458th Bombardment Group (H)

Archived Guest Book


Archived Guest Book 2004

Name: Thomas Lee Kincaid
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jan 01 18:31:41 EST 2004
My father Sgt. Lee Kincaid JR was a gunner instructor and sometimes would fly on different planes(13 missions)A high school class mate at his funeral told me dad had done a heroic act. Dad would not talk about the war so I am trying to find out his story. I would like to pass it on to his grand kids.
thank you


Name: Estela Vasquez
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jan 05 15:03:08 EST 2004
So wonderful of you to have done all this work to honor these wonderful men. I am a friend of Julius Valenzano, 753rd Squadron. If you would like to speak to “Val” he lives in Sacramento, California, phone # (916) 421-8580. He is a great guy and just found out about your site and told me. Neither he nor I have a computer at home, but I will be glad to pass on any questions / requests you may have. Thank you again for giving tribute to these brave men… Estela Vasquez, Jan. 5, 2004, Sacramento, California


Name: Jessie & Hulon Cornette
Email: www.jmcornette.com
Date: Mon Jan 05 16:05:40 EST 2004
Darin, this is very good. I know it took a lot of time. Darin, Hulon’s shoot down account was not included. If you need some more information just let us know. We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your Web site is truly commendable. Not too many people would spend as much time and energy to keep the history of 458th. Bomb Group alive. Jessie and Hulon


Name: Jessie & Hulon Cornette
Email: www.jmcornette.aol
Date: Mon Jan 05 16:14:25 EST 2004
Darin: you have done a great job with your web site on the 458th bomb group.
These men certainly need to be remembered and I know you much have loved your dad very much to spend as much time and energy in order for him and all the others who fought for Americas freedom.


Name: Sandy Hall
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 10 17:26:02 EST 2004
Charles S, Innis was my father. I would be interested in learning anything anyone knew about him. Thank you, Sandy Innis Hall


Name: Sue Cole-Knepper
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jan 12 18:55:27 EST 2004
What a wonderful tribute to all the men in the 753rd Bomb Squadron! Thank you so much for the effort you have made to keep these brave men in our minds and hearts. My father is MSgt USAF, Ret. Cedric C Cole, Crew 33, 753rd Bomb Squadron, 458th Bomb Group, 2nd Air Division, Eighth Air Force. His B-24, ‘Flak Magnet’, was shot down on April 22, 1944 by the infamous Luftwaffe ace, Major Heinz Bar. He and the rest of his crew were POW’s in Stalag 17b, Krems, Austria for over a year. My father has written several stories pertaining to his war experiences and would love to share them with anyone interested. He is 83 years old now but still is involved in updating his memoirs. He would love to hear from anyone who was a POW in Stalag 17b. His email address is: [email protected] Thank you again for a wonderful link to our brave men of the 753rd Bomb Squadron!


Name: Robert W. Hansen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jan 19 10:55:44 EST 2004
I visited your website last night. It is very interesting and well organized with a wealth of information. In the guest book I found a message from my navigators (George Kovaka) son Daniel and I have e-mailed him. Also there is a message from my son Roger Hansen about the history of my pilot training and experiences with the 458th. Thanks again for the great work.


Name: Alain Rosseels
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jan 21 08:01:56 EST 2004
Hello ,
Really a great site. Is there anyone who can help me with information concerning the bombing raid made by the 458th on may 9th 1944 to the airfield off St-Trond in Belgium. Any info is always very useful.
Alain Rosseels
St-Trond, Belgium


Name: Bill Kramer
Email: indianlake @ netsence net.
Date: Sat Jan 24 11:11:06 EST 2004
I was the copilot on Chuck Shaw’s crew #26 in the 753rd Sqd. We flew several Azon missions and completed our 31 missions on 8/14/44. You have done a great job with all the data you have collected.


Name: Joseph Avendano Duran
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jan 25 23:12:20 EST 2004
I’m asking for my friend, Fred Broshack who served with the 458th as top turret gunner under Col. James H. Isbell. Does anyone know if the Col. is still living?


Name: Ed Silver
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jan 28 14:02:33 EST 2004
I have a newspaper clip published in 1944 of a mission we were on flying “Rough Riders” when we ran out of gas and landed “dead stick”. I will attempt to find it and send it on.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jan 29 15:06:14 EST 2004


Name: Wayne Gamble
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jan 30 19:14:12 EST 2004
Have to look up which squadron I was in and will send crew picture. I was in 458th from about March til Sept 1944 & flew 30 missions.


Name: Rupert Hutchinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jan 31 11:45:41 EST 2004
I was with the 491st BG and spent time in Switzerland. Enjoyed your info. Keep up the good work so that the younger people can see what we went thru for everyone’s freedom.


Name: Benjamin D. Marshall
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 02 21:25:38 EST 2004
Flew copilot on Dale Dyer’s crew Sept 44 to VE Day. Would welcome comments from anybody. Good luck and thanks for the website.


Name: Loren Hillsinger
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Feb 02 22:36:31 EST 2004
I am looking for any information about my father Col. Loren (aka Poo) Boyd Hillsinger.I know at one time he flew with the Eighth Air Force. He was also a USMA grad 1932.


Name: Edward L Roettele, Jr
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Feb 05 20:13:02 EST 2004
Great website. I was in 752nd Sqdn, bombardier, navigator & gunner. Flew 35 missions with Stan Seivertson’s crew. We got there in August 44 and finished April 45. We flew 13 different aircraft but Big Chief Little Beaver our primary. Also flew Jolly Rodger during Battle of Bulge and just about didn’t make it back. I still am in contact with Stan and believe most of the crew still alive. Am in FL but I do have more info at home. Keep the site going.


