Diehl crew crash returning from a bombing mission over Germany. I found the site after looking up my name which is Vincent Hyland and to my surprise came across this page. The incredible thing is that even though I am no relation of Vincent my father was Vincent P. Hyland, also no relation but the names are similar. Another curious fact is the crew member to the right of Vincent is called John McNeely whose name is the same as a friend of mine. We will say a prayer for these brave men.
from Vincent Hyland (Ireland)


Name: John Ferrando
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Sep 10 06:06:05 EDT 2006
Just found your web site and my father’s crew picture. He was a member of the Stoneburner crew AA39, I asked him If he had ever heard from any of the crew after their bailout? he said he had no idea if anyone else survived and made it back to England. We lived in Germany from 1960 to 63 at Hahn Air Base. We drove through Trier many times on our Sunday drives and he never said he came down over it, he said they were shot down over Luxemburg. It would be nice to hear from some of his old crew or their families. Thank you for having this site.


Name: Leah Soesbe-Cruz
Date: 29-Sep-06
My dad is Jim Soesbe’s brother. This is a great site.


Name Amy Hammer
Date: 30-Sep-06
Does anyone have any information on Raymond C. Hammer? 30-Sep-06


Name: Ferilen Wimberly
Email: [email protected]
Date: 03-Oct-06
Looking for any information or contacts regarding the McMains crew of the 753rd, shot down on March 6th, 1944 returning for Berlin. I have gathered some information I will share, but I am looking for more.


Name: Gary Webster
Email: [email protected]
Date: 14-Oct-06
Glad to see your informative website.


Name: mike mccormick
Email: MMC [email protected]
Date: 14-Oct-06


Name: John Reynolds
Email: [email protected]
Date: 15-Oct-06
Looking for info on Capt. E. P. Henson.


Name: Harvey E. Scalf
Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Oct-06
Late in the war my crew was transferred to the 458th from 453rd after 29 missions there. I think a Maj holland was commanding the Squadron there. We flew several trolley missions then were given a plane to take to good old USA.


Name: Trish Burke
Email: [email protected]
Date: 18-Oct-06
This is a wonderful site. Your years of gathering information is terrific. I am looking for information and photos of my father Dean Burke. My father was assigned to the 752nd Squadron on February 13, 1945. He was a gunner on 2Lt Edward L. Holmgren%u2019s crew. Please email me if you have any photos or information. Thank you.


Name: Connie Kent
Email: [email protected]
Date: 26-Oct-06
My grandfather’s name is Byron E Logie of the 755th Squadron Crew 68. He was shot down on April 9th, 1944, Easter Sunday, in a small Danish village. On board with him were his navigator F/O Jacobson & his bombardier F/O Kita. My grandfather passed away on August 3rd, 2005. I came to this site looking for info on him for my daughter’s could honor him at their school. This site was very informative. I just wish he was here to day to hear them tell the story about him and his life. If anyone has any other info on him, please send it to [email protected] Thank you so much and any info is appreciated. Byron E Logie was a terrific grandfather, great-grandfather, husband, brother, uncle, just an all out terrific person.


Name: Donna
Email: [email protected]
Date: 02-Nov-06
I am looking for a list of the names of the crew that went down on the Liberator Bomber- Arise My Love And Come With Me- can anyone help me? I am trying to find out where Stephen Duff was from, I believe it was California, maybe near Bakersfield.


Name: Sharon Frenz-Ferko
Email: [email protected]
Date: 04-Nov-06
My father was in the 753rd but ant site i go to i never see him he flew on the silver chief on the big beaver and I think the big chief i have pictures i know he was there he went to England in the 80s for a reunion his name was Frederick Frenz he was a right rear gunner and he has passed away in 1995 I would love to see him up there


Name: Hesther Fish
Email: [email protected]
Date: 06-Nov-06
Thanks for making these photos and stories available.


Name: Robert Nixon
Email: [email protected]
Date: 07-Nov-06
My uncle, Sgt. Leocadio M. Torres. 2nd Lt. William Jacksons crew, was a radio operator in the 755th. He flew on the Princess Pat and My Bunnie II. Send any correspondence to [email protected]


Name: Patrick Pohler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 09-Nov-06
My grandfather was S/Sgt Joseph Pohler of Klusmeyer’s crew. He passed this year and until now I had no idea what squadron he served in or the events that transpired that led to his capture (I know he was POW’d twice). I may be able to find a service photo of him and send in pictures of his Air Medal. I’d love to trade any information or stories you might have found regarding him, especially any in Stalag Luft III.


Email: [email protected]
Date: 17-Nov-06
Enjoyed your web site on the 458th their sacrifice will never be forgotten god bless them all for all they did for us. My best wishes to all the vets of the 458th


Name: Bryan Watson
Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Nov-06
I have a crew photo from the 755th BS if you are interested. I have been in touch with the Navigator who is identifying everyone in the picture for me. Only he and the Pilot are still alive. Let me know if you would like to add it to this webpage. thanks


Name: David Snyder
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Nov-06
Very happy to have found this site. Anyone remember Harold (Harry) Snyder. He was a tech sgt from 43-45. Still kicking at 83 years old.


Name: Bob Craig, Jr.
Email: [email protected]
Date: 22-Nov-06
My dad was in Cookie Martin’s ship “Briney Marlin” (458th BG) when it had a mid-air collision over the channel during formation in the clouds. Dad is doing fine and resides in Orlando, FL. (dad is from Oak Park, IL and a 2nd lieutenant navigator)


Name: Chris Mulsow
Email: [email protected]
Date: 28-Nov-06
My Grandfather, Loyd Mulsow, flew over 40 missions with the 458thBG, 753rdBS, as a waist and bubble turret gunner in the “Heavenly Hideaway”. He was awarded, among others, 22 Air Medals. I would love to hear some stories or see some pictures is anybody has any.


Name: Kevin Fowler
Email: [email protected]
Date: 29-Nov-06
My grandfather flew with the 458th 755th J3 “lady Luck” His name is Charles Fowler any info would be greatly appreciated. Like so many he is gone now and I have so many questions.


Name: Chris Boswell
Email: [email protected]
Date: 01-Dec-06
I am currently serving as coordinator of the Fisher-Booth Squadron, PA Chapter 8th Air Force Historical Society. I am putting together an autograph album of 8th AF veterans, which I display at public exhibits to generate interest in WWII history. If anyone would like to be added to the album, please contact me. So far, I have a few from the 458th but would like to add some more. – Chris Boswell


Date: 16-Dec-06
I have been collecting the history of our World War 2 veterans since 1998, in the form of copies of documents and pictures, and the military history of that veteran. I have been very fortunate to have interviewed, either by e-mail / snail mail or in-person or over the phone. I currently have 180 World War II veterans, from all branches, in my private library. This has not been easy to do, due to the fact that I do not belong to an organization that people may know or heard of and for the fact that many people out there who would use this information for the wrong purpose (identity theft, etc.) I do feel that the stories of the men and women who fought or took part in one of the largest conflicts, that lasted 6 years, at the cost of millions of lives. For every World War 2 veteran we loose, a piece of history is gone forever. I believe that it should be told to some who is willing to take time to document it. I have always been interested in World War II for many years and what a better way to learn this then to talk to those who lived it, plus its my way of keeping the memories and stories alive for what I hope is a long time.

I hope to hear back from someone soon.
Thank you