Name: Barbara Haman
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Feb 08 20:13:13 EST 2004
Thank you. Sgt. Marvin Lademan was my Uncle and I had never seen the picture with his fellow Squadron members. he was only 20 years old when he was shot down over Berlin. I wish that my Mom, his big sister, was alive to see this.


Name: Joseph A VENDANO Duran
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 13 22:48:04 EST 2004
While doing research on my uncle, I met a 458BG 753SQ Vet by the name Freddie Broshack a Top Turret Gunner who served from 1944-1945.He is asking if Col. Isbell 458th CO is still around.


Name: 1 Lt John Wynn
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Feb 14 19:37:59 EST 2004
Bombardier with 754th BS
Aircraft Mizpah and Envy of em All II Z5-B


Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Feb 18 12:55:27 EST 2004
I commend you on this fabulous site. This is truly a labor of love on your part and although my dad flew in the 459th BG, this is a special salute to the men who flew in the 458th BG and helped preserve freedom for the whole world to enjoy. My sincerest compliments go your way.
Glenn Stacy


Name: Thomas F. Jeffers
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 20 15:21:43 EST 2004
I was a bombardier on Rhapsody in Junk. I was proud to fly with the 458th Bomb Group and be in the company of so many great men. I salute them all.


Name: John M Clayborn
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Feb 24 14:19:28 EST 2004
This is great! I’ve seen very little on the 458th. My father, Lt. John J Clayborn was a navigator on B24 # 44-40283-I, 458th BG, 753rd B.Sq., J4. Their plane crashed in Norwich, England on return to Horsham-St. Faith Air Base on Jan. 14, 1945. I have one small photo of the crew, and my sister has a larger version of the same crew photo. I also have a letter written by John’s bother, Henry, who served in the army in France. He took leave to England and talked to the co-pilot, who didn’t fly that day and described the flight and crew. If these are of interest I will submit them.


Name: Everett G. Walker
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Feb 25 19:28:14 EST 2004

[Bombardier on Larson crew – shot down July 7, 1944]


Name: Thomas B. Lynch
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Feb 26 17:51:17 EST 2004
I Was the navigator on Bob Clarks ship STINKY. Flew 34 missions between March 6, 1944 and June 24,1944. Retired in 1972 from US Army with rank of LTC. Great web site and great tribute


Date: Sat Feb 28 11:18:27 EST 2004


Name: Thomas Holt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 13 09:31:42 EST 2004
My Dad William W. Holt was in 458th as a tail gunner on a B-24 and completed 30 missions but I cannot locate him in any photographs. If you send on any information I would appreciate it.

His son,
Tom Holt


Name: Wayne Gamble
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Mar 20 16:20:30 EST 2004
Darin-what a great job you have done in collecting materials and photos. I had no idea all this was available. Thanks for this.


Name: Scott Albert
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 23 21:26:18 EST 2004
Thank you for helping me learn more about my father’s time overseas during WWII. This is a great web site and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of the effort put into it. I wish I had started looking sooner. Thank you to all who served!


Name: Fred O. Svartdal
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Mar 26 15:30:03 EST 2004
Hello Darin.
Great Web Site You have made. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes from Norway


Name: David S. Manker
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 30 11:29:48 EST 2004
I served as a pilot of a B-24, flying out of Norwich, England, 1944. I was Crew 30, 753rd Squadron, 458th Bomb Group. After completing 31 missions, in August, 1944, I was sent to a group that was formed to haul gasoline to France for General Patton’s tanks. In late December, the group was disbanded and I was sent back to the United States where I was assigned to Smyrna AFB near Nashville, TN. I was discharged from service in August, 1945. Since 1991, my wife and I have been living at 405 Broadmeadow Court, Roswell, GA 30075-2963. (770) 640-5357


Name: Jan Zdiarsky
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 31 04:40:28 EST 2004
Hi everyone,
please accept regards from the Czech republic. Thanks to veterans for serving for our freedom and to your younger historians and archivists for keeping this history alive. I am looking for any info about B-24 42-50314 “ETO Playground” or “ETO Playhouse” lost on 11th September 1944 and crew of Lt. Horgan, also as about the Group activity on this mission to Magdeburg on 11th Sept. 1944.
Any information is very appreciate.
Jan Zdiarsky


Name: echols, john
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Mar 31 22:40:35 EST 2004
don, my brother who you have been in contact with sent me copies of our picture in front of “Rough Riders” and the write ups on us and Blum’s dead stick landing which I had never seen before. Thank and if I can help let me know. John 256-442-6970


Name: Bobby D. Simon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Apr 09 13:35:48 EDT 2004
Thanks for the site. My father, Loveless Joseph Simon was to be a member of the 458th (755th Sqdn) I was told. Looking for anything. He passed away April 23, 2003 at 81 yoa. He lost his cousin Wilbert Abshire (Briney Marlin) over the North Sea about the time he got to England. Thanks to all who involved themselves in the war that changed the course of history.
Always, Bobby D. Simon


Name: Pam Todd
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Apr 19 20:35:19 EDT 2004
This is a great site! Congratulations on your site and all you’re hard work. As I went through your guess book I noticed a lot of names looked familiar the 458th came through Kearns Utah on September 11, 1943. Kearns was an overseas depot. If anyone remembers being sent to Kearns I would like to hear from you. I seen a picture that listed a name that I have been looking for? William Wright I have a few things that he had written while he was at Kearns, if it is the same guy they would make for a wonderful addition to your web site. Please contact me? at [email protected]
Thanks Pam Todd Kearns Historian


Name: Gary M. DeForest
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Apr 21 12:49:03 EDT 2004
Found your web site looking for anything on my Father ( Harold H DeForest)found it under Crew 71 . Thanks for the info


Name: Jim Cameron
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Apr 29 13:52:21 EDT 2004
I will be one more of the “Great Site” postings. When I started looking into my Uncles military history, I wasn’t able to find too much in the way of info. His name is William Cameron (goes by Bill, even though that is not his given name) and he was a B/N on Lassie Come Home 458BG 753BS (not part of the Azon crew). He was on detached duty (temporary duty…not sure which one) on the day his plane went down. The story that he tells is that even though there was a replacement for him that day, he was returning to base as the crew was preparing for a mission. He was going to tag along on the flight, but wanted to get some coffee and a donut, and by the time he returned, the plane was already taking off. If there is anyone that would have pictures of the crew, or plane that they would like to share, or even to get in contact with him, please send me an email. My Uncle isn’t too proficient with a computer so I will have to relay the information.


Name: Karl Lake
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Apr 30 16:23:02 EDT 2004
I work at Norwich airport(Horsham St. Faith) and am a member of the aviation museum here. Am researching a mid air collision on 23/02/1945 at Felmingham Norfolk, we have just received flak helmet and flare pistol from this incident at the museum. Have official crash report and crew names but would like more info/pictures of crew. Tried E-mail but you are not receiving mail.
Karl Lake.


Name: Bill Clark
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri May 07 19:44:53 EDT 2004
I was a member of the 458th BG from January 1945 thru June 1945. I was assigned to the 753 Bomb Squadron and flew as a waist gunner on 19 combat missions during that time. My pilot was Bob Brown and co-pilot was George Kosier. I’m happy that we finally have a website.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 10 23:16:28 EDT 2004
My father was in the 458/752 and his name was Franklin J. Shepherd (navigator). He served in 1944 at Horsham and I have a couple of pictures of his crew. Ever hear any of this? He survived. Thanks.


Name: Charlotte Walters
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue May 11 17:46:14 EDT 2004
My father, John Beddow, is pictured in the Armour crew in the 754th squadron. He is interested in any information about a William Bradley -I’m unsure of the last name spelling. He played piano and had made recordings before the war.


Name: Terry Garrett
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 16 20:55:05 EDT 2004
I’m looking for any living crew members of the B-24 “Yankee Buzz Bomb”. Does anyone know? The man kneeling on the far 2nd row is my Uncle Henry L. Boyd.


Name: len wainick
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue May 18 15:50:26 EDT 2004
glad to see “our” site progressing. Who flew in “Last Card Louie” after we left. Final mission 9/11/44–what a DATE.


Name: Trevor hewitt
Email: [email protected],co.uk
Date: Wed May 19 18:57:30 EDT 2004
Hello Darin Trevor in Norwich UK here !
What a great job you’ve done with this site, I don’t know where you get the time but it was well worth it. All the best, chap! Trevor


Name: neil
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri May 21 15:30:16 EDT 2004
i live in old catton norwich right next to the airport and am i stumbled upon this great site a joy to read thanks


Name: Dana S Brown
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 23 07:41:27 EDT 2004
My dad Charles S Brown #0780460 was in the 458 – 752 group H. I have all his belongs from the war. I would like to share this with everyone!!! The list in endless what he saved. Please contact me, I’m glad I found this web site.


Name: Lieber Family
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat May 29 18:50:59 EDT 2004
My Grandfather served in the 753rd Squadron, crew # 25. I am glad this website was found, I have pictures of my grandfather & my friends are amazed when they see them.


Name: janice lumley
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun May 30 01:23:18 EDT 2004
My father James Fittinger was in the group picture of Bomb Ah Dear–But was shot down in the Flak Magnet on April 22, 1944–If anyone knows of his service with the Bomb Ah Dear–Please contact me


Name: Curtis W. Clump
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 31 10:14:27 EDT 2004
I was a member of the 755th SQ. from mid-May ’44 to late Oct. 44 when I completed 31 missions.. Charles Houser was the pilot of my crew.


Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon May 31 10:41:14 EDT 2004
I flew 30 missions as radio operator gunner in the 754th Sq. from March till June of 1944.Glad to see such a great website. I was a member of Charles Brauer’s crew.


Name: Bob Craig, Jr. and III
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jun 01 00:23:28 EDT 2004
My dad was the navigator on the “Briney Marlin” that was in a mid-air collision over Cromer, England, 458th BG. Any details appreciated. Thanks, Bob Craig bobcraig.com


Name: Gary Lieber
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 03 20:57:01 EDT 2004
God bless all the men who served.
My father served and was assigned to Crew # 25 . His name was Leo Lieber.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jun 05 13:46:26 EDT 2004


Name: Richard Kiddle
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jun 08 15:56:27 EDT 2004
Had a Uncle that was navigator in the 752nd. Flew 30 Missions. His name was Verdon L. Cox


Name: Hopkins
Email: Richard
Date: Sun Jun 13 15:54:56 EDT 2004
Do you have any info on LT. Vermerion or his crew. I flew with his crew on The Invasion June6th and would like to get in touch


Name: andreas herbert andert
Email: andreas andert (magdeburg, germany)
Date: Sun Jun 13 16:39:12 EDT 2004
Good bless you and all your families and nobody does bombing your hometown. In memoriam of the casualties from the bomb attack on the 16 January 1945 to Magdeburg. The war was “over”, why did you leave the bombs out?


Name: Bill Zemina
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jun 15 17:48:29 EDT 2004
Nice site and very deserving to those who served our country in WWII. Keep up the good work. I know one of your squadron members personally so I have great interest in its history.


Name: Brian Coane
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 17 19:47:30 EDT 2004
I have always been interested in WWII aircraft (a modeler for over 40 years) and subsequently a WWII history buff. Every time I see a documentary about the air war I feel tremendous admiration for the young men getting into those planes. Not because what they were doing was an adventure. Because I hope that in the same circumstances I would have the courage to get into the plane at all, knowing what was waiting for them. A few individuals have been awarded the CMH, as far as I am concerned every one of those airmen should also get one. The phrase “uncommon valor” does not even come close to what those men showed. We all owe them a debt of gratitude.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jun 17 23:28:26 EDT 2004
I WAS TAIL GUNNER 752nd squadron flying with crew 6 my pilot was lt. R. GULICK. If anyone has info of crew 6 I would appreciate.


Name: Susan Weiner
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 18 17:00:02 EDT 2004
Long time, no speak Darin. Hope you and the family are well. I’ll be heading down to Florida in mid-July and will bringing home some of Dad’s war memorabilia. I contact you should there be something that may be worth posting on the site.
Susan Weiner

[My father, F/O Sheldon Weiner, passed away on 02/13/04. Dad was on the Stoneburner crew that went down on 09/09/44 while on a mission to Mainz. Thanks to site’s like Darin’s, I was able to track down one of my father’s crew mates, John Brixus, and they spent about 90 minutes on the phone back in 2003. It was the first time they spoke since bailing out of the plane. John, should you see this posting, that conversation meant a great deal to Dad. I’m happy the two of you had a chance to re-connect.]


Name: Rose Marie Ezatoff
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jun 18 22:46:11 EDT 2004
I am a friend of the widow of 1st Lt. John H. Combs, 754th Squadron. He was shot down 4/25/44 and a POW for 1 year. I found your site and his picture with crew here. Mrs. Combs will be contacting you by e-mail to add to the history. Thank you.


Name: don echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jun 19 15:25:01 EDT 2004


Name: Canonne Philippe
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jun 20 11:43:21 EDT 2004
Bonjour, I am writing 2 books : 11 June 1944 mission : Blois St Denis bridge bombing and Bourges missions (ex. 10 April mission). Please, I would like to be in touch with pilots who were involved in these missions: veterans, comrades in arms, relatives or historians. Any info, memories, photos would be greatly appreciated, the sources mentioned
Thanking you in anticipation. Philippe Canonne.1 rue Balzac, 37.700 Ville-aux-Dames, France


Name: Dee Goff
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jun 20 22:36:24 EDT 2004
My Dad was 1st Lt John H. Combs. Unfortunately, he has passed away. I’d be most grateful to learn anything about his crew or any other information that you may be able to provide about his bombardment group. My Mom has already sent you an email stating that she is in possession of memorabilia & news clippings that may be helpful to you. I respect your endeavor and would love to be included on your list of contacts as you discover and/or write about events surrounding that period of the war.
Most respectfully,
Dee (Deanna) Goff


Name: Roger Anderson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jun 21 17:29:00 EDT 2004
Capt Ronald Gulick, my 1st cousin, is pictured with his crew and the Yankee Buzz Bomb here. I recall a similar photo that hung in his parent’s bedroom in Dallas. His middle name was Anderson. I named my first born son Ronald (1966) to honor my cousin. Ronald Gulick died from brain cancer at age 52, about 1974. He had taken me duck hunting shortly before his fatal illness was discovered and I remember him most fondly. One story I have heard told was that he led a squadron that destroyed the Gulick Castle in Germany where German soldiers were using it as a base of operations. I would like to hear more if anyone knows more about his time in the service.


Name: Laura Combs Schiavon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jun 29 11:19:31 EDT 2004
My father was John Combs, pilot in the 458th bomb group. Thank you for the information & picture!


Name: Laura Combs Schiavon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jun 29 11:35:35 EDT 2004
My father was the late Col. John H. Combs Jr, pictured in the 754th squad, crew 44. He was the pilot of the craft that was shot down, he was taken POW at the infamous Stalag 3 (scene of the “great escape”). This is an amazing site, and we all thank you for your diligent and hard work. My father would be proud.


Name: frank owens
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jul 03 16:48:01 EDT 2004
I was looking up info for my grandfather who was in the 458th in Horsham St .faith he flew b-24 his name Frank J. Beck Can’t really find a lot of info out there


Name: don echols
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Jul 03 20:38:50 EDT 2004
I flew with Capt Alan Blum crew July 44 thru August 14 missions My brother John also flew and completed his 30. Don Echols


Name: Jaap Vermeer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jul 04 16:43:29 EDT 2004
On the 6th off March 1944 a B-24 crashed in the Nijkerk , Holland area. All crew safely bailed out. Some crewmembers were helped by the resistance. Nickname was Roll Call 458th BG, 754 BS, pilot: Thayer Hopkins. I am now in contakt with Darin Scorza who is looking for a picture off the B-24. I am a member of the SGLO, our website is: http://www.airwar39-45.nl
Our group is busy with all losses in WW II from Allied and German planes .
Good site and greetings from Jaap


Name: Richard Combs
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jul 06 14:38:46 EDT 2004
My father was Lt. John Combs, pilot of Crew 44. Like many men of his era, Dad did not talk much about the war. Your web site has helped know more about his experience. Thank you.


Name: Cliff Leverette
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 07 17:43:47 EDT 2004
In 1986 or ’87, the Confederate Air Force B-17G “Sentimental Journey” landed at Hawkins Field in Jackson, Mississippi, and I took my 5 year old daughter and my dad, James Leverette, an Air Corps vet, to tour the plane. While my daughter and I enthusiastically toured the plane, Jim stayed back and was kind of quiet. When we were through and went back to the car, he broke down and cried, and told me that his high school buddy who went to Memphis with dad to join up in ’43, was a ball turret gunner on a B-17 and was killed in the war. Later, I found out that the boy’s name was Jerome T. (Talmadge) Caffey. I have found his photo on your site, along with the rest of the crew of 2Lt. Frank Morley’s plane. I can’t thank you enough. I would like to show this to dad, but just last Monday he was admitted to the Sonny Montgomery VA Medical Center nursing home unit with Alzheimer’s and because he is living almost totally in the past in his mind, spending time with long gone relatives, I am tenativ


Name: Marilyn Walton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jul 08 08:28:41 EDT 2004
Those interested in the 458th might be interested to know of the RAF/458th memorial dedication in Norwich on Thursday July 29th at 2:00 p.m. A monument will be erected to pay tribute to all the men of the 458th. You know I will be there for my recently deceased father, Thomas F. Jeffers, of the Northrop crew. Also, in Zagan (formerly Sagan) Poland, either next spring or winter, there will be a memorial “walk” taking the same route the POWS took during the winter of 1945. Younger people will walk it, and buses will be provided for older people who want to remember the POWs in this way. Details will be announced later. Marilyn


Name: Peter Connell
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jul 11 15:21:26 EDT 2004
I am the nephew of Jim Burke, Crew 71R, 755 Squadron, 458 Bomb Group.


Name: Tommy Barnes
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 14 14:52:09 EDT 2004
My wife’s grandfather was S/Sgt Calvin Sewell who flew with the 458th. Although we knew him and were in contact with him up until his passing a few years ago, we know very little about his tour of duty. He didn’t speak of it. The information he did put together has not been made available. I want to say thanks for putting this site together. It means a lot to us. Thanks.


Name: James Kerry Burke
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 14 18:39:51 EDT 2004
My father, Jim Burke, was a WG on the “Briney Marlin”(Crew 71R) and was very proud of his service, even though he never talked about it. I’m very glad to have had my cousin, Peter Connell, locate this site and would love to correspond with anyone who served with my Dad. God Bless you all!


Name: Toni Brannon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jul 18 16:34:38 EDT 2004
My father is Afton Lloyd Brannon, was a T/Sgt, radio operator and gunner, in the 753rd. He told me that the name of the B-24J he was assigned to was called “Bachelor’s Bedlam”. According to his individual flight records, he was with the 753rd from June, 1944 to March, 1945. I do not know what crew he was with. He has never talked about his experiences. Although I am blessed to have my dad still with me, his memory of these events has left him. I wish to thank those of you who have placed information on this site. Thank you, Darin Scorza, for putting this site together.


Name: John Schafer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jul 20 09:27:22 EDT 2004
Sam Scorza is my grandfather. I never knew him but I am very happy to see this website so that I can learn a little about his military experiences. Thank you for putting this site up.


Name: Michael Northrop
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jul 22 00:04:09 EDT 2004
I am a son of Major Henry H. Northrop. He was with the 754th Squadron of the 458th BG. I live in Bountiful, UT. My dad had three other children with my mom (Billie Conners whom he married after the war ended): Henry H. Jr. “Sonny” (1947), myself, (1959), James Todd (1963) and Marie Alane, (1964). My dad piloted a B-24 Liberator during WWII. His plane, “Rhapsody in Junk,” was shot down on my dad’s third mission. He was captured and held prisoner for 10 months. He married Billie Conners (my mom) when he came home and lived a long and happy life in Utah. He missed New York, his home. He often spoke of New York sports teams and their superiority over all comers! He taught me how to pitch. He could throw some heat! He never spoke of the war to any of us. My mother once told me that he believed he was living on “borrowed” time. He passed away in 1997 at the age of 80. Thank you Darin for allowing me to tell you about my dad.


Name: Melvin Kenyon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jul 22 12:28:36 EDT 2004
I am Melvin Kenyon, a veteran of the 458th BG-755th SQ- Crew #61. The original crew consisted of Maurice Bittler (Pilot), James Olney (Co-Pilot), Robert DEEGAN (NAVIGATOR), Melvin Kenyon(Bombardier), Roy Holton (Radio Operator) Dale Steiner (Top Turret), Phillip Cloud (Engineer) Howard Cassady (Gunner) Wesley Belleson (Tail Gunner)– Oscar Crowley (Ball Turret Gunner). It is believed that crew#61 was the first to arrive at Horsham station 123. Everyone completed his 30 mission. I have a pic of the crew. How can I send it to you?


Name: Elaine M. Combs
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Jul 25 18:13:30 EDT 2004
Darin: My family and I can’t thank you enough for your tremendous time, effort, and dedication in putting together information on the 458th BG. My husband, 1st Lt. John H. Combs was a pilot in the 754th Sq., Crew #44, shot down on April 25, 1944 and became a POW for one year. He said little about these experiences, that is why your research is so important. Col. Combs retired in 1972 after also serving in Korea and Vietnam. He passed away in 1998. If anyone has any information on his plane or crew members, I’d appreciate you contacting me. Thank you Darin. You’re putting history available to us. Elaine C.


Name: Marie Haag
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Jul 26 12:20:54 EDT 2004
Henry Northrop was a great man and a hero, last one out of the plane, and never complained, but always prayed. To me he was a hero, but will always be my dad….I love you and miss you greatly. Thank you for all you did for me and the whole world.


Name: beverly parson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Jul 27 14:48:27 EDT 2004
Hi everyone this is a great site. My dad was Byron Dale Chapman and he was in the 458th BG 752nd Squadron, Crew 6. He passed away in May of 1998. If anyone out there flew with him please let me know.


Name: Teresa Chapman-Golden
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Jul 28 21:37:19 EDT 2004
Daughter of Byron Dale Chapman of 458th Bomb Group, 752nd Squadron.


Name: Ed Silver
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Jul 29 15:59:57 EDT 2004
I had my nephew attend the memorial dedication at Horsham today. He e-mailed me pictures. The field has changed in the past 60 years.


Name: Wayne Gamble
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jul 30 10:52:49 EDT 2004
I was in 754th from about May -October 1944, I was navigator. Pilot was James Judge and one of gunners was Charles Bryson from North Carolina. If anyone knows if these two still alive I would like to get in touch.


Name: Chuck Melton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Jul 30 14:57:30 EDT 2004
My dad was Charles A. Melton, pilot of “Paddlefoot” – Crew 67.


Name: Joe Panza
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 04 11:36:22 EDT 2004
Great work – thanks for keeping the legacy alive. My ex-wife’s father was Luther “Andy” Anderson who was a radio operator on “Table Stuff”. I would appreciate being contacted by surviving crew members or family of Table Stuff crew members: Capt Maurice E Speer, 2nd Lt Weldon O Cronkite, 2nd Lt Jack L Halvorson, 2nd Lt Alfred E Peterson, S/Sgt Richard O Lohr. Thanks very much. Colonel Joe Panza, Colonel USAF (Ret)


Name: Frank Centola
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Aug 06 00:58:07 EDT 2004
Nephew of Lt. Edward O. Centola, 755 Squadron, Crew 77. The last time I saw him was in 1944 when I was 5 years old.
He was going to England. He showed me a model of the B-24 of which he was a crewmember.


Name: Kenneth Corliss
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Aug 06 13:28:13 EDT 2004
My great-uncle is S/Sgt. Morris W. Lunn. I never knew what Unit he was in or if there were maybe pictures of him. If there are any more pictures of Morris, please let me know. Would love to see them.


Name: Dave Melton
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Aug 09 16:15:08 EDT 2004
So happy and proud to see my father and his crew (crew 67 755th sq) on your website. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!
Dave Melton


Name: Justin Martin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 15 23:27:51 EDT 2004
I began looking into this group for my high school counselor. Her father was Clinton E. Wallace, copilot of ‘Old Doc’s Yacht’ 8th AF 458th BG, & I’m so glad to see that there is more information I’ll be able to give her! She never knew much about his experiences during the war because he never talked much about it, but she always wanted to know. Thank you, Darin, for all you’re doing! This site is awesome & adds to the info you already gave me. I can’t wait to learn more & give everything I find to her!


Name: James Gordon Meek
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 19 11:17:52 EDT 2004
Sad news to report to the 458th Bomb Group. My grandfather, Brig. Gen. James Horace Isbell USAF (Ret.), the commander of the 458th, died yesterday, 18 August 2004 at age 90 in San Antonio, Texas, not far from the air fields where he learned to fly and where he was married to the former Virginia Fleming in 1939. Ginny died several years ago. He faded away very quickly after a short bout with an upper respiratory ailment.


Name: Gordon Brown
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Aug 22 09:58:10 EDT 2004
I flew 50 missions with the 450th out of Manduria Italy Sept. 1944 Thru April 1945.


Name: Col Joe Panza
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Aug 26 11:13:23 EDT 2004
Thanks for keeping the memory of these heroic crews alive.


Name: trevor hewitt
Email: [email protected],co.uk
Date: Mon Aug 30 14:29:22 EDT 2004
we have just had a memorial dedication here in the village of Frettenham Norfolk England to the crew of B24 Belle of Boston 754thsq 458th BG which crashed in our village May 8th 44. This memorial would not have been possible to put up without the invaluable and sterling work done by Darin Scorza! Many thanks to Darin from all the villagers of Frettenham, especially the Hewitt and Sidell families.


Name: Don Atkinson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Aug 31 09:33:51 EDT 2004
I want to thank you for sending me the 458th records, and for all the work you do to keep our Group history alive. You are doing a great job for us.


Name: Lewis Fisher
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Sep 07 19:45:55 EDT 2004
Thanks for this great site. I found the crew photo of my uncle, Carson Fisher (crew53) I have been researching this for several years and feel like i struck gold!!I would like to know the name of his B24 and any nose art. He was WIA and has now passed on I would also like to hear from any crew members of his.


Name: Marge Tamboer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Sep 19 12:25:40 EDT 2004
I’m so glad I found your website. Harry L. Tamboer was KIA when “Admirable Little Character” crashed. His sister & brother are still living but have such little information about him. He was my first cousin. The website is wonderful. Thank you.


Name: Torsin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Oct 10 12:56:13 EDT 2004
Very interesting site. My grandson adopted the grave of 1Lt Donald McNeely, navigator on “Yukon Boy” and KIA in December 1944 near St Vith Belgium. Would like to have more info on this flyer. Thanks.


Name: johnspadone
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Oct 10 21:29:09 EDT 2004
Using my daughters email to found out how you are getting along in your book. Any new editions, any one from 752 bomb squad (enlisted men). Any new editions from 458 bomb group or any other bomb squadrons.
John Spadone – “Bombs away!”


Name: Tony Recchia
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Oct 23 18:42:50 EDT 2004
I have many photos from the 458th. Some of the ships pics are on your site. Would be glad to share them with you. Please contact me!


Name: Gene Price
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Oct 25 19:02:29 EDT 2004
Thank you for this information on Crew 42. It answers a lot of questions about the tragic crash and circumstances surrounding the event.
Nephew of 2LT Paul E. Kingsley.


Name: linda kilcrease
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Oct 27 19:51:23 EDT 2004
Elton Kingsley, was my oldest brother.
I have been so excited about all of this history. I feel as though I found a family member that I never knew. I was only 1 year old when he was killed.
God Bless You, Linda Kilcrease


Name: Sharon Brittain
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Oct 27 21:32:01 EDT 2004
Thank you so much for having this wonderful website. I am the niece of 2LT.Paul Kingsley. This site has really answered a lot of questions for my Mom. Thank You so very much for this and for being a great hero on the day of the crash. You are keeping this alive so my children will have this info.


Name: Allen Bryant
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Oct 28 11:18:59 EDT 2004
I am so glad to have found your website. It has really answered a lot of questions that I have always wondered about. I am the great nephew of 2LT. Paul Kingsley.


Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Oct 28 11:42:44 EDT 2004


Name: Trevor hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Oct 31 09:47:18 EST 2004
Hello Darin, I cannot thank you enough for all your help in finding relatives of the crew of Belle Of Boston which crashed in my village of Frettenham on may the 8th 1944. My father is ever grateful to you for putting him in touch with John Rogenmuser again after 60 years. The memorial to Lt Paul Kingsley’s crew has been put up in our village hall here in Frettenham, Norfolk. It looks absolutely great. Many thanks and keep up the good work.
Trevor Hewitt


Name: linda kilcrease
Email: lunchlady902@cs,com
Date: Mon Nov 01 16:09:09 EST 2004
Thanks so much for all the information. It has been so exciting. I am 2Lt. Paul Kingsley’s youngest sister. Words can not express what this has meant to us.
Linda Kingsley Kilcrease


Name: Barbara Girgis
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Nov 02 09:04:41 EST 2004
This is so nice. I am a first cousin to 2Lt. Paul Kingsley. You have touched so many with this web site. Thank you.


Name: Derek Hutson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Nov 03 12:48:49 EST 2004
I remember the aircraft of the 458th over Norwich in 1944. We were staying with relatives to avoid the flying bomb scare in London. For a lad of 5 years old it was a great display when they came back after a raid. Sixty years on and many other aeronautical memories I haven’t forgotten the red and white fin markings.


Name: Maurice Lee Watson
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Nov 09 17:39:34 EST 2004
Darin Scorza told me about this web site. It is wonderful. I was a member of the Moran crew in the 755th squadron. Eight of us made it home.


Name: Jane Vilimek
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Nov 10 14:26:21 EST 2004
Howard Bradley was my uncle who I never met. I have been curious about him, and his death in the war since I was a child. Yesterday, my son Taylor and I were looking for inspiration for his Remembrance Day project, and we found this photo of the 458th Bombardment Group. I understand he wasn’t on the January 16th mission, and would be interested to know which mission he was on when he was killed. My mother Eileen Lillico (nee Bradley) will be thrilled to know about this site, as it gives her brother some recognition along with his squadron.
Thank you from all of us!
Jane Vilimek and family


Name: Jack Whetstone
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Nov 11 13:00:57 EST 2004
Sgt Jack Gonzales was alternately a ball turret and waist gunner on the B-24 “Rhapsody In Junk.” He was part of the replacement crew #2. The plane was piloted by 2Lt. Henry Northrop whose son has already left information in the guest book. 2LT Thomas Jeffers, the bombardier and his daughter Marilyn Walton have also left guestbook entries. Marilyn has been a wonderful resource for my research into my-brother-in-law Jack Gonzales’ other crew member status. Jack has since been in contact with his best buddy crew member, Lawrence Dean via his daughter Brenda Dean and the two will meet for the first time since becoming POWs in 1944. This will be at a crew reunion in early 2005, hopefully to be attended by others they know. Jack Gonzales and my youngest sister Marie were role models for me as a youth. Both are loving and eternally positive human beings who have always given highly of themselves to family and friends. Jack became a member of my family shortly after the war and took a great


Name: Trevor Hewitt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Nov 11 14:05:09 EST 2004
on this day of remembrance in the UK, Armistice day, the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, these words which follow will be thought and spoken throughout, “THEY SHALL GROW NOT OLD , AS WE THAT ARE LEFT GROW OLD.
From all the residents of Frettenham, Norfolk, England.


Name: leon
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Nov 12 10:36:40 EST 2004
I’ve been researching the grandfather of a co-worker and found him on this site. It’s great to have completed my research on the tail gunner from the Admiral Little Character. These men will never be forgotten. Thanks


Name: Sheldon and Lowell Bair
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Nov 13 10:28:09 EST 2004
Great site – will email you…


Name: Wayne Schwegel
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Nov 17 20:28:28 EST 2004
Ironic that in researching S/Sgt Howard J. Schwegel, KIA June 1944, 856th BS, 492nd BG(H) (B-24H out of North Pickenham), I would discover another S/Sgt. (William) Schwegel, who occupied the same position on the same type of aircraft at around the same time. Anybody know what happened to William “Bill” Schwegel?
Great website!
Wayne Schwegel — S/Sgt Howard J. Schwegel’s nephew


Name: Paul & Bobi Kelley & Family
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Nov 20 01:27:42 EST 2004
I am writing this note in memory of Robert W. Burman who passed away on October 15, 2004. Bob was a 1st Lt. in WWII with the 752nd Squadron. His injuries caused him serious pain and disability throughout his life. However, Bob continued to pursue life in the same manner which he served his country. Dignity and honor were his middle names. His family and friends will long remember him as a man of honor and great personal strength.


Name: LTC Blaine Hill
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Nov 23 13:00:32 EST 2004
I’m the son of Lt. Bennie Hill, crew 106 shot down over Caen France on June 17, 1944. He was a member of the 458th Bomb Group, 754th Squadron. I’m researching information about him.


Name: Rob Ebbing
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Nov 25 16:55:00 EST 2004
Hello I’m one of Al Ebbing’s son’s. 458th -752 Squadron-Robert Burman-Pilot
Nice website!


Name: LTC Blaine Hill
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Nov 25 22:52:16 EST 2004
The power of the Web, wow! I received an email and it brought tears to my eyes. The writer’s father lived with my father and they shared a plane between crews. Both our fathers are gone, but the link is there. Thank you for the web site.


Name: Missy
Email: [email protected]
Date: Fri Nov 26 08:54:08 EST 2004
Thank you for this site. I have been looking for information on my Uncle for six months. Today, something told me to try again today. I found all I was looking for. He was David R. Totten “The Totten Crew”. If there is anyone who knew him, I would love to hear about him.

Thanks again from a loving Niece,


Name: Charles J. Bosshardt
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Nov 27 10:34:59 EST 2004
Thanks so much for posting Cecil Johnson’s crew picture on the website in time for Glenn to show it to me. I have enjoyed seeing it and the other 458th information you have. I am going to look at the info that I have about the 755th Squad., and will send it to Glenn so he can pass it on to you. We appreciate you preserving our history, and hope that other 458ers will learn of your website, and will take advantage of it. There are only three of our crew still living, but I am going to tell them about your website, although I am afraid one of them is like me, and doesn’t have a computer. But maybe he will be as lucky as I am to have a son who can help him.
Again much thanks.


Name: thomas kincaid
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Nov 27 15:32:18 EST 2004
Still looking for info or friends of Lee Kincaid Jr. / Tail gunner / instructor


Name: Shirley Erhart
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Nov 28 01:34:30 EST 2004
Today 24 friends and relatives gathered for an informal memorial to Robert Burman. My niece, Alice Burman/Williams shared your website and her recent research. Seeing Bob’s crew picture and his scarcely-mentioned record is a fitting end to a day of profound recollections and thoughtful discussion of WWII veteran’s adjustment to life. Your site is much appreciated. Shirley Erhart


Name: Dexter Weed
Email: [email protected]
Date: Mon Nov 29 11:46:54 EST 2004
Great site. My father served Red Weed. I am just now researching for information about the 458. He does not talk about it.


Name: Russ Raiter
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Nov 30 19:08:51 EST 2004


Name: Cynthia Cafarella
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Dec 01 10:08:12 EST 2004
My father was Ted Urbano of the 755th. If you go to “Moran” you will see a crew photo. I have a color pencil drawing of the crew drawn by my father on Christmas Eve of 1944. Many thanks to Lee Watson for all the support he gave my family over the years. If any relatives of Moran are out there please be aware that Lee and my father tried to track him down over the years. God Bless and God Sped


Name: Susan Schmerler
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 04 04:58:54 EST 2004
My father was Ted Urbano. May I take this guestbook moment to pass along to Lee Watson thank you for all that you have done for our family and for letting us know about this Wonderful 458th keepsake site. Our thanks to the Scorza Family for your hard work. God Bless all. Happy Holidays. Susan & Family


Name: Janice T. Simmons
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Dec 08 17:11:27 EST 2004
Thank you Mr. Watson for the information of this wed site. It is very interesting.
I appreciate all you have done for our country. I hope one day our young warriors can look back on their time of strife with as much pride as you do.
Thanks again,


Name: Robert T. Knox
Date: Thu Dec 09 12:45:39 EST 2004


Name: Jorn Madsen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sun Dec 12 13:02:13 EST 2004
I visited your site today. I live approx. I mile from the small village where the B-24 of 755th Squadron, crew 68 Logie crashed. I was 4 years old at the time and watched the plane come almost right overhead. I remember seeing chutes in the air behind it. I have several small fragments of the plane. I enjoyed visiting your site and reading Logie’s story.
Jorn Madsen, Denmark


Name: Angela (Nix) Ross
Email: [email protected]
Date: Wed Dec 15 09:16:48 EST 2004
Thank you so much for this website. Within the last 6 months, I was contacted by Trevor Hewett, son of the father & grandfather that pulled my father (crew #42) from the “Belle of Boston” crash at Frettenham, England. It has been a whirlwind of information that is dearly treasured by my siblings and myself. My father, Albert (Nicky) Nix, died approximately 6 years ago and through this information, we have been able to piece together what little information we did have from him, including a personal diary. As with all others, discussion of the wartime was not done. Thanks again for a wonderful website.


Name: Jessie M. Cornette
Email: [email protected]
Date: Thu Dec 16 19:23:29 EST 2004
Again thank you for establishing the 458 website. Excellent job.


Name: Rod Scott
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 18 14:40:11 EST 2004
Got this website from my mother. Dad was a member of F138 (Cecil Johnson crew).


Name: Terence Jones
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 18 17:36:12 EST 2004
My father was T/Sgt. Harold W. Jones of Burlington, NC and served in the 755th. I don’t know which crew he was assigned to so I would appreciate any other information. If I can get my hands on any photos from his service years I’ll be more than happy to supply them.


Name: Torsin
Email: [email protected]
Date: Sat Dec 25 05:19:09 EST 2004
My grandson has adopted the grave of Lt Mc Neely Donald, KIA Belgium 24-12-1944 aircraft “Yokum Boy” pilot Lt Giesen. I don’t find any of these names on your site in 752 Bomb Squadron. Who can help me with info? Thanks.


Name: Dave and Sheleen Spencer
Email: [email protected]
Date: Tue Dec 28 21:17:49 EST 2004
We are friends of Mr. Lee Watson. We feel very lucky to know him and his family and blessed that he bravely and safely is still with us. Thanks for sharing your story. We love you, Mr. Watson